MANUAL FOR BATTLECRUISER:3000AD DEMO V3.00 REV 02/22/93 --------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* I don't have a DOS ASCII spell checker so this file may have typos. If you do, please send me a copy, or better yet, spellcheck the file and send me the modified copy. Beware of the technical terms included here!! I spent an hour spellchecking it under Amipro/Windows only to find out in the end that after I saved it, the format was all screwed-up. Luckily I had made a backup. This is it. ******************************************************************************* Due to the numerous features in this release, demo v2.01 was scrapped. This manual is specifically for use with Battlecruiser:3000AD demo v3.0. It may seem lengthy and complex but compare it to the final game manual which is currently 152 pages!! I could have created a much more simpler manual but then I would have to leave out some critical systems descriptions and that would leave you completely in the dark. Where necessary, I have indicated which of these systems actually work in this demo, elsewhere, I have indicated systems that work differently for the purposes of this demo. These include the COMMS, TACTICAL and NAVIGATION stations of the Battlecruiser. If a system does not work in the demo, it means I forgot to mention that it is not active. The purpose of this demo is to ensure that GALCOM operatives remain confident that this program will be worth the wait. A whole bunch of features have been disabled such as trading, docking, personnel deployment etc. The 3D planetary terrain is not shaded and does not contain the actual 3D objects. Crude cubes have been used as target objects for the purpose of this demo. A lot of you will be very disoriented with the flight models created in this demo. They have been simplified for the purpose of this demo and are much more realistic in the final release. In Battlecruiser:3000AD, there are four flight models, a space and atmospheric model for the Battlecruiser and Interceptors. Even though you will lose control of the Battlecruiser if you enter a planet's atmosphere, it does have an atmospheric flight model since there is a way around it. The GALCOM Supreme Commander's Guide (a special publication) will outline hints on overcoming this, it will also contain a host of other hints in playing the game, trading & communicating with aliens, personnel resource management, combat tactics etc. Remember, these ships are not like anything you are likely to fly anytime soon. The Interceptor created in this program will outperform and outmanoever any modern day aircraft. It is my intention to create a Mission Disk which sends the player back through time, here you will get a chance to pit your Interceptor against modern day fighters such as the F15E Strike Eagle, F16 Falcon, F14 Tomcat, Mig 29 Fulcrum etc. I'm still thinking about it. Since there are no air currents to help a craft maneuver in space, movement is very different. You must rely on your engine thrusters to propel the ship in one direction and by modifying the thrust vector, you can change directions quickly. If you moved in one direction and shutdown your engines, the ship will continue to move in that direction based on its velocity even if you are facing a different direction. Mastering these maneuvers in heated combat will mean the difference between living and dying. Since your ship can be facing one direction and moving in another, you will have some difficulty intercepting other targets. In order to simply the user interface and not ruin the simulation with actual space flight dynamics, your on-board computers will be responsible for actually modifying your input in order to simply the flight dynamics. These computers are directly linked to your ship's flight control system and can't be overridden. These computer tasks include compensating for and calculating your thrust vector in slowing the ship down, directional changes which are slaved to the NAVITRON computer's currently selected waypoint etc As an example, if you are flying (in space) and you hit the <0> key to come to a complete stop, the ship will not stop immediately even though your reactor thrust vector is at zero. The flight computer will gradually slow down the ship. During this transition, you may change directions if you so desire and the ship will continue moving until it stops. The ships also have two thrust vectors that you have control over, these are the conventional FTOL (Forward Take-Off & Landing) and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off & Landing) that are active in space and atmospheric flight. Used effectively, you will soon be able to master space and atmospheric flight. I suggest you run the demo in free flight mode and practice. Another difficult thing to do is dock an Interceptor in the Battlecruiser