FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Using the Iomega Bernoulli Drive with DR DOS 6.0 DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1506 DATE: 12OCT92 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 Section 1 General DR DOS 6 and Bernoulli drive information Section 2 Installing a bootable 90 meg Bernoulli drive with DR DOS 6 2A. General Information 2B. Test Suite Section 3 Creating a bootable 90 meg Bernoulli drive using RCD Utilities 3A. Preparing the Host Adapter for use with RCD Utilities ver 7.02 3B. Preparing the Bernoulli drive with RCD Utilities ver 7.02 3C. Manual installation of DR DOS to the Bernoulli drive with RCD drivers Section 4 Creating a bootable 90 meg Bernoulli drive using OAD Utilities 4A. Preparing the Host Adapter for use with the DOS OAD Utilities ver 1.01 4B. Preparing the Bernoulli drive with DOS OAD Utilities ver 1.01 4C. Manual installation of DR DOS to the Bernoulli drive with OAD drivers Section 1 General DR DOS 6 and Bernoulli drive information 1. Super PCKwik is compatible with Bernoulli drives. Make sure that VERIFY=OFF is in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. PCKWIK.SYS must load into contiguous memory directly after the Bernoulli driver. If the Bernoulli driver cannot load into upper memory, PCKWIK.SYS must be loaded into conventional memory also. 2. SuperStor shipped with DR DOS 6 does not compress removable drives. The retail version of SuperStor (Addstor Corp) will compress the Bernoulli drive. 3. Do not use FDISK on the Bernoulli drive. 4. Security will not enable on the Bernoulli drive. Do not attempt to use Security. *** The following information is for bootable Bernoulli drives *** 5. IBMBIO.315 must replace IBMBIO.COM on bootable Bernoulli drives. This file is not necessary when the Bernoulli drive is an add-on drive to a system with an existing fixed drive. 6. RCS.EXE is necessary to support cartridge change on bootable Bernoulli drives. 7. Setup will not run on the bootable Bernoulli with the Bernoulli drivers loaded. Before running Setup, you must edit the CONFIG.SYS and either use ? or REM at the beginning of the device line which loads RCD.SYS or DOSOAD.SYS. Reboot without loading the driver, and start SETUP. 8. When using the OAD drivers, some systems will halt if HIDEVICE=C:\OADDOS\DOSOAD.SYS is used after the LIM frame is enabled using DR DOS's memory manager. Do not use HIDEVICE= if the LIM frame is enabled. Use DEVICE= instead. 9. OADUTIL.EXE ver 1.01 will fail to format the C drive if ROM addressing is enabled. After format and install, a ROM address must be set to make the drive bootable. Address C800 should be used if it presents no conflicts. (This is only a problem if the Bernoulli drive is the C drive. If there is a fixed drive, and the Bernoulli is loaded as a 2nd drive, the OADUTIL has no problem accessing the Bernoulli with the ROM address enabled.) Section 2 Installing DR DOS 6.0 to the Iomega Bernoulli 90 meg Drive 2A. General information The following procedure describes how to make a bootable Bernoulli drive and install DR DOS to the drive. Before going through the procedure, you need to obtain two DR DOS files that were developed to ensure compatibility with the bootable Bernoulli drive. The files PATCH315.ZIP and RCS.ZIP can be downloaded from the Novell Host BBS, DRDOS library. Installation instructions for RCD 7.02 and OAD 1.01 drivers are included here. Either driver may be used to access the Bernoulli drive. If you are using an earlier version of RCD, some of the instruction may have to be adapted. 2B. Test Suite Hardware: Bernoulli Transportable Drive + 90 meg cartridges Iomega PC2B/50 Host Adapter 386/33 DX, standard VGA, 1.2 and 1.44 floppy drives Software: DR DOS ver 6.0, APRIL '92 Release Iomega RCD Utilities ver 7.02 Iomega DOS OAD Utilities ver 1.01 IBMBIO.315 RCS.EXE Section 3 Creating a bootable 90 meg Bernoulli drive using RCD Utilities 3A. Preparing the Host Adapter for use with RCD Utilities ver 7.02 1. The PC2B/50 Host Adapter board has a default port address 340h. Determine if this address needs to be changed to avoid conflict with any other hardware, such as a network card. Make any changes according to the Iomega instruction manual. 