Main ZCE window ÿ ZCE has four main window areas.ÿ ÿ The Top Banner lists the ZCE version, the current System Date and Time, the amount of Disk Space, Drive Letter and Volume Label of the specified drive and path, and also the Video Monitor type detected. ÿ Below the Top Banner is the file list window.ÿ Pick Box Commands ÿ The Bottom window lists the current comment text. Text Editor Commands ÿ The Bottom Banner lists some of the possible commands for the current window. ÿ On Line Help Help Index About ZCE 2.0 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ZCE HELP INDEX]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÿ File Commands Comment Commands ZCE Option Commands ÿ ÃÄ Help ÃÄ Edit ÃÄ Status ÿ ÃÄ Save ÃÄ Copy ÃÄ Display ÿ ÃÄ New filespec ÿ ÃÄ Write ÃÄ Format ÃÄ Import ÃÄ Tag Current ÃÄ Refresh ÃÄ Volume Label ÃÄ Tag All ÿ ÀÄ Configuration ÃÄ Dos Shell ÃÄ Tag Empty ÿ ÃÄ Rename ÿ ÃÄ Search ÿ ÃÄ Open Zip ÀÄ Next Tagged ÃÄ Unzip ÿ ÀÄ Exit ÿ ÿ Main Window Commands Pull Down Menu ÿ Trademarks Command Line Options Dialog Box Commands ÿ Acknowledgements About ZCE 2.0 Pick Box Commands ÿ Command Summary Full Screen Commands ÿ ÿ Text Editor Commands ÿ ÿ On Line Help System ÿ This help system is context sensitive which means it will try toÿ provide help for the current program operation. Help is available atÿ all times by pressing F1. After reading help you return to theÿ program by pressing ESC or clicking the right mouse button.ÿ ÿ Certain words within the help text may appear in different colors.ÿ These highlighted words are links to other screens which provideÿ related information.ÿ ÿ To view a linked screen, all you have to do is highlight the link youÿ are interested in and press RETURN. There are several ways to highlightÿ a link. You may use the cursor keys to move the highlight or you mayÿ press the first letter of the link you want. If there are several linksÿ that start with the same first letter just keep pressing it until theÿ desired link is highlighted. If you use a mouse just click on a linkÿ name to select it and display the linked screen.ÿ PgDn... This help system remembers the order in which you view the help screensÿ and allows you to retrace your steps by displaying previously viewedÿ screens. To back up and view a previous screen you just press PgUp.ÿ The program will remember the last 64 screens that were displayed. Onÿ the top right of the help window a small up arrow will be displayed ifÿ there are any previous screens that may be viewed.ÿ ÿ You may also see a small down arrow at the bottom right of the helpÿ window. This indicates that there is another screen that goes with theÿ current screen. Just press PgDn to view it. Clicking either arrow withÿ the mouse will display the desired screen.ÿ Save Comments Command ÿ ÿ The Save Comments command checks each file for comment changes. If aÿ comment has changed a file size check is performed comparing theÿ original size with the current size to ensure against file corruption.ÿ If the check passes the comment is saved, otherwise an error message is displayed and the comment is not saved.ÿ ÿ Modifying the ZIP file while in the Dos Shell or Open Zip command are both possible causes for file size change.ÿ Help Index New File Specification Commandÿ ÿ This command will pop up a dialog box for input. After specifying the new Drive, Path and File specification press Enter or press Escape to abort. If the entered filename or directory is invalid an error message will be displayed and you will be returned to this command to enter a valid file and directory specification. ÿ ÿ Examples:ÿ ÿ c:\dos\*.zipÿ a:ÿ ..\wp\wp*.zipÿ ÿ Dialog Box Commands ÿ Help Index ÿ Import Commands ÿ The Import command pops up a full screen Import Window. The Importÿ process involves searching through file lists for names matching theÿ filenames read when ZCE was executed. The Import defaults are readÿ from the ZCE.CFG file and may be edited using the configuration program.