SUBJECT: DOS 6 BETA TEST RPT This one falls in the "for what it's worth category" but I read an article in "PC UPGRADE" that I thought was worth sharing with everyone. It is a Beta Test Report on DOS 6.0 The following are some excerpts of the article. "Based on beta test copies there appear to be some major problems in the offing for unwary users." "We see some major problems...the way MS is implementing DoubleSpace...will make the hard disk(s) of any user who installs this option incompatible with OS/2 and a number of otherwise compatible upgrade options such as Novell's DR DOS and multiuser systems such as the Software Link's PC-MOS." "Several developers...openly questioned the ethics and wondered out loud just who is next on MS's incompatibility hit list." "The preliminary explicit instruct- ions on how to remove OS/2 from your hard disk." "Like DOS 5 before it...DOS 6 can restore your prior operating system if you want it. Once you let DoubleSpace take over your hard disk it's for keeps. Returning to your old system is not possible." "Another problem...appears when trying to create a bootable floppy after a hard disk is compressed. Transfer- ring the system does not automatically let you access the hard disk if it has been compressed with DoubleSpace." "DOS INSTALL routine favors Windows users. Three of DOS 6's new main features are an anti-virus program, all-new backup program, and a slightly different Undelete. If you accept the defaults when installing DOS 6-most new users will-and you have Windows on your hard disk, these new DOS utilities will be installed in such a way that you can access them only from Windows-where DOS intalls them in their own private little group. Of course, if you go the custom installation route you'll find that you can also access them from DOS, or from DOS and Windows both. Few users dare to opt for custom installation." "We've seen very little to recommend this DOS. We do not usually react so negatively to new products. But there are clearly some major dangers looming here. Unless things change drastically between now and the time DOS 6 is released there are going to be an awful lot of very unhappy users out there. We feel that wary users should adopt a wait and see attitude until they can be sure that today's incompatibility does not become a major problem for them down the line." PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 02/07/93 1:30 PM Well, there it is "for what it's worth". If you want to pick up the mag and read the entire article, it is Vol.2, No.1 with a dark blue almost violet cover. At the very top of the mag are the words DOS 6.0---FIRST LOOK in white lettering. Mel in Z'ville, OH