bay. This feature has been disabled in this demo. Instead, an animation sequence is used (if you have those animation files). You can practice those maneuvers in readiness for the final product by launching an Interceptor and using your FTOL/VTOL controls, to 'skim' over the top of the Battlecruiser between it's extended solar panels and flying down the length of the ship. You will have to master this if you intend to play the final program in 'realistic' mode. Any mistakes in docking will destroy the Interceptor and damage the Battlecruiser. Since repairs are time critical, you will be in serious trouble if you damage your ship in hostile territory. All programs have bugs, if you remember, demo v2.00 was 99.9% bug-free and I have tried to maintain that in this release. Please report any bugs via open forum message so that other GALCOM Operatives can pitch in. I shall not reply to any bug reports via e-mail. I welcome your input, if you have any ideas that would make the finished product more user-friendly or enhance it's playability, please send me your comments via e-mail. ******************************************************************************* This program is released as freeware and 3000AD disclaims any responsibility for damage caused to your system as a result of it's use. If you would like the entire demo v3.0 on diskettes, please send $20 and a self-addressed envelop to: GALCOM Supreme Commander 3000AD 8306 Mills Drive, Suite 329 Miami, Fl 33183 Tel 305-273-9875 Fax 305-273-9876 Email - Compuserve 71334,2207 Genie D.SMART5 Delphi DMENTOR Prodigy PFWB30A AOL DSMART BIX DSMART Internet ******************************************************************************* REQUIREMENTS ------------ This demo, requires a minimum 1 MB of EMS & 585K of base memory and a 386/486. This means that your system MUST have a minimum of 2MB RAM installed. The program DOES NOT require XMS memory. This demo will not run if these minimum memory requirements aren't met. You will also need a mouse for the LOGISTIX computer interface though it also supports the keyboard. After installing all your drivers, you MUST have a minimum of 585K ram free. DOS 5.0 is required. This demo is compatible with QEMM, 386MAX & the DOS memory managers provided with DOS 5.0. However, it is suggested that you create a boot diskette that loads only your memory manager & mouse since some memory manager switches are very troublesome. 585K of free conventional ram = (585x1024) - 599040 bytes 1MB of free EMS ram = (1024x1024) - 1,048,576 bytes Run chkdsk to check your available free memory. Your memory manager should have a utility that allows you to view the available free EMS. A VGA monitor + VGA graphics card (minimum 256K RAM) is required. A joystick is optional but not required. On 386 or 486SX systems a math-co will be automatically used if detected. On 486DX systems it will automatically be used. After you have verified these requirements, run SETUP. CONFIGURING SETUP ----------------- The SETUP screen contains several options that determine various game options. It also displays the amount of free EMS, conventional memory & the processor. Use the keyboard/mouse and select the option that you wish to change. Press on the option to see the various settings. On completion go to the EXIT button and press , your options will be saved. Mouse is active. AN '*' indicates that this option is not available and therefore defaults to a value that you cannot change. This demo only contains the VGA animation sequences. You will require the BCSVGA.ZIP file which contains the SVGA animations. SVGA animations requires a superVGA monitor and a graphics card with minimum 512K graphics RAM. The old adlib card was not developed for the playback of digitized sounds therefore, digitized sound will be of very poor quality if using this card. It also does not support simultaneous playback of digitized sound and MIDI music as cards that use DMA, such as SoundBlaster, SBPRO etc. During the demo, when switching from MIDI to digitized sound and vice versa, there may be a degradation in quality of the sounds played, also since it can only play one sound at a time, the current sound will be terminated if a new sound is introduced for playback. The AdlibGOLD card is totally different from the original, however, there may be an audible 'click' in between digitized sound/FX, we hope to resolve this issue by the final release. This program does not utilize the stereo features of the SoundBlaster PRO card. If you have a Gravis UltraSound card, select SoundBlaster. Don't forget to load the SBOS driver that came with the UltraSound board!! You may have to experiment with the various settings for this driver. While at the SETUP menu, if you have changed the I/O, IRQ & DMA settings for your card (SoundBlaster, SBPRO etc), you MUST use 's' to set