ÿ ÿ The Comments File is the name of the file that will be searched for Comments. The Comments file may be the name of a Zip file followed by a comma (,) and then by a filename. If so the filename will be extracted from the Zip file and then used as the import Comments file. i.e. BBS.ZIP,BBS.LST. ÿ The Edit/Auto field accepts only E or A as input. E indicates manualÿ editing as comments are found and the same comment editor as in theÿ main ZCE window is used. In Automatic mode the first match found isÿ used as the comment and the Comment Column is used to indicate theÿ column where the comment begins. Only a single line is used for theÿ comment in Automatic mode.ÿ ÿ PgDn... The Tagged/All field accepts T or A. T indicates that only Taggedÿ filenames are used to while searching the Comments file. Whereas the A indicates all filenames will be used in the search.ÿ ÿ The Import Buffer Size indicates the numbers of lines read from theÿ Comments File at one time. The higher the number the faster theÿ search because of fewer disk accesses.ÿ ÿ If the Extension in Search is set to Yes the whole filename and extension are used as the search string. If set to No, only the filename without extension is used as the search string.ÿ ÿ Full Screen Commands ÿ Configuration ÿ Import Window Commands ÿ PgDn... Import Window Commandsÿ ÿ On Line Help.ÿ Display a Pick Box of the currently defined import files.ÿ These files are defined using the configurationÿprogram from the main ZCE window.ÿ Start Import.ÿ Exit Import and return to the main program.ÿ ÿ ÿ Pick Box Commands ÿ Text Editor Commands ÿ Import Text Editor Commands ÿ Configuration ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ PgDn... Import Text Editor Commandsÿ ÿ These commands are additional Text Editor Commands and only work while in Import command mode.ÿ ÿ Abort Import.ÿ Save this comment with the current filename. If aÿ comment already exists and is different a question box isÿ displayed asking which comment to use.ÿ Skip this Comment and continue searching the Import Comments file.ÿ ÿ Text Editor Commands Help Index Volume Label Command ÿ ÿ If the current or selected drive is A: or B: a dialog box will appear requesting a new Volume Label. Only 11 characters will be allowed. Only characters that are valid for Volume Labels may be entered. If Escape is pressed the Volume Label will not be changed.ÿ ÿ Dialog Box Commands ÿ Help Index ÿ ÿ Dos Shell Command ÿ ÿ The Dos Shell Command spawns another COMMAND.COM leaving ZCE inÿ memory. About 256K is used by ZCE. If the system crashes or isÿ re-booted while in the Dos Shell, all edited Comments that have notÿ been saved will be lost.ÿ ÿ If you Shell to Dos and modify a Zip file size in any way or deleteÿ files from the Zip file using the Open Zip Command, the commentÿ location in the file will be altered and ZCE will display an errorÿ message when the Comment is saved. At this point the modified commentÿ can never be saved. Make sure you write out any modified Commentsÿ first! This will update Comment locations in ZCE and allow correctÿ comment editing and update.ÿ ÿ Help Index ÿ Rename Filename ÿ ÿ This command allows you to change the current filename. A dialog boxÿ will appear for new filename input. Only characters valid forÿ filenames will be allowed. If successful the filename will beÿ changed. An error message will be displayed if the rename was notÿ successful. Pressing Escape will abort this command and will notÿ change the filename.ÿ ÿ Help Index Open Zip Command ÿ ÿ This command will scan the highlighted Zip file and display a Pick Boxÿ listing of any files. The file listing will show: Filename,ÿ Compressed Size, Original Size, Date, Time, Compression Method andÿ Path. If the path is to long to fit on the display the original andÿ compressed file sizes will be removed from the display list.ÿ ÿ If enter is then pressed on a highlighted file Zce will shell to dos,ÿ decompress and view the file. The Environment variable ZCEWORK or Zipÿ Extraction Dir Variable may be used to specify a valid dos drive and directory to create the temporary file. This allows ZCE to use an alternate drive or ramdisk.