The QUIT command is used to exit from PEP and to restart PEP with a new configuration. Any work which has not been saved to a file is lost in either case. You are asked to verify before this happens. Before exiting or restarting, PEP waits for all print tasks and all active file IO to complete. When PEP is started, it looks for a file named AUTO.FIG. If it finds this file, PEP reads it and treats the characters in it as if they had been typed on the keyboard. Alternatively, a configuration file can be specified on the PEP command line. If present, this file is used instead of AUTO.FIG. For example, to use the configuration file SPECIAL.FIG, you would type: PEP /F=SPECIAL An AUTO.FIG file is created when you install PEP. It divides the screen into menu, text, and graphics tiles, and installs fonts and patterns. You may alter this file, or create new configuration files with the MAKEFIG capability. Then you can restart PEP and specify an alternative configuration file. See the MAKEFIG and RESTART commands below.
The QUIT/EXIT command terminates PEP and returns to DOS.
The QUIT/CANCEL command cancels the QUIT request and returns to the main PEP menu.
Use the QUIT/MAKEFIG command to create your own configuration files. Type the command letter, name the new file, and select from a menu of existing configurations. Choose one to use as a base to which you can add keystrokes. To start with no preset keystrokes, select NULL.FIG. PEP records subsequent keystrokes until you type ALT-Z <[14.3.19]> to save your new FIG file. To use this file, select QUIT/RESTART (see below), and choose the new filename. You can use this capability to set your prefered defaults and even to load a file and open an object. Note: while you are creating a configuration file, you cannot use your mouse. PEP disables the mouse during FIG file creation, because mouse data cannot be stored in a FIG file, which is simply a sequence of keystrokes. When you type ALT-Z to end the FIG file, your mouse will be re-enabled. For the same reason, automatic cursor motion is disabled.
The QUIT/RESTART command displays a name menu of all files in the home directory with the extension FIG (see the section on name menus <[1.8.1]>). Choose one to restart PEP using the chosen file for configuration.