REGISTER.TXT I have great difficulty with the concept of 'crippleware', or expiration, or "expiring" key files as they apply to the Shareware marketing strategy. (Call me stupid, I don't care). Soooo...the only difference between this program and a registered version is that, once registered, you can download a (very) short key file that will remove the blinking UNREGISTERED words from the opening screen, and place your BBS name and SYSOP name on the opening screen instead. I believe that if the program is to your liking, does a good job, and works for you and your users, that you will compensate me for my efforts if you continually use it. In any case, you may continue using the unregistered version as long as you wish. Much of the credit for the existence of SHOPDOOR goes to Ted Freeman for writing the excellent DOORFRAME library, a product well worth his asking registration for programmers. Should SHOPDOOR meet with your approval, please fill out and mail the following form, with your check or money order for $10 to: Dennis White Route 5 Box 20 Oxford, MS 38655 **NOTE: At this price, I cannot afford to buy floppies and pay for postage to send the registered version to you, therefore, you MUST download your registeration key from The Main Board. It is a very small file, and only takes a second or two to download. It will be ready for you in a very timely fashion. After all, you're a SYSOP, you must have a modem! . The latest version of SHOPDOOR.ZIP can always be downloaded from TMB BBS under the filename , where xx is the version number, and xxx is the archiving extension. (ZIP,ARJ,LZH) (601)-234-2963 ------------------------------------------------------------ TO: Dennis White Route 5, Box 20 Oxford, MS 38655 YOUR NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________ CITY________________________ST_____ZIP______________ BBS NAME____________________________________________ BBS SOFTWARE________________________________________ BBS PHONE (____)_____-______ VOICE PHONE (___)_____-______ (optional) SHOPDOOR Version 2.01 $10.00 MS residents add 7% sales tax $._____ TOTAL $___.__ Please make available to me, my KEYFILE that will remove the blinking UNREGISTERED words from the opening screen, and place my BBS name and SYSOP name there instead. Registered to (usually sysop's name) -> ____________________ (usually board's name) -> ____________________ (Up to two lines, 40 characters each) I will download the keyfile from The Main Board at (601)-234-2963 . I understand I will be allowed access to this special area of the board only after this form is received by the SysOp of The Main Board, Dennis White. NOTE: your keyfile will have the name of the last eight letters of your last name + the archive extension. Of course if your name is less than eight letters, it will be the entire name! Example, if your name was Englebert Humperdink, you would look for the file: . Most likely, it will be attached to a message, and you will be notified it's ready upon logging in! Preregistration info: You may log in prior to my recieving this document, but you may not have sufficient security, and I will upgrade you if you leave me a message. Name you will log in with: _______________________________ Password you will use to logon: ________________________ Your keyfile may be sent to you in a message. The file in that case would be named 'SHOPDOOR.KEY'. Simply place it in the directory that runs SHOPDOOR.