them up. If you don't, the program will use the factory defaults (220,7,1). If these settings are incorrect, you will not be able to hear the digitized sound/FX. PCspeaker support was included as a cruel joke for those of you who still don't have a soundcard. When you hear this, you WILL go out and buy one. Trust me. - Sound/FX - /None/SBlaster/SBPro/ProAudio/Adlib/ATI/AdlibGOLD/PCSpeaker - Music/FX - /None/SBlaster/SBPro/ProAudio/Adlib/ATI/AdlibGOLD/ROLAND The ROLAND system is not supported in this demo - Control - /None/Joystick/Thrustmaster/Flightstick The Thrustmaster & Flightstick controls are not supported in this demo. You can only use them for directional control like a normal joystick (if my auto-detect works ). - Detail Level - Low/Medium/High ( high detail results in slower running code ) - Enemy Intel - Rookie/Veteran/Ace ( the higher, the more difficult ) An Ace enemy level means that radar systems will detect, acquire and fire at you faster. Enemy pilots will be harder to defeat in a dogfight and they also activate high level AI combat procedures. This demo DOES NOT contain the nightmarish level of enemy AI since most of the systems required to play at that level are disabled. Nonetheless, you'll have fun. - Demo Mode - FREEFLIGHT ( Enemy uses dud ammo and you cannot be killed ) MISSION ( Enemy use live ammo ) ANIMATIONS ( Disabled ) - Animations - ENABLE/DISABLE ( configures animation sequences ) Select DISABLE if you do not wish to play animation sequences during the game or if you do not have the animation files. In the absence of the animation files, animation sequences will not be played during gameplay. - Monitor - SVGA/VGA ( select SVGA if you have the SVGA animation files ) - VREC* - YES/NO ( select YES if you have the Voice Recognition module ) - SCI-LINK* - YES/NO ( select YES if you have the SCI-LINK module ) - MISSION* - YES/NO select YES if you have an optional mission disk, at the Mission Directives menu in the game a list of the mission disks will be displayed for your selection. - Transcript - /NONE/LPT1/LPT2/COM1/COM2 Device* If you have a printer, select the appropriate port. All incoming messages will be forwarded to it. If the printer runs out of paper or an error occurs during gameplay, a textfile 3000AD.LOG will be generated. This textfile is also created if you select NONE. - EXIT - Select the 'tick mark' to save your setup configuration - ABORT - Select the 'cross mark' to abort your setup configuration MISSION OVERVIEW ---------------- If you selected FREEFLIGHT or MISSION option at SETUP, a mission called 'The Gammulan Contact' is generated. This contains 2 phases, 1 & 2. Since this demo starts with you at the controls of the Battlecruiser somewhere in space, you will be notified of these missions by GALCOM HQ as the game progresses. The game starts with you outside GALCOM HQ (check your radar system). GALCOM HQ is positioned in high orbit outside Earth. Phase #1 -------- A Gammulan Class B StormCarrier ( it also deployed a probe outside Venus) has been detected outside Mars. You are required to intercept and destroy it using any means possible and also thwart the attack on the Mars colony of FirstLight. This ship contains 50 combat personnel, a bridge crew of 5, 2 TN-31 Corsairs & 2 Starfighters. The Stormcarrier launched 2 Corsairs to Mars to destroy the FirstLight colony. The GALCOM team on FirstLight only have firepower to last an hour's skirmish. See the specifications for the ships and weapons platforms used in this demo. If the Corsairs suceed in destroying FirstLight, they will return to the StormCarrier which will then head for Earth to destroy GALCOM HQ. If the FirstLight colony is destroyed, you have failed this phase. If you allow the Stormcarrier to escape, it will join the other ship in phase #2 making the mission more difficult to complete. You are also required to destroy an unidentified alien probe outside Venus in the Solar system. If you cannot locate and destroy the probe, the enemy ships in phase #2 continue to receive tactical combat data from the probe and make the enemy ships more difficult to defeat. Phase #2 -------- While you are intercepting the Gammulan strike team around Mars, a Gammulan Venom class StarCarrier is fast approaching GALCOM HQ. You are required to intercept and destroy it otherwise it will destroy GALCOM HQ. This ship has a mission to destroy GALCOM HQ, if you failed phase #1 of this mission, the probe will constantly feed data between both ships and the Gammulan StormCarrier will join the StarCarrier in order to destroy GALCOM HQ. Your Battlecruiser is no match for these two ships and all their firepower and support ships. GALCOM HQ has also launched 2 combat LightStar fighters to defend the HQ. These will engage the enemy ships. Be careful who you shoot at!! If GALCOM HQ is destroyed, you have