2. Default ROM address is set at CC00. Determine if alternate address C800 does not conflict with other hardware, such as a high resolution graphics card. If there is no conflict, follow the instructions to move the ROM address to C800. This address will yield more contiguous upper memory blocks which can be addressed by the DR DOS memory manager. 3. Follow the Iomega instruction manual to install the PC2B/50 board into the computer, cable to the Bernoulli drive, turn on the Bernoulli drive, and insert cartridge. 3B. Preparing the Bernoulli drive with RCD Utilities ver 7.02 1. Start the computer with the DR DOS Startup disk in drive A. 2. From the Install menu choose F10 - exit to DOS. 3. Format a bootable floppy diskette in the A drive. Using a diskette of the correct density for the drive, type FORMAT A: /S DR DOS will prompt you to swap diskettes when necessary. If using a diskette of another density, refer to DR DOS 6 User Guide for specific settings. 4. Execute the Iomega utility program INSTALL.EXE from drive B to install the RCD device drivers to the new diskette in drive A. The program will create a CONFIG.SYS file which loads the RCD driver. 5. Reboot with the new diskette to load the RCD.SYS driver and access the Bernoulli cartridge. 6. DR DOS cannot format or sys the Bernoulli drive. Execute the RCD Utility to format the Bernoulli cartridge and copy the operating system. ** Be certain to select "Copy system to formatted disk."** 7. Continue the RCD utility to install the drivers to the Bernoulli drive. 3C. Manual installation of DR DOS to the Bernoulli drive with RCD drivers 1. Reboot from drive C (the Bernoulli drive). 2. Create a DRDOS directory using the following command: MD C:\DRDOS 3. Insert the original DR DOS Startup diskette into A drive. 4. Copy all DR DOS files into the C:\DRDOS directory. For each diskette except Viewmax, use the following command: COPY A:\*.* C:\DRDOS 5. The Viewmax diskette has subdirectories. To copy subdirectories use the following command: C:\DRDOS\XCOPY A:\*.* C:\DRDOS /S 6. Rename the Install program using the following command: REN C:\DRDOS\INSTALL.EXE C:\DRDOS\SETUP.EXE 7. Create DR DOS configuration files by running Setup. Setup will create CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT with your customized selections. To run Setup, type SETUP at the prompt. 8. After running Setup, install the two DR DOS files for Bernoulli. Assuming that you have obtained PATCH315.ZIP and RCS.ZIP from the DR DOS Host System and used PKUNZIP to extract the files, put the diskette with the extracted files in the A drive and use the following commands: C:\DRDOS\XCOPY A:\IBMBIO.315 C:\IBMBIO.COM /RH COPY A:\RCS.EXE C:\ 9. Edit the CONFIG.SYS to configure RCD.SYS. Type the following command to start Editor: C:\DRDOS\EDITOR C:\CONFIG.SYS If you are not familiar with Editor, consult the DR DOS User Guide for keyboard commands. You will want to move the line "DEVICE=RCD.SYS" so that it is loaded after any memory drivers. If you are running a 80386 system, place the following lines immediately after the DR DOS memory manager (EMM386.SYS) device line: HIDEVICE = C:\RCD.SYS HIDEVICE = C:\DRDOS\PCKWIK.SYS Save the new CONFIG.SYS by typing KX. 10. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT to load RCS.EXE. Start Editor and insert either of the following commands: C:\RCS or HILOAD C:\RCS.EXE Any HILOAD command must be executed before MEMMAX -U. If you do not use the memory manager or if the command is executed after MEMMAX -U, RCS.EXE will automatically load into conventional memory. See the DR DOS User Guide for a complete description of MEMMAX and HILOAD. Save the new AUTOEXEC.BAT by typing KX. 11. Bernoulli drive preparation is complete. Reboot to load DR DOS configured with RCD.SYS. Section 4 Creating a bootable 90 meg Bernoulli drive using OAD Utilities 4A. Preparing the Host Adapter for use with the DOS OAD Utilities ver 1.01 1. The PC2B/50 Host Adapter board has a default port address 340h. Determine if this address needs to be changed to avoid conflict with any other hardware, such as a network card. Make any changes according to the Iomega instruction manual. 