FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Crusaders of the Dark Savant or Wizardry #7 DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1624 DATE: 25NOV92 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES: SYMPTOM: SYSTEM ERROR INSUFFICIENT MEMORY SEE MEMORY NOTE #1. <-Error message upon launching Crusaders of the Dark Savant/Wizardry #7 from Sir-Tech. ISSUE/PROBLEM: The CONFIG.SYS must have the following two items set in order to launch the program. The memory manager EMM386.SYS must have the /F=NONE switch set and FASTOPEN=0. In the AUTOEXEC.BAT there can not be the line MEMMAX -U >NUL nor can you load SUPERPCK. If any one of the above mentioned settings are not set as stated you will get the error message. Also this solution will not work on a 286 (or below) based platform or any machine in which the memory manager HIDOS.SYS is loaded. SOLUTION: You can make a bootable disk by simply formatting a disk in the A: drive with the /S option, then adding the following CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to the bootable disk. AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF PATH C:\DRDOS;C:\DSAVANT (you need to make sure that the path is correct for your machine) VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS 6.0] $p$g :DRDOSEND CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=FFFF /R=AUTO ?DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS (you only need to use this if your drive is compressed) ?DEVICE=C:\DEVSWAP.COM (you only need to use this if your drive is compressed) SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=30 FILES=120 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=0 LASTDRIVE=M HISTORY=ON, 256, OFF, OFF, OFF COUNTRY=001,,C:\DRDOS\COUNTRY.SYS HIDOS=ON It is possible to use the CHAIN command in CONFIG.SYS to run an alternate CONFIG file. This alternate CONFIG file may also need to have a shell statement to run an alternate AUTOEXEC.BAT (refer to FYI-M-1113). If you are not familiar with the above processes, it is recommended that you do not change your CONFIG.SYS or your AUTOEXEC.BAT to reflect this configuration on your hard drive. We recommend that you simply make a bootable disk and use it when you play Crusaders of the Dark Savant/Wizardry #7. You make a bootable disk by placing a disk in the A: drive and from the prompt type SYS A:. This will make a bootable disk then you need to create the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS as they are above. This particular configuration of Crusaders uses no Expanded or EMS memory. Technically, Crusaders should run with EMS but it is not compatible with DR DOS 6.0 EMM386.SYS EMS memory.