This is a sample application intended to facilitate distribution of the runtime module VBDRT10.EXE with which you may run other Visual Basic for MS-DOS applications (a la VBRUN200.DLL used with VB Windows). This program is freeware, the only "payment" requested is that you respond with your comments as to what worked/ didn't work, what bugs (if any) you found, and your comments/suggestions as how to improve this application. You have my express permission to distribute this application as far and wide as you like, so long as any modified .EXE files created with the source code are properly identified and credited to the person doing the modifications. Program Features 1.Edit up to 3 small documents concurrently. (Please note that the text windows in this application will not load text exceeding 32K in size.I am working on eliminating this limitation.) 2.Convienent hotkeys for entering Spanish,Portugese and International Currency symbols and characters (such as ¨śť¤,etc.) and the much needed › character as well. 3.Shell to DOS or run DOS program from convienient pick list. (Programs to be run should require less than 500K memory) Try this trick if you ever need to send a fax that requires Spanish or international characters- type up the text on the Notepad, then Save and run the fax program from the Run Program list to send it. Much easier than remembering ASCII codes. 4.Special Network features to access network mail, etc., from menu. Specific support for Artisoft Lantastic, however most others should work. Even more specifically, it enables use of the Artisoft LANPUP utility without requiring it to be loaded memory-resident. 5.Alarm Clock with free DOS memory display. Things You Need to Know: 1. Start this program only from the directory in which VBDRT10.EXE is stored. Otherwise, when you shell to DOS or run another program, you will get an error message asking where VBDRT10.EXE is at. You can use a batch file to accomplish getting to the correct directory if your menu system does not do it automatcally. Example, let's call it TRIED.BAT, will do the trick: ECHO OFF C: CD\UTIL TRIEDIT Some may question the wisdom of making a program that requires this module, however the side benefit is that it allows about 200K more free memory when shelling to DOS than a stand-alone program. What's more, numerous programs than require VBDRT10.EXE can feed like pirahnas off one copy, thus saving you valuable disk space compared to stand-alone .EXE files. 2. The Run Program menu as of yet does not accept command-line parameters for the programs you wish to run. However, it will put you in the correct directory where the program is located prior to running it..just in case your program is like this one and must be started from its home directory. 3. Text files containing international symbols will have a few errors when imported to a Windows program because Windows uses the ANSI rather than the ASCII character set, which is slightly different. You can use the Character Map (CHARMAP.EXE) supplied with Windows to correct these errors, or there is a freeware utility (ASC2ANSI.EXE) which converts a whole file at a time. 4. Some programs do not like to be run as shelled out from another program, particularly certain games. You will undoubtedly find out which ones on your own. The only answer at this point is to exit the program completely before trying to run these programs rather than running them from the menu. Do not attempt to load or run memory-resident programs from the Run Program menu or when shelled to DOS. Doing so will hang your computer when you try to exit. 5. The Free Program Memory display indicates the approximate amount of free memory available for programs you run from the menu. The number includes a "fudge factor" to allow for operating-system overhead. Depending on which version of DOS you use and your preference of command processor, you will almost always have 5 or 10K more than displayed. 6. Network Features/Command Line Parameters: Command line is: TRIEDIT [LAN or NET] [Mail/MessageProgram + Parameters] The command line: TRIEDIT by itself runs TRIEDIT minus the network features. The command line: TRIEDIT LAN runs Triedit with Artisoft defaults, NET.EXE as your network access program and LANPUP in stand-alone mode (not memory resident,however, LANPUP will "pop-up" over the screen as if it was memory resident anyway!) as mail/message program. If you load LANPUP memory resident prior to running TriEdit, using the Send Net Message menu command will usually generate an annoying but harmless error message. The LAN parameter also enables the Display Last Message menu item which will retrieve your last pop-up message in case you missed it. You can use different network and mail/message programs. TRIEDIT looks for the DOS environment variable NETMNU and if it finds it will use the one specified in that variable instead of NET.EXE, for example, put this in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or STARTNET.BAT: SET NETMNU=D:\OINKER\OINKNET.EXE and TriEdit will invoke OINKNET.EXE instead of NET.EXE. You can also use the NETMNU variable to speed up access to the NET.EXE program, for example: SET NETMNU=D:\LANTASTI\NET.EXE will allow TriEdit to locate the program directly rather than forcing DOS to run the search path ("PATH" variable) looking for it. You can use the command line to specify a different mail or message program than LANPUP. For example: TRIEDIT LAN OINKMAIL /parameter1 /parameter2 and TriEdit will invoke OINKMAIL with /parameter1 and /parameter2 as commandline parameters, instead of LANPUP. Using TRIEDIT with the NET parameter (meaning you don't have Lantastic) requires a few extra steps. It is required for you to set the NETMNU variable or have a program called NETMNU.BAT in your Dos PATH to invoke your network interface program. You must also provide the name of your Mail or Message program on the command line, otherwise the Send Net Message menu item will shell you out to the command prompt. Probably the best way is to use a batch file to run TRIEDIT, let's call it TRIEDNET.BAT, for example: ECHO OFF C: CD\UTIL SET NETMNU=G:\OINKNET\OINKNET.EXE TRIEDIT NET /OINKMAIL /parameter1 /parameter2 SET NETMNU= The last line releases the environment space used by the SET NETMNU=G:\OINKNET\OINKNET.EXE command. The Display Last Message menu item will disappear if you use the NET commandline parameter. At some point I will rewrite this program to read/write to a startup file (aka TRIEDIT.INI) and eliminate all this commandline nonsense.There's still a little work to be done but overall it works pretty well. ­Adios! Ned Carlson (Compuserve 70524,1605) Triode Electronics (worldwide electron tube distributors) Box 578751, Chicago, IL 60657 USA Fax 312-871-7938 Phone 312-871-7459