failed completely. OTHER IMPORTANT INFO -------------------- This demo has minimum functionality therefore most functions will probably not operate as they should if other key related functions have not been implemented. That's what a demo is about. If you are killed whilst in command of an Interceptor, you will be returned to the bridge of the Battlecruiser. If you run out of power whilst in command of an Interceptor, simply switch to the Battlecruiser controls. You will still be able to make future switches to the disabled Interceptor but you will not be able to control it since it will be drifting in space. You have sufficent power to complete both phases of this mission. CONDITIONS FOR END GAME IF IN 'MISSION' MODE -------------------------------------------- . Battlecruiser is destroyed If Interceptors were previously deployed, the player will automatically be switched to one of them and can assume control until power runs out. . Battlecruiser + both Interceptors are destroyed . Battlecruiser's nuclear reactor is severely damaged and shuts down. The nuclear reactor will shut down when it is sustains 95% damage. Your total power source comes from both the nuclear and solar reactors. If one shuts down or it's power is totally depleted your remaining power will be determined by the amount left in the other's reserves. . The player will lose control of the Battlecruiser if the life support fails. Everyone will die. The same applies for the Interceptor. Any system that fails cannot be repaired. The ship will drift uselessly you may exit and restart the game. NAVIGATION ---------- NAVITRON computer ----------------- In this demo, the ships navigations computer is non-interactive. All mission waypoints will be automatically uploaded to the NAVITRON computer when a mission is generated. ie when you receive communications from the GALCOM Supreme Commander. The NAVITRON computer in the finished product allows you to set any point in space or on a planet as a waypoint. It also allows you to set waypoints for remotely launched Interceptors. To see a screen capture of the planetary mode of this computer, press . The Battlecruiser and Interceptor employ a very simple method of navigation which is simpler than the version in the finished product. On startup the waypoints available are for Mars, Earth, Venus and an unknown target detected by your Navigations Officer. Use the key to cycle through all the available waypoints and activate the Flight Path Designator, FPD, this displays the name in the top middle of Battlecruiser bridgeviewer or Interceptor HUD. The 'unknown' waypoint is the Gammulan probe outside Venus. The FPD is a series of 3D rectangles superimposed on the ship's forward display. They 'point' to the general direction of the currently selected waypoint. When you are far away from the waypoint, the FPD is red, when you are VERY close it is yellow. The size of the FPD also changes according to a) your distance from the waypoint and b) your speed. If all of a sudden the FPD ranging rectangles seem large, this means that you are close to waypoint and travelling fast. To head in the direction of the waypoint, orient the ship until the FPD is infront of you and simply fly straight to it. If you lose track of the FPD, refer to the section on TACSCAN to use mode #3 to track the FPD. To compress time and reach your destination quicker use repeatedly. You must keep your finger depressed on the button and press the key until you reach the waypoint. LOGISTIX computer ----------------- This mode of the LOGISTIX computer was included in order to give you an idea of it's functionality. This computer forms the heart of all the ship's operations. In the event that key personnel stations are not manned, most of those functions can be performed at this computer. In this demo, you can only view your Battlecruiser's damaged systems. Select the [SYS] button, when the other button bar appears, select [STATUS], another button bar will appear which indicates the different decks. Select which deck's systems you wish to view [DECK1] [DECK2] [DECK3] [SUB-DECK]. A 2D schematic of the Battlecruiser and the systems will appear. A system that is fully functional is displayed in green, yellow means it has suffered damage and red means that it is completely destroyed and inoperational. The lines around the ship's schematics are the ship's outer hull armor. This is also color coded as the ship's systems. Press to exit from the LOGISTIX computer. PERSONNEL --------- In this demo, you have no control over your personnel resources. You ship's crew is still onboard carrying out there various tasks. In the finished product you be able to reassign, recruit & fire personnel and they will frequently communicate with you and sometimes ignore your orders. Also, they will take combat damage when hurt during ship combat or in the case of marines when on a combat mission onboard a ship or on a planet surface. In this demo, you can only view your ship's personnel by using the