ÿ ÿ The Zip, Unzip and File Viewer Variables will be used to uncompressÿ and view the file. See Configuration program. All of the programs must be in a directory in the current Dos path. An error will be displayed if the directory or file could not be written or removed or if and of the Zip, Unzip or File Viewer programs could not be found in the PgDn... Dos path. When in the Dos Shell there must be enough memory to executeÿ any of these programs.ÿÿÿ ÿ Recursive Zip viewing is not supported. This means that selecting aÿ Zip file inside a Zip file will not list a second list but onlyÿ extract and display the Zip file in binary.ÿ ÿ Open Zip Commands:ÿ ÿ On Line Helpÿ Extract highlighted file to current directoryÿ Extract tagged files to current directoryÿ Delete highlighted file from current Zip fileÿ Delete tagged files from current Zip fileÿ Tag/Untag highlighted fileÿ PgDn... Sort by Date, Extension, Filename or Path.ÿ ÿ Right Mouse Tag/Untag current fileÿ Left Mouse Exit View Zipÿ ÿ Any files with the same name that are created or extracted will beÿ overwritten.ÿ ÿ Configuration ÿ Pick Box Commands ÿ Command Line Options ÿ Help Index ÿ Unzip Current Filename Command ÿ ÿ This command will unzip the current filename into the current orÿ specified directory. A question box will appear asking whether toÿ unzip into the current directory or specify a different directory. Ifÿ current is selected the filename is then unzipped into theÿ current directory. If specify is selected a dialog box will appearÿ for directory information. The filename will be unzipped into the specified directory if valid. If the specified directory does not exist an attempt will be made to create it. If problems occur creating the directory or writing the files an error messageÿ will appear.ÿ ÿ Dialog Box Commands Help Index ÿÿ ÿ ÿ Exit ZCEÿ ÿ If all comments have not been saved a question box will appear asking whether to abort or continue to exit. If abort is selected you will returned to ZCE. If continue is selected a question box will then appear asking if you want to exit ZCE. Selecting YES will exit whereas selecting NO will return to ZCE. Help Index Edit Command ÿ ÿ This command simply switches into the text editor for the currentÿ filename. If the comment could not be read or is corrupted, this commandÿ will be disabled and a message indicating the comment is invalid will beÿ displayed in the editor window.ÿ ÿ Help Index ÿ Copy Comment from Another File ÿ If more than one file comment is listed in the main ZCE window, ZCEÿ will list the current filenames in a Pick Box for selection. Theÿ selected filenames comment is then copied into the comment for theÿ current filename. If a comment already exists for the currentÿ filename, a question box appears asking when to use the current orÿ the new comment.ÿ ÿ Pick Box Commands ÿ Help Index ÿ Write Filenames and Comments ÿ ÿ This command will write the filenames and Comments to a user specifiedÿ file. A question box appears asking whether to write all or taggedÿ filenames and comments to the file. A dialog box appears requestingÿ the file to write the filenames and comments. If the file exists orÿ if problems occurred while writing the data to the file an error messageÿ will be displayed.ÿ ÿ Dialog Box Commands ÿ Help Index ÿ Tag Commandsÿ ÿ The tag commands are used by the import and Write and Open Zip commands.ÿ ÿ Tag Current Filenameÿ Toggle Tag on All Filenamesÿ Tag Filenames with empty commentsÿ Move Highlight bar to next tagged Filenameÿ ÿ Help Index Search Command ÿ ÿ The Search command allows you to find text within your comments. Aÿ dialog box will allow input of the search string. If the searchÿ string is found the highlight bar will move to the filename and theÿ comment will be displayed in the text editor window.ÿ ÿ Dialog Box Commands ÿ Help Index ÿ ZCE Status Screen ÿ ÿ This command will display internal ZCE variables. This command isÿ mainly used for development of ZCE. I am documenting this just inÿ case you run into it. It also displays the location of the ZCE.CFGÿ file current being used by ZCE.