Windows 3.1 and Dos 5 Setup for Wildcat version 3 -------------------------------------------------- Revised : 05/10/92 Here's the Windows 3.1 update ------------------------------ This document is designed as an update / extension of the Windows 3.0 setup files. It is assumed that you have read either WINCATMN.ZIP or WIN3CAT3.ZIP for multi-line and single line setups, respectively. If you don't one of 'em, go get it now, and look it over. I'm not going to re-invent the whel here, just explain the setup differences between Win 3.0 & 3.1, and how to tap the new performance features in 3.1. NOTE: IF YOU DON'T HAVE WINDOWS 3.1, STOP NOW!! You'll get yourself in a lot of trouble if you try these tips on Windows 3.0. Before you start ------------------ This version of Wincat31.txt superceedes all previous versions. If you have a previous version, and you find some statements that contradict each other between the two, believe this one! (g) I just means that I've learned something that I didn't know before. Not an exact science, this learning process. Also, all responsibility and liability for using these tips rests with the user. I will not be held accountable for any kind of damages incured by you when you use this document. I will tell you that I have tested these tips on my machine, and they do work on my machine. I haven't destroyed anything yet. I fully expect them to work on just about any 386 machine that generally equals or exceedes my configuration. However, no guarantees are made. Setting it all up... -------------------- I have been running Wildcat V3.02m under Windows 3.1 quite successfully. I am running it on an Fast Data 386/25 DX with 8 Megs of Ram, and MS-Dos 5.0. This document explains my implementation. Configuration notes: For Dos: --------- Config.Sys ------------ A quick note here on the EMM386 line. The EMS support is no longer needed under Windows 3.1. Remove the number and change the RAM keyword to NOEMS. This still allows control of the UMBs, but disables EMS. With Win 3.1, any program that is launched under Windows, and requires EMS, will have the EMS provided by Windows, as long as the PIF indicates the program can use some amount of EMS. Ok, in English - The Wildcat PIF says it can use EMS. We are starting Wildcat under Windows. Therefore, Windows will grab some XMS memory, and treat it as EMS for Wildcat. A very slick new feature. This will be true for any WC utility you run also, as long as you start it with Windows, even a Dos session under Windows. The only time you loose EMS support is when you start the program from native Dos, wiith Windows shut down. Also, remove or rem out the old Smartdrv.sys line, if Setup didn't do it already. If there's a Smartdrv line in config that has /double_buffer on the end of it, leave it alone - that's the NEW Smartdrv! Autoexec.bat ------------- There's a new wrinkle with Smartdrv. When Windows 3.1 setup does an upgrade, the SMARTDRV line is put in the wrong place in Autoexec. Its supposed to go in there now, but it MUST go after the SHARE line. Otherwise, you'll get a message saying that there is "insufficient memory or address space to start Windows in 386 node". For performance, add a /b:64 on the end of the Smartdrv line, to increase its transfer buffer. You may also want to disable Write cahing to keep disk access to a minimum. My Smartdrv line looks like this: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE C D /B:64 Running like this allows Smartdrv to figure out how much cache your system can support based on its memory. Here's where removing the EMS support comes in handy. I freed up a meg and gave it to Smartdrv. Windows speeds up dramatically when you do this. For Windows ------------ The good news is, you really don't have to change anything to run! There are a few things you can do to increase performance, but that's about it. Here we go: 32 bit disk access: You'll find this off the Control Panel, under the virtual Memory button. Select Change and see if there is a 32 bit access checkbox at the bottom of the next screen. There may not be, depending on your disk controller, but if there is, check it. What is does is allow Windows to talk directly to your HD controller. This is not only for the Swap file, but for ALL disk access (so says MS tech support). It REALLY speeds up disk access! Keep an eye on your system for a few days. If you start noticing lockups, with your hard drive LED stuck on, you may have to disable this feature. I had to make all the other mods I've mentioned so far before I could get my system to settle down. But try it anyway, its worth it! Video Options: With Win 3.1, you can run hi-res aplications in background. So all you folks that want to run Wildcat in 43/50 line mode can knock yourselves out now (grin). I still wouldn't run the Fireworks screen saver though. All that activity of keeping the fireworks moving & exploding will put a drag on your system, and on your active Wildcat nodes. The same goes for the new Windows screen savers. They will increase activity on your desktop session, and once again drag your system. So, resist the temptation - the most effective screen saver is your monitor's little red switch. For Wildcat ------------ Really, not much to do here. If you had it running under Windows 3.0, it'll run under Windows 3.1! If this is your first attempt, review the setup instructions in the 3.0 files, and get started up that way. Then apply the updates I've mentioned for more speed and reliability. Performance Notes ------------------ Microsoft says that 386 enhanced mode is now as fast as standard mode. I'd agree with that. The only thing I've noticed is that trying to print from a Dos app while someone is online is a really bad idea! The print task will take over the whole machine, and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Always go though Print Manager to keep a leash on your printer. It has controls to keep printing a low priority task. In Conclusion -------------- That's about it - hope this is of help to some of you. If you follow my setup exactly, you should be able to run three Wildcat nodes under Windows and still have pretty decent response for non-BBS applications, be they Dos apps or Windows apps. If you run into any problems, drop me a line on Mustang's HQ BBS or call my board directly: The Comm * Port BBS 614-870-6544 HST 14400 non-v32, v42 Also, if you find this archive valuable, a donation would be welcomed, mainly as a thank you for the SEVERAL hours of work I've put in on this not-so-little project. Send $5 to: Joe Rhinehart 760 Cherryhurst Dr. Columbus, Oh 43228