FYI Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims as to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Manual installation of DR DOS 6.0 with Stacker 2.0 installed DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1615 DATE: 29DEC92 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES: 12MAR92 SYMPTOM: Needing to install DR DOS 6 with Stacker already installed. ISSUE/PROBLEM: NOTES For these examples of a manual installation the original boot partition is assumed to be lettered C:. If the boot partition is labeled other than C:, please replace "C:" in the examples below with the drive letter representing the boot partition. BACKUP THE HARD DISK BEFORE TRYING THE FOLLOWING. ALSO, have a copy of the present operating system's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT handy for reference. A full understanding of the STACKER 2.0 disk compression utility is recommended before attempting the following steps. It is also recommended that the security feature of DR DOS not be installed until the user is sure that DR DOS and Stacker are working properly after installation. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Using DISKCOPY, make a backup of the DR DOS 6.0 STARTUP diskette. 2. Reboot with the DR DOS backup STARTUP diskette. Eventually the drive will stop turning at the first installation screen. 3. Break out of the installation by pressing and choosing "Exit to DR DOS". 4. From the A: prompt type EDITOR CONFIG.SYS to edit the CONFIG.SYS on this backup diskette. 5. Add the following lines to the END of the Config.sys file: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK /SYNC These additions will make the DR DOS 6.0 INSTALL program "Stacker Aware". This means that the DR DOS INSTALL program will now recognize Stacker volumes, as well as uncompressed volumes. 6. Remove the lines: DEVICE=\SSTORDRV.SYS and DEVICE=\DEVSWAP.COM from this same CONFIG.SYS file. This will disable SuperStor, DR DOS's disk compression utility, from being loaded from the backup STARTUP diskette. 7. Save the changes to CONFIG.SYS by performing a CTRL-K and pressing X to Save and Exit. For additional information regarding DR DOS's EDITOR program, please see the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide. Note: Remember that the DR DOS backup STARTUP diskette is now Stacker aware. If the computer were to be rebooted from this DR DOS backup STARTUP diskette, it should notice the Stacker drives loading and swapping the appropriate drive letters. Prepare to determine which drive letter is mounting as the Stacker uncompressed volume (which drive is swapping with C:). Do this by watching Stacker as it mounts: Swapped drives C: and __: FILL in the above blank, and all of the below blanks (underscores), with the drive letter representing the uncompressed boot partition that swaps with C:. 8. Reboot with the DR DOS backup STARTUP diskette and note the swap drive as explained in the NOTE above. Eventually the drive will stop turning at the first installation screen. 9. Break out of the installation by pressing and choosing "Exit to DR DOS". 10. From the A: prompt type SYS __: This will transfer the proper boot files from the installation diskette in drive A: to the uncompressed boot partition. Now the uncompressed drive (__:) is a DR DOS 6.0 boot drive. 11. Also from the A: prompt type SYS C:. This will transfer the proper boot files from the installation diskette in drive A: to the C: Stacker partition. Most importantly, this will create a new DR DOS Boot Sector if the hard disk was previously formatted under another operating system. 12. Move to drive __: and create a DR DOS subdirectory by typingMD DRDOS. 13. Move to drive C: and create a DR DOS subdirectory by typingMD DRDOS. Note: this is not the same drive as step 12. 14. Move back to A: and copy all of the files from all of the DR DOS 6.0 diskettes into the C:\DRDOS subdirectory. This is accomplished by typing COPY *.* C:\DRDOS from the A: prompt. Do this with each individual DR DOS diskette. Use either the original STARTUP or the backup STARTUP diskette. 15. Move to the C:\DRDOS subdirectory by typing C: and then CD\DRDOS. 16. Delete COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, and AUTOEXEC.BAT from this DR DOS subdirectory. These files will not be needed in this directory. DEL . 17. Rename INSTALL.EXE to SETUP.EXE. REN INSTALL.EXE SETUP.EXE. 18. Run SETUP by typing SETUP, Then install each portion of DR DOS. Note: DO NOT install the SuperStor portion of DR DOS. SUPERSTOR AND STACKER CANNOT BE USED TOGETHER. 19. Once DR DOS is installed and configured, choose EXIT TO DR DOS. DO NOT REBOOT THE COMPUTER! 20. From the C:\DRDOS subdirectory type EDITOR C:\CONFIG.SYS. 21. Add the following lines to the end of the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACKVOL.DSK DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK /SYNC These additions will make your DR DOS hard disk installation "Stacker Aware". 22. Also, write down any of the NEW (DR DOS) drivers which are loaded prior to the last two lines added above. Note: This is why it is recommended that a copy of the old CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT be made. Compare the old CONFIG.SYS with the new CONFIG.SYS DR DOS created and determine which drivers DR DOS has added. Look for lines which begin with a DEVICE, HIDEVICE, INSTALL, or HIINSTALL command. REMEMBER the two lines will be loaded from this __: drive. This is why it is necessary to make sure they are in the DRDOS subdirectory on the __: drive for CONFIG.SYS to find them. 23. Save the changes to CONFIG.SYS by performing a CTRL-K and then press X to Save and Exit. For additional information regarding DR DOS's EDITOR program, please see the DR DOS 6.0 User Guide. 24. Copy all of the files noted in step #22 above to the DRDOS subdirectory on __: (__:\DRDOS). COPY __:\DRDOS. 25. Move back to the root directory by typing a CD \. From here, copy CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to the _: root directory (__: \). COPY __: \. 26. Stacker and DR DOS are now installed. You may now reboot your machine. NOTE: If Stacker detects changes in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS during boot, let Stacker make the changes by pressing a "Y". Disclaimer Stacker is a trademark of Stac Electronics of Carlsbad, CA, and is in no way a product of the Novell Desktop Systems Group. While we make every effort to provide accurate information to assist the user in installing DR DOS 6.O over Stacker 2.0, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these instructions in every instance. Technical support questions involving Stacker software are best addressed to Stac Electronics.