FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Manual Installation of DR Multiuser DOS DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1907 DATE: 28DEC92 PRODUCT: DR MULTIUSER DOS PRODUCT VERSION: ALL SUPERSEDES: 05JUN92 SYMPTOM: User needs to manually install DR Multiuser DOS SOLUTION Note: x: is considered to be the bootable drive. Only DR Multiuser DOS on partition 1. Prepare the hard disk with FDISK, creating at least a 5MB active bootable partition. 2. Format the bootable partition with a (FORMAT x: /s). This will require booting from the DR Multiuser DOS disk 1 and exiting to DOS. 3. Make a directory on the bootable partition of \OSUTILS (MD \OSUTILS) and copy all the files from the root directories (COPY A:*.* x:\OSUTILS) of the installation disks into this directory. 4. Rename INSTALL.EXE in the \OSUTILS directory to SETUP.EXE. See section on "Creating Necessary Files." Multiple Operating Systems on partition Make sure the bootable partition on the hard disk has at least 5MB of available space. 1. Make a directory on the bootable partition of \OSUTILS (MD \OSUTILS). 2. Copy all the files from the root directories (COPY A:*.* x:\OSUTILS) of the installation disks into this directory. After copying all the files to the hard drive, rename INSTALL.EXE in the \OSUTILS directory to SETUP.EXE. 3. Remove the attributes to IBMDOS.COM (ATTRIB -R IBMDOS.COM) 4. Copy IBMDOS.COM on the installation diskettes to DRMDOS.SYS on the bootable partition(COPY A:IBMDOS.COM x:\DRMDOS.SYS). 5. Change the attributes of IBMDOS.COM (ATTRIB A:\IBMDOS.COM -RSH). 6. Copy LOADER.COM from the \OSUTILS directory on the hard drive to the ROOT directory (COPY \OSUTILS\LOADER.COM \LOADER.COM). 7. Run LOADER.COM to initialize the drive for Multiple O/S booting. See section on "Creating Necessary Files." Creating Necessary Files Add the following lines to the beginning of the AUTOEXEC.BAT: If "%OS%"=="DRMDOS" goto DRMDOS ; To determine the operating system. GOTO SKIP ; Placed at the end of your existing O/S commands. :DRMDOS ; A label SET TEMP=x:\OSUTILS\TMP PATH x:\OSUTILS; APPEND x:\OSUTILS SUSPEND = OFF PROMPT %CONSOLE% $P$G EXIT :SKIP These lines are necessary for Multiuser and will not be created by running SETUP. The original AUTOEXEC.BAT should continue after the label ":SKIP". After adding the necessary lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and rebooting run SETUP to configure your system parameters. It may be necessary to copy files from the subdirectories on the installation diskettes for drivers or batch files for specific applications.