key at the COMMS station of the Battlecruiser. See the section below on the various ship stations. FIRST FLIGHT ------------ - Battlecruiser : BRIDGE station When the game starts, you will be at the bridge of the Battlecruiser. The game time will be 04:00:00 and your speed will be set at CruiseSpeed 5, CS5. For this demo, your maximum speed is LightSpeed 3, LS3. You cannot exceed this since hyperspace travel is not permitted in this demo. You will not be able to leave the Solar system since you don't have enough power anyway. - Shields are on with 100% protection level - Nuclear reactor has 100 units power - Solar reactor has 60 units of reserve power - Laser's have 100% charge - Hull armor is at 100% - Weapon systems are armed Weapons available: Battlecruiser : 10 x STS-Starflash 10 x STS-Firestar 10 x STS-Perseus 2 x OTS-Skyflash Interceptor#1 : 4 x STS-Starflash Interceptor#2 : 4 x STS-Starflash 4 x ATA-Magellan 4 x STS-Perseus 4 x ATS-Hyperdyne 4 x ATA-Magellan - NIM is at mode #1 - CVD is configured for SSD mode - Radar systems are on and the TACSCAN is at mode #1 - The SSI icons will be lit depending on which systems are active - Other bridgeviewer data is also displayed You will receive a video message from GALCOM HQ on channel #1 of the COMMLINK. - Battlecruiser : COMMUNICATIONS station Press F4 to switch to the Communications station. Don't worry about control, your Flight Officer and First Officer will maintain your current course heading and speed. The image of the GALCOM Supreme Commander will appear and the computer will display the message. Later you can replay old messages by using the key. Old messages are displayed in grey. In this demo, there is no interactive communications. In the finished product you will be able to communicate with your crew, launched Interceptor pilots, GALCOM HQ, deployed combat marines, other aliens etc. Use the

to cycle through your current personnel resource. Whilst flying the Interceptor, if you get the 'Urgent Message Received' message from your COMMS officer, you have to switch to the Battlecruiser and access the COMMS station to read the message. - Battlecruiser : NAVIGATION station Now that you've viewed your orders, press to switch to the Navigation station and look around. This station is inactive in this demo and only displays you location and that of the two Interceptors in 3D space. Press to active the NAVITRON computer directly. This will show a dummy image of the computer. Ok, exit NAVITRON with and press to switch to the Tactical station. - Battlecruiser : TACTICAL station This station is one of the most important and complex areas of the ship. The section that deals with the various ship's systems will explain in detail what it does. For the purpose of this demo, only four options have been activated. These are 1) current weapons loadout 2) personnel resource 3) power allocation 4) power distribution. When you've finished, press to access the LOGISTIX computer to view the ship's systems damage status. See the LOGISTIX section. On exit from LOGISTIX, press to return to the bridge. - Battlecruiser : Flight Training *note* The controls and systems are identical in both the Battlecruiser and Interceptor, except that you cannot access the Navitron and Logistix computers from the Interceptor since they are installed on the Battlecruiser. - Bridgeviewer This version of the bridgeviewer is a scaled down version than that of the final version. All the systems are active with minimal functionality. The bridgeviewer display shows 1) The waypoint heading/range, 2) current time, 3) current position in 3D space, 4) current starsystem, 5) engine thrust vector and 6) cloak status. All the icons on the battlecruiser are also active. - Navigation Back at the bridge, press the key to select Mars as the current waypoint. You will not see the Flight Path Designator, FPD since Mars is at a different bearing. Use the key until mode #3 of the Tacscan is active. This mode tracks the FPD orientation. See the section on the TACSCAN unit. Use your controller to 'yaw' the ship to the right until the FPD is visible in the bridgeviewer. Power up the ship to LightSpeed 1 by pressing . The ship's reactors will start. When the reactors are powered the engines will start and you will hear a low rumble. As you proceed toward Mars, the FPD will display the range to Mars, this range is also displayed in the Tacscan computer. You can power to a faster speed if you want. Try . When you are about 100000 units from Mars (it should be visible from your bridgeviewer) press 0 to cut the reactors and bring the ship to a stop. The computer will automatically compute the space-time differential and apply the required reverse thrusters to bring the ship to a complete. Don't be surprised if the ship does not stop immediately. - Interceptor launch Press to launch Interceptor #1. 