========================================================================= || The Hack Report || Notes on the for May, 1993 || May, 1993 Issue || ========================================================================= There has been a MAJOR change that all readers of The Hack Report need to be aware of. Namely, my FidoNet and Internet addresses are changing, due to the fact that I have moved from Kyle, TX to Garland, TX (a suburb of Dallas) to take a new job with Apogee Software Productions as a Technical Support Representative. My new FidoNet NetMail address was assigned yesterday, May 8th, 1993, and won't be effective until _at least_ May 14th, 1993, if not later. The new address will be 1:124/4007. This will continue to be a private node, so the same routing of NetMail that was required for my old address will still be necessary. Also, my Internet e-mail address will need to change, but I can't set up the new address until the new node number goes into effect. Until then, I can be reached at either ljackson@BIX.com or 76040.2743@compuserve.com. Thanks for putting up with all of this - it will be worth it, once the dust settles. ;-) Lee Jackson, Moderator, FidoNet Intl Echos SHAREWRE/WARNINGS (1:124/4007)