MacSEE V2.0 REEVEsoft P.O. Box 1884 Clemson, SC 29633 MacSEE is a utility that will allow you to read/write Macintosh format diskettes on your PC. This includes 1.44 MB High Density Macintosh diskettes, 800K Low Density Spectre format Macintosh Diskettes (this is the Mac emulator for the Atari ST), and Macintosh hard disks including SyQuest removable hard drives formatted on a Mac. Please note that if you find this utility of use to you then you are required to register it, otherwise please remove it from your system. Registration entitles you to the latest version of MacSEE, upgrade information, printed documentation, and copies of our other Shareware utilities to try out. The registration fee is $35.00. Using MacSEE- After loading MacSEE you will be presented by a list box containing any Macintosh files on the selected disk (or a list of available devices with Macintosh disks), and a panel of options. To select a Macintosh devices just click on it in the list box with the mouse (if the devices is a floppy drive be sure to insert a Mac disk first). All files on the device will be displayed. After selecting a file you can then click on the '>> Copy >>' button to copy that file from the Mac disk onto a PC disk. The '<< Copy <<' button takes a PC file and copies it to the Macintosh disk that has been selected. If translation is on then only the data fork of the Macintosh file will be copied. This is useful for transferring information files from the Mac to the PC when you have no intention of copying the file back to the Macintosh at a later time. Without translation the MacBinary format of the Macintosh file will be preserved and you will later be able to copy the file back to a Macintosh disk.