This sample utility will do the following: 1. Scan a drive of all directories, and place them into a user interface that resembles an old version of "Norton's Change Directory" ver. 4.5 2. Has the ablitity to show files in current highlighted directory, by either pressing [enter] or the [spacebar]. If the directory is empty a message appears informing you of the fact. 3. On exiting the utility you'll be prompted to change to the desired directory. If you forced the program (from dos) to read another drive otherthan the current working drive, then the program will also do a drive change also, besides the directory change! 4. The utility will scan the current working drive in default mode, which means that there were no dos parameter to scan another drive. Valid startups Scan current drive VTREE [enter] Scan drive E: VTREE e:\ [enter] Ask for help VTREE /? [enter] 5. Note that there is room for more errorchecking and improvement to the code, like using a third-party library for some coding that was done in Clipper ie. nanfor.lib's FT_DEFAULT(), FT_CHDIR(), FT_SHADOW() etc. 6. The program also serves novice programmers as a teaching tool for studying recursion, code-blocks, manipulating arrays, working with achoice (TBrowse is better but I went for simplicity) and learning to code without depending so much on third-party libraraies. Its always good to have source code, which many libraries do not give out so fast! Speaking of libraries, I would highly recommend that you get your hands on the lastest copy of NANFOR.LIB from Compuserve's Clipper forum by typing GO CLIPPER from any CIS prompt. This library is full of great stuff that was developed by many top notch programmers for FREE! FUNCKy II by dLESKO does not give out source code but is the best I've seen for a wide array of functions. Grumpfish by Greg Lief is 99.8% pure Clipper source and is included with the library.. (Am I starting to sound like a advertisment) Nuff Said! 7. The program is considered to have no real copyright, and you may alter it so long as the original programmers names appear at the top of each of the .prg, .h files (add a notch into the headers if you make a nice change or addition)