------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOSLIB.EXE - AutoCAD ADS DOS Library November 1, 1992 Copyright (C) 1992, Robert McNeel & Associates 3670 Woodland Park Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 545-7000 FAX (206) 545-7321 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all supporting documentation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF MERCHANTABILITY ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS OF DOSLIB FUNCTIONS Drive Handling: (dos_drive [drive]) Gets and sets the current drive (dos_drives) Gets all available drives (dos_diskfree [drive]) Gets free disk space Path Handling: (dos_fullpath path) Makes a full path name from a relative path name (dos_makepath drive dir filename ext) Makes a path name from components (dos_splitpath path) Splits a path name into components Directory Handling: (dos_chdir [path]) Changes the working directory (dos_mkdir [path]) Makes a directory (dos_rmdir [path]) Removes a directory (dos_pwdir [drive]) Gets path to working directory (dos_subdir [path]) Gets subdirectories in the working directory File Handling: (dos_copy source destination [T]) Copies a file (T=overwrite) (dos_delete filename) Deletes a file (dos_rename filename1 filename2) Renames a file or directory (dos_dir [filespec]) Gets directory listing of files (dos_file filename) Gets detailed file information (dos_find filename [drive]) Finds a file (dos_search filename environment) Searches for a file using an environment path Miscellaneous: (dos_about) Gets DOSLIB version number (dos_date [date]) Gets and sets system date (dos_time [time]) Gets and sets system time (dos_ver) Gets DOS version