ÿ ÿ Help Index ÿ Display Command ÿ This command toggles between 25, 43 and 50 line screen modes dependingÿ upon the graphics card detected. CGA supports only 25 line mode. EGAÿ supports 25 and 43 line modes. VGA supports 25 and 50 line modes.ÿ ÿ Help Index Format Command ÿ ÿ The Format command changes the contents of the single line listing inÿ the main ZCE Pick Box Window. Currently there are 3 formats. Theÿ shipped default is format 1 which lists the filename and about 65ÿ characters of the comment with control characters removed. Executingÿ this command increments the format to to which lists the filename,ÿ filesize, filedate, filetime and comment. Format 3 lists only theÿ filename. The default may be changed using the Configuration program.ÿ ÿ Configuration ÿ Help Index ÿ Refresh Command ÿ ÿ This command toggles the text editor refresh. ZCE default is on.ÿ When you scroll through different files in the main ZCE window theÿ text editor listing at the bottom of the screen updates for eachÿ filename. If you toggle Refresh the text editor will not refresh whenÿ scrolling through the file listing. This is handy if you have read inÿ many files and comments.ÿ ÿ Help Index Configuration Command ÿ ÿ This command shells to Dos and executes the program ZCECFG.EXE. Thereÿ must be enough Dos memory to execute ZCE and ZCECFG at the same time.ÿ If an error occurs, execute ZCECFG.EXE outside of ZCE. ZCECFG is aÿ configuration program for ZCE color and variable defaults. ZCE willÿ search the current and all directories in the Dos path for theÿ configuration file ZCE.CFG. ZCECFG reads and writes ZCE.CFG. Whenÿ control is returned to ZCE the ZCE.CFG file is read and updatesÿ applied to ZCE. See ZCECFG on line help for more information aboutÿ the individual color and variable definitions.ÿ ÿ Help Index Pull Down Menu Commands ÿÿ ÿ "Pulls down" a window if one is not already down.ÿ Otherwise, it moves the highlight bar down one selectionÿ within the window.ÿÿ ÿ Moves the selection bar up one item within a window. If aÿ window is not pulled down, this key has no function.ÿÿ ÿ If a window is not pulled down, the selection bar isÿ moved to the next bar menu item to the left. If a windowÿ is pulled down, the window under the next bar menu itemÿ on the left is pulled down.ÿ ÿ If a window is not pulled down, the selection bar isÿ moved to the next bar menu item to the right. If a windowÿ is pulled down, the window under the next bar menu itemÿ on the right is pulled down.ÿ ÿ ÿ PgDn... If no windows are pulled down, holding down theÿ key while pressing a key highlighted on theÿ bar menu will pull down the window under that item.ÿ ÿ If a window is pulled down, pressing a highlighted keyÿ will select that item.ÿ ÿ If a window is pulled down, it will be erased and onlyÿ the bar menu and the description line will be active. Ifÿ a window is not pulled down the pull down menu is exited.ÿ If a window is not currently pulled down, the windowÿ under the highlight bar menu item will be displayed. Ifÿ a window is pulled down, the highlighted item within theÿ window will be selected and the command will be executed.ÿ ÿ The Pull Down menu fully supports the Mouse. Clicking the leftÿ button on a bar menu item will pull down the window for that item.ÿ Clicking the left button on an item within a window will select thatÿ item and execute that command. Clicking the right mouse button willÿ have the same effect as pressing the escape key.ÿ Text Editor Commandsÿ ÿ On line help.ÿ Save current Comment.ÿ Restore comment to original value.ÿ Switch editor to full screen mode. The editor will beÿ reset when this comment is saved or you exit.ÿ Import file list into comment. This is the same listÿ that is displayed using the Open Zip command. The list isÿ appended to the end of the buffer if there is space.ÿ Shell to dos and call external editor. ZCE uses theÿ filename and editor variables defined using theÿ configuration program.ÿ Move up one line. Or ÿ Move down one line. Or ÿ Move right one character. Or ÿ Move left one character. Or ÿ Move up one page. Or ÿ Move down one page. Or ÿ ÿ PgDn... ÿ If not on the left most column of the window, move to thatÿ column, else move to the beginning of the currentÿ line. Or Ctrl-A>ÿ Move to the end of the current line. Or ÿ Toggle between insert and overstrike mode.