FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Print Shop Deluxe DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1622 DATE: 25SEPT92 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES: FYI-M-1622 15SEPT92 SYMPTOM: Unable to run Print Shop Deluxe Issue/Problem: Print Shop Deluxe will not execute with EMM386.SYS or HIDOS.SYS loaded. Depending on the configuration, Print Shop Deluxe will fail either right away (showing a square blinking cursor), after blanking the screen, or upon showing its initial graphics screen. Although it appears as if the memory managers are the issue (both HIDOS.SYS and EMM386.SYS), other utility combinations also seemed to produce intermittent execution failures. Solution: Broderbund has a correction available. The file is available by calling their BBS at 415-883-5889. The file is called PSDPATCH.COM and is in the Library FIXITS. This file is a run one-time only patch. PSDPATCH.COM should be copied into the subdirectory where the Print Shop Deluxe files reside. PSDPATCH.COM will patch PSD.EXE and can be deleted once the correction has occured. If you do not have a modem you can contact Broderbund Customer Service at 800-521-6263 or Broderbund Technical Support at 415-382-4700.