****UPDATE***** This is a new feature that I'm adding to my listings & reviews contained within the (NYCBLx.txt) file that you downloaded from your favorite Bulletin Board. Well, I hope that you have liked my listings & reviews, and that you will contimue to download them as they are revised & updated. Let me get to the point of this file. This file is a file informing you, the reader, of the various changes, additions, and revisions of the files entitiled: BBSLIST5.txt & REVIEW5.txt & README.txt. **BBSLIST5.txt** Deletions: Mega City BBS. I deleted this file because their BBS is moving to New Jersey, and will not be functional in the New York Area anymore. When they are functional in New Jersey, I will try and get their phone number for all of you Mega city lovers. Additions: High Voltage, Dave's Adult, Red Phone, Zybrex Realm, Ridgewood, International Trading & The Optical Chiasm. I'm proud to say that I have many more BBS that I have added to the list. You know, just when you think you have them all, many more come by, so I'm sure that at my next revision, I'll have MANY more, bur I'm proud at my accomplishments for this revision. Revisions: Star Link & Star Gate. Before, I had these BBS listed as Starlink & Stargate, but now I realize that they are two seperate words, not one. Special Note: I have deleted the listing for Boards out of Town except for one because I have to get more phone numbers & money because these calls cost a lot. **REVIEW5.txt** Deletions: None Additions: None Revisions: Personal Connection & Paradise I revised these reviews to give a better review of the features that they had, that I'm sorry to say, that I didn't give credit to them in my last review. I even published (NYCBL4A.zip) to change the review for Personal Connetion, as I realized I was at fault, but now they are complete. Thanks. **README.txt** Revisions: Revision #1 was added under #1 one of the copyright notice. I just added this revision saying that SysOps of BBS can rezip my files in a format more preferable to them, as I realized that some SysOps may have to do this for the better good of their board. **Misc** 1. If you noticed, I have added the Perfect BBS to the list of BBS's to leave any comments, or messages to. I did this because they have been very nice & very helpful to me, so I have added them. 2. There is a new feature now in a file entitled SYSOP.txt. This file is a file informing sysops of BBS that if they want to have a complete, 1 pg long review done of their board, with graphics etc... I will make the review, and put it in my file for them, so that EVERY BBS that this file is uploaded to, and EVERY person that downloads it will see their review/advertisemnt. SEE SYSOP.TXT for more information. 3. This UPDATE5.txt file is a new file that will give specific revisions to the files included within the .zip file that you downloaded. 4. See README.txt for more information. Thanks... David J. Sheahan(04-04-93) ****END****