'Mother' the ship's computer will run a systems status check and initiate the launch sequence. 'Mother' will not relinquich control of the ship until it has completely launched and dropped clear of the Battlecruier. When the message 'Interceptor launched' is received from 'Mother', you now have control. You should be facing Mars so there is no need to select a waypoint. Press to power up tp cruise speed 1 and you will begin to move toward Mars. When you enter the planet's atmosphere, the flight dynamics of the ship will change radically. On entering the planet's atmosphere, new waypoints will be added to the ships navigation computer. These include some ground installations, the city of FirstLight and the two enemy Corsair fighters. Select one of the 'ground installation' waypoints and head toward it. Press to select a missile. In this demo a missile will destroy any target. In the final program all weapons have specific characteristics and you will have to chose the perfect weapon to destroy a target. Manoever the ship to bring the FPD into view (in the Interceptor it is a series of circles). Change the range of the Tacscan to long range using the key. As the target comes into view, press to lock it into the ships weapons system, then press to switch the Tacscan to 'single target tracking' mode. The image of the target should now appear in the CVD display. When the 'missile tracking designator', a cross, moves into the 'designator box' launch a missile to destroy the target. You can also use lasers if you wish. If you feel lucky, you can try to engage one of the enemy ships. I suggest you continue with the tutorial and restart the game to play the mission properly when you know what you're doing. Now that we've destroyed a target, lets's return to the ship. Press to switch your ship's engine thrust vector from FTOL to VTOL. The ship will start to ascend. After awhile you will leave the planet, enter orbit and eventually leave orbit. You can also switch to the Battlecruiser by using at anytime. Your alter-ego and his sidekick will assume command of the Interceptor. - Docking In this demo you cannot dock at GALCOM HQ. In the final program you need to request docking clearance before the docking bay door is opened. If you fly into a closed bay, your ship will take damage and possibly be destroyed. You cannot initiate manual docking in this demo. To auto dock the Interceptor, switch to the Battlecruiser and use . Depending on the far the ship is from Battlecruiser, the docking animation sequence (if you have the animation files and selected this option at setup) will be played and the Interceptor will dock. You cannot dock an Interceptor that is within a planet's atmosphere. You can collide with everything in this demo, the results are very unpleasant if you have selected MISSION mode. In FREEFLIGHT your craft is invincible. - Combat You can assume control of any Interceptor that is currently active. If the Interceptor is currently docked, you will be sitting at the controls looking into the internal Battlecruiser docking bay. Wait until the clearance message is played then press to drop launch. Since you cannot remote launch Interceptors in this demo, you can use to return to the Battlecruiser bridge if you change your mind, the Interceptor will not launch. When you switch from ship to ship, the ship you switched from will maintain it's current heading. The AI in this demo will only handle minimal auto flight. If you are attacked or in the middle of a dogfight, you may lose the fight if you do not assume control of the ship. This feature was done so that you don't play the entire game by relying on the program AI!! In the final program since a lot of things will be happening, this feature is fully implemented. You cannot issue commands to your wingmen in this demo. In the final game you can issue commands to other Interceptor wingmen from the controls of the Battlecruiser or Interceptor and they can also communicate with you. If the interceptor is already launched you will be placed in the cockpit. You cannot switch to any ship that is destroyed. If you are in the Battlecruiser you will get a COMMLINK message advising you of any destroyed Interceptor. In this demo, you only have 2 Interceptors. If you complete both phases of the mission, you will receive a final message from GALCOM HQ and the demo will be over. If you still have power left, you can still fly around until you run out, at which point the demo will end and the logo screen will return. THINGS TO TRY ------------- 1. External views of Battlecruiser and Interceptor while facing a planet 2. Activate the cloak in the Battlecruiser and immediately switch to the external view and watch the ship cloak. After the timer expires, it will de-cloak. 3. Launch an Interceptor and try to fly over the top of the Battlecruiser through the vertical solar panels. FTOL/VTOL swicthes will help with the orientation. 4. Park an Interceptor in front of the Battlecruiser and switch to the Battlecruiser bridge to look at it. Also, track it in the TACSCAN and shoot it . 5. Blow-up all the ground targets on Mars for practice. 6. Fly around GALCOM HQ (in orbit around Earth). 7. Land on a planet surface. ( use VTOL mode ) 8. Attack the Lightstar fighters launched by GALCOM HQ in phase #2. 9. Attack GALCOM HQ. 10. Run SETUP21 and select MISSION. Start the game and go pick a fight. When the Battlecruiser takes damage (use to check in CVD), access the LOGISTIX computer with and check out the damaged systems. 11. Slow the Battlecruiser to CruiseSpeed 20, (<1> and the <-/+> to fine tune), then launch an Interceptor. After you get control of the Interceptor, the Battlecruiser which will still be moving and will fly past you, power up the Interceptor to CruiseSpeed 20 (slower than the BC equivalent) and try to follow the Battlecruiser. You should try flying over it, under it, around it, whatever turns you on. If the Battlecruiser is moving too fast, the Interceptor may not be able to catch up. Make sure you try this in FREEFLIGHT mode otherwise you will damage both crafts if you collide. Not to mention tha fact that you will be attacked by hostile forces. If you really want to go overboard, after matching the speed of the Interceptor to that of the Battlecruiser, launch another Interceptor and do the same thing, this time flying around both crafts. ******************************************************************************* BATTLECRUISER CONTROLS ******************************************************************************* The following files must be printed/viewed with an image viewer to get a description of the systems described here. BRIDGE.PCX - Battlecruiser forward bridge TACT.PCX - Battlecruiser Tactical station COMMS.PCX - Battlecruiser Communications station NAV.PCX - Battlecruiser Navigations station You need to print the files BCSCHEM?.PCX & INTSCHEM.PCX file for these sections while reading this printout. This is merely a demo, therefore the operation of these systems and their functions will not be discussed in depth. A brief explanation will suffice. BRIDGE STATION : Forward view PERSONNEL : Commander Flight Officer ( autopilot) First Officer (personnel requests, advise etc) In this demo you have all your bridge staff who will get hurt in combat. You cannot heal them and you cannot perform any repairs. 1. Tactical Status Indicator, TSI - surface target detect - surface target track - surface-to-air launch - air/space target detect - air/space target track - air-air/space-space launch These indicators always flash red when active with the exception of the 'surface-to-air launch' & 'air-air/space-space' indicators which change to yellow momentarily if the missile lock is jammed and finally to the default green state. You will hear an audible warning beep. 2. Tactical Scanner display, TACSCAN The TACSCAN has 5 different operating modes. The key is used to switch between modes, except Mode #2 which is automatically activated when you switch to Single Target Tracking mode. Scanning Ranges : ----------------- Long Range, LR = 2.0 pc = 6.4 ly = 640 gu Medium Range, MR = 1.0 pc = 3.2 ly = 320 gu Short Range, SR = 0.5 pc = 1.6 ly = 160 gu pc = parsec / ly = light year / gu = galactic units MODE #1 - Multiple Target Track (planet/space craft targets) The ship's position is located at the center of the display where the crosshairs meet. Any target that comes within these ranges will be tracked on the TACSCAN. Even though this system accurately simulates a 360 deg sweep around the ship, 0 deg position is at the top, 45 deg is directly right, 180 deg at the bottom and 270 deg is directly left. In space there is no 'up' or 'down' nor 'left' or 'right'. These calculations for the ship use a GALCOM probe at the center of the game universe, as a point of reference when calculating this angles. Your ship's navigation relay system accurately triangulates the probe's position, your current position and your desired waypoint to provide accurate navigations data. If this probe is destroyed or malfunctions, all navigations will have to be done manually using the charts in the Navitron computer. Target types : Blue dot - GALCOM/friendly ship Blue line - disabled GALCOM/friendly ship Red dot - Gammulan/alien ship Red line - disabled Gammulan/alien/unidentified ship Flashing - selected target Grey dot - deployed interceptor Grey line - disabled interceptor The key is used to increase the radar range from LR (default) to MR and SR. When you switch to MR, the entire