ÿ Delete the character at the cursor position. Or Delete the character to the left of the cursor position.ÿ Move one tab stop to the right.ÿ Move right one word.ÿ Move left one word.ÿ Move to the first line of text.ÿ Move to the last line of text.ÿ Insert a line at the current row.ÿ Delete the word that the cursor is on. Or ÿ Delete the current line.ÿ Delete from the current line to the end of buffer.ÿ Exit or Quit. If the comment has been modified a questionÿ box will ask whether to save or discard the edits. ZCE may reformat text while reading if the text is wider than PgDn... the word wrap width and may cause the modified text question listed above to be presented even if you do not make any edits.ÿÿ ÿ The mouse can be used to position the cursor within the window byÿ clicking the left button at the desired position. It can be used toÿ scroll through the text by clicking the left button on the scroll bar.ÿ Clicking the right button will have the same effect as pressingÿ escape.ÿ ÿ Import Text Editor Commands ÿ Help Index Dialog Box Commands ÿ Accept the current input.ÿ Move left one character.ÿ Move right one character.ÿ Move to the beginning of the work string.ÿ Move to the end of the work string.ÿ Toggle between insert and overstrike mode.ÿ Delete the character under the cursor. The characters to the right of the cursor are shifted left one position.ÿ Delete the character to the left of the cursor. The characters from the cursor position to the end of the input string are shifted left. Move right one word.ÿ Move left one word.ÿ Delete all characters from the cursor position to the end of the field. Abort Input. Help Index Pick Box Commandsÿ ÿ Moves to the first file in the list.ÿ Moves to the last file in the list.ÿ If the highlight bar is at the top of the box, the previous "group" of files will be displayed and the bar will remain at the top of the box. If the highlight bar is not at the top of the box, it will move to the top.ÿ If the highlight bar is at the bottom of the box, the next "group" of files will be displayed and the bar will remain positioned at the bottom of the box. If the highlight bar is not currently at the bottom of the box, it will move to the bottom.ÿ Moves the highlight bar up one file. If the bar is at the top of the top of the box, the previous "group" of files will be displayed and the bar positioned at the bottom.ÿ Moves the highlight bar down one file. If the bar is at the bottom of the top of the box, the next "group" of files will be displayed and the bar positioned at the top.ÿ Tags or selects the currently highlighted file. Pressing the spacebar a second time will untag the highlighted file. ÿ The Mouse can be used to scroll through the list of files in the box by clicking the left button on the scroll bar. Clicking the left button on any file within the box operates the the same as the space bar if tagging is available. Clicking the right button will operate the same as pressing the escape key.ÿ ÿ Help Index Full Screen Input Commandsÿ ÿ Move to the first field on the screen.ÿ Move to the last field on the screen.ÿ Move to up one field.ÿ Move down one field.ÿ Moves to the left one character.ÿ Moves to the right one character.ÿ Move to the beginning of the field.ÿ Move to the end of the field.ÿ Toggles between insert and overstrike modes.ÿ Deletes the character under the cursor. The charactersÿ to the right of the cursor are shifted left oneÿ position.ÿ Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Theÿ characters from the cursor position to the end of theÿ input string are shifted left according to the sameÿ rules as the Del key.ÿ Moves right one word.ÿ Moves left one word.ÿ PgDn... ÿ Delete all characters from the cursor position to theÿ end of the field.ÿ Move to the next field.ÿ Move back one field.ÿ Exit or Quit.ÿ ÿ If you are using a mouse, clicking the left button on a field willÿ move you to that position in the field.ÿ Help Index About ZCE 2.0ÿ ÿ ZCE or Zip Comment Editor was created to make it easy to read, editÿ and write Zip file comments. ZCE scans and entire directory of Zipÿ files and reads the comment from each one. After the filenames andÿ comments are displayed a full screen editor allows you to edit eachÿ comment up to 32K in size. ZCE lets you import comments from asciiÿ BBS listings and edit them on the fly. ZCE can also Open and display the files inside a Zip file and allow you to view, delete or extract files.ÿ ÿ Here is a list of ZCE's features:ÿ ÿ Built in Full Screen Text Editorÿ External Editor supportÿ CGA/EGA/VGA 25/43/50 line Color and Monochrome supportÿ Complete Configuration of Variables and Colorsÿ On Line Hypertext Helpÿ Open Zip file and view internal file listÿ Import Zip comments from external ascii BBS file listsÿ ÿ PgDn... ÿ Copy Comment from another fileÿ Modify Floppy Volume Labelÿ Shell to Dosÿ Write List of Filenames and Comments to a Fileÿ Rename a Fileÿ Extract Single or Tagged filesÿ Unzip individual files or entire Zip into specified directoryÿ Full Mouse supportÿ Pull Down Menusÿ ÿ Help Index Command Summaryÿ ÿ Main Zce Commandsÿ File Commands Comment Commands ZCE Option Commandsÿ Help Edit Statusÿ Save Copy Displayÿ New Filespec Write Formatÿ Import Tag Current Refreshÿ Volume Tag All Configÿ Dos Shell Tag Emptyÿ Rename Searchÿ Open Zip Next Taggedÿ Unzipÿ Exitÿ ÿ Import Commandsÿ On Line Help.ÿ Display a Pick Box of the currently defined import files.ÿ Start Import.ÿ Exit Import and return to the main program.ÿ PgDn... Import Text Editor Commandsÿ Abort Import.ÿ Save this comment with the current filename.ÿ Skip this Comment and continue searching.ÿ ÿ Open Zip Commandsÿ On Line Helpÿ Extract highlighted file to current directoryÿ Extract tagged files to current directoryÿ Delete highlighted file from current Zip fileÿ Delete tagged files from current Zip fileÿ Tag/Untag highlighted fileÿ Sort by Date, Extension, Filename or Path.ÿ ÿ Text Editor Commandsÿ On line help.ÿ Save current Comment.ÿ Restore comment to original value.ÿ Switch editor to full screen mode.ÿ Import file list into comment.ÿ Help Index Command Line Options ÿ Zip Comment Editor Syntax: ZCE [/options]"ÿ ÿ Drive must be a Valid Dos Drive, i.e. A: or B: or C:ÿ Path must be in Valid Dos syntax, i.e. \dos\ or \wp50\letters\ÿ Filenames may contain Wildcards, i.e. *.ZIP or H?ÿ ÿ Zce Command Line Options:ÿ ÿ /? = This Help Screenÿ /43 or /50 = Display 43/50 lines on EGA or VGA onlyÿ /25 = Force Display 25 linesÿ /NC = No Clock Displayÿ /L = Lower Case Filenamesÿ /NS = No Save and Restore Screenÿ ÿ These options may be entered to the ZCE environment variable. i.e.ÿ set ZCE=/43 /NC /L will start ZCE in 43 or 50 line mode without clockÿ and filenames will be displayed in lower case.ÿ Help Index ÿ Trademarksÿ ÿ IBM-PC, IBM-XT, IBM-AT are trademarks of International Businessÿ Machines Corporation, Boca Roton, Florida.ÿ ÿ Pkzip and Pkunzip are trademarks of PKware Inc.ÿ 7032 Ardara Avenueÿ Glendale, WI 53209 (414) 352-3670ÿ ÿ is a trademark of The Buerg Utilitiesÿ Buerg Software 139 White Oak Circleÿ Petaluma, CA 94952ÿ (707) 778-1811 between 10 am and 5 pm Pacific time.ÿ ÿ Qedit Advanced is a trademark of SemWareÿ Suite C3Aÿ 4343 Shallowford Roadÿ Marietta, GA 30062-5022 (404) 641-9002ÿ ÿ ÿ Help Index ÿ Acknowledgementsÿ ÿ ZCE and ZCECFG were written in basic using the Microsoft Basicÿ Professional Development System 7.1 with the following add onÿ libraries:ÿ ÿ MicroHelp Muscleÿ 4359 Shallowford Industrial Parkwayÿ Marietta, Georgia 30066-1135 (404) 516-0898ÿ ÿ PBCLONE (Pro Bas Clone) by Thomas G. Hanlin IIIÿ 3544 E. Southern Ave. #104ÿ Mesa, AZ 85204ÿ ÿ Simply Help, hypertext help system by Robert E. Pitcherÿ SimpleWareÿ 34 Earle St.ÿ G.F.- Windsor, NFÿ Canada A2B 1E9ÿ ÿ PgDn... Quick Basic archive file viewer for MS-DOS machines by Dickÿ Dennison, 914-374-3903 24 hrsÿ ÿ The QBNews International QuickBasic Electronics Newsletter.ÿ Clearware Computingÿ P.O. Box 507 Sandy Hook, CT 06482ÿ QBNews is available for download from Microhelp BUG BBSÿ (404) 552-0567 or Crescent Software BBS (203) 426-5958.ÿ Help Index