SCHEDIT.EXE v.1.00 SCHEDIT is a utility written in C++. If you have specific programs or utilities that you run on certain days or dates, you can now use SCHEDIT to schedule those programs to run automatically. It is very simple to use. Create BAT file for the days that you need a program run, and in those BAT files, put in the program name and the appropriate switches. For example: If you want Norton's SPEEDISK to defrag your files on Mondays and to do a full optimization on Wednesdays, you will create a MON.BAT file with the following command: SPEEDISK C: /U. Also, create a WED.BAT file and in this file you enter the following command: SPEEDISK C: /FD. You can put as many programs to execute as you wish. You must create your BAT files using the following names for the days: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN. In the next release of this program, you will be able to specify programs to execute on a specific date, such as runing a program on Jan 28th, or on February 2, 1995...etc. Remember, all you need to do is to create these BAT files and in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, enter the following line: SCHEDIT or C:\UTILS\SCHEDIT etc. Make sure the program and the BAT files are in the current directory or in the PATH. You can also run SCHEDIT from the C:\ prompt. If you like this program and intend on using it, please be kind enough to register this program for the nominal fee of $5.00. This program is shareware! Just print out the SCHEDIT.REG file, fill it out and mail to the address specified on the registration form. Please help to support shareware! If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to CIS Id: 76517,3326.