display is scanned at that range and likewise at SR. At all ranges, any targets not within that scanning range will not be displayed. At MR & SR, the ranging squares disappear and only the cross-hair remains. The display is identical to that used in the Single Target Tracking Mode but the targets are still only dots or lines. The text MR or SR is displayed in the display. The key is used to select a target in the TACSCAN for tracking. When a target is selected in the TACSCAN, a square which is the weapon system's 'Target Tracking Reticle' is superimposed on the bridgeviewer or cockpit in the general direction of the target IF the target location falls within the ship's viewing range. You can orient the ship to bring the TTR into view. The key locks this tracked target to the ship's firing system, if it comes into range, the ship's Passive Target Acquisition, PTA, system will automatically fire at it with no interference from the player. To remove a target from PTA, use the key to select it, then use the key to cancel the PTA command. It will stop flashing. If a PTA target is destroyed, moves out of range or breaks tracking lock, it will disappear from the display and the PTA system will remove it from memory. A PTA target is a flashing 'x' based on the previous color of the target. *** The PTA feature is inactive in this demo. *** sends a message to this target indicating that you wish to communicate with it. If the target ship's commander decides to enter dialogue, the message 'comms request acknowledged' is displayed in the COMMLINK and the target's icon in the TACSCAN will change to flashing white otherwise it will display 'comms request ignored'. You must now switch to the COMMS station or deselect the target from communications using the key. If the target has also designated your ship for communications dialogue, 'incoming comms request' is displayed in the COMMLINK. You can ignore it by using the key, the target's icon will stop flashing. You cannot select a target for PTA if it is currently selected for communications and vice versa. There is no interactive comms dialogue in the Interceptor. All comms messages are brief and displayed in the COMMLINK. *** Interactive communications is inactive in this demo. *** The position of all tracked targets is constantly updated. Targets in hyperspace cannot be tracked. When in hyperspace, the TACSCAN only tracks targets that are in hyperspace with you, ie a ship in pursuit. Weapons cannot be launched in hyperspace. If a ship has it's radar systems activated, it can also be detected by other ships on their radar even if 'cloaking' is activated. Cloaking simply makes your ship invisible to the naked eye, it is still visible by radar. A ship currently captured in the tractor beam will not show up on the TACSCAN radar. The message 'Tractor' is displayed on the Battlecruiser bridgeviewer if a ship is currently in tow. You cannot activate the tractor beam if the ship is cloaked or the shields raised. MODE #2 - Single Target Tracking (planet/space craft targets) In order to fire a missile at a target tracked in the TACSCAN MTT mode, you must first switch to Single Tracking Mode, STT mode #2 by pressing the key. If a weapon is selected and weapon systems armed (battlecruiser only, selecting a weapon in the Interceptor arms the weapon systems also), the 'Target Tracking Crosshair' will appear & start to move into the TTR When the target falls within range of the weapon, it will begin to flash rapdily indicating a positive lock. The targetting reticle remains WHITE, IF the target is too close in proximity and launching a weapon will either miss or damage your ship in the blast, the reticle will start to flash RED and the message 'Warning : proximity breach' will be displayed in the COMMLINK and the audible 'warning' message played by the ship's computer. If the launch parameter is ok, you can fire a missile, if the target was hit, it will be destroyed, at this point the TACSCAN will revert to MODE #1 since the target lock is no longer valid. Also, if the target moves out of range or jams the signal, the TACSCAN will lose it's tracking lock. When you achieve a positive lock, you can launch a missile at the target. When mode #2 is activated, the following data is displayed in the TACSCAN. 1 2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ 1 = 'P' if target locked to PTA system or ³ ³ 'M' if on manual tracking ³ ³ 2 = TACSCAN range ³ ³ 3 = Target speed ³ ³ 4 = Target bearing ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3 4 While in STT mode, a 3D image of the currently tracked target is displayed in The Computer Video Display, CVD. Pressing the key will display additional data for the target on the battlecruiser bridgeviewer This data is in the form : 1. Height (relative to yours) 2. Range 3. Speed 4. Bearing in degrees 5. Heading