2. Default ROM address is set at CC00. Set ROM address to NONE. ******* OADUTIL ver 1.01 will not format a bootable Bernoulli drive if ROM addressing is enabled and there is no fixed drive on the system. Workaround is to disable ROM addressing or boot from a fixed drive before running OADUTIL. ******* 3. Follow the Iomega instruction manual to install the PC2B/50 board into the computer, cable to the Bernoulli drive, turn on the Bernoulli drive, and insert cartridge. 4B. Preparing the Bernoulli drive with DOS OAD Utilities ver 1.01 1. Start the computer with the DR DOS Startup disk in drive A. 2. From the Install menu choose F10 - exit to DOS. 3. Format a bootable floppy diskette in the A drive. Using a diskette of the correct density for the drive, type FORMAT A: /S DR DOS will prompt you to swap diskettes when necessary. If using a diskette of another density, refer to DR DOS 6 User Guide for specific settings. 4. Execute the Iomega utility program INSTALL.EXE from drive B to install the device drivers to the diskette in drive A. The program will create a CONFIG.SYS file which loads the OAD drivers. 5. Reboot with the new diskette to load the OAD drivers and access the Bernoulli cartridge. 6. DR DOS cannot format or sys the Bernoulli drive. Execute OADUTIL.EXE to format the Bernoulli cartridge and copy the operating system. ** Be certain to select "Copy system to formatted disk."** 7. Continue OADUTIL.EXE to install the DOSOAD drivers to the Bernoulli drive. 8. Turn off the system and configure the host adaptor for a ROM address. Determine if alternate address C800 does not conflict with other hardware, such as a high resolution graphics card. If there is no conflict, follow the instructions to move the ROM address to C800. This address will yield more contiguous upper memory blocks which can be addressed by the DR DOS memory manager. 4C. Manual installation of DR DOS to the Bernoulli drive with OAD drivers 1. Reboot from drive C (the Bernoulli drive). 2. Create a DRDOS directory using the following command: MD C:\DRDOS 3. Insert the original DR DOS Startup diskette into A drive. 4. Copy all DR DOS files into the C:\DRDOS directory. For each diskette except Viewmax, use the following command: COPY A:\*.* C:\DRDOS 5. The Viewmax diskette has subdirectories. To copy subdirectories use the following command: C:\DRDOS\XCOPY A:\*.* C:\DRDOS /S 6. Rename the Install program using the following command: REN C:\DRDOS\INSTALL.EXE C:\DRDOS\SETUP.EXE 7. Create DR DOS configuration files by running Setup. Setup will create CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT with your customized selections. To run Setup, type SETUP at the prompt. 8. After running Setup, install the two DR DOS files for Bernoulli. Assuming that you have obtained PATCH315.ZIP and RCS.ZIP from the DR DOS Host System and used PKUNZIP to extract the files, put the diskette with the extracted files in the A drive and use the following commands: C:\DRDOS\XCOPY A:\IBMBIO.315 C:\IBMBIO.COM /RH COPY A:\RCS.EXE C:\ 9. Edit the CONFIG.SYS to configure DOSOAD drivers. Type the following command to start Editor: C:\DRDOS\EDITOR C:\CONFIG.SYS If you are not familiar with Editor, consult the DR DOS User Guide for keyboard commands. You will want to move the OAD driver lines so that the drivers are loaded after any memory drivers. If you are running a 80386 system, place the following lines immediately after the DR DOS memory manager (EMM386.SYS) device line: a) If EMM386.SYS does not load a LIM frame (/F=NONE) DEVICE = C:\OADDOS\DOSCFG.EXE /L=001 /M1 /V HIDEVICE = C:\OADDOS\DOSOAD.SYS /S HIDEVICE = C:\DRDOS\PCKWIK.SYS b) If EMM386.SYS loads a LIM frame (/F=AUTO) DEVICE = C:\OADDOS\DOSCFG.EXE /L=001 /M1 /V DEVICE = C:\OADDOS\DOSOAD.SYS /S DEVICE = C:\DRDOS\PCKWIK.SYS ******** Some systems will halt if HIDEVICE=C:\OADDOS\DOSOAD.SYS is used after the LIM frame is enabled. We recommend that you DO NOT use HIDEVICE in this configuration. ******** Adjust the OAD driver switches as recommended by Iomega. 10. Save the new CONFIG.SYS by typing KX.