*** NCS-Off *** Written by Keith J. Ruskin, MD COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 KEITH J. RUSKIN, MD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS PROGRAM MAY BE USED AND COPIED FREELY, BUT MAY NOT BE MODIFIED. THIS ARCHIVE MUST BE DISTRIBUTED IN ITS ENTIRETY. NCS-Off is a simple solution to an annoying problem. It's a short program that turns off Caps-Lock, Num-Lock, and Scroll-Lock. It has been tested on multiple IBM PCompatible machines. Copy the file ncs-off.exe into any directory listed in your PATH statement. Then put the command NCS-OFF in your autoexec.bat. There are no command-line parameters. There is no registration fee for NCS-Off. If you like the program, or have any suggestions, I'd like to hear from you. My e-mail address (on the internet) is ruskin@acfcluster.nyu.edu "Thank You for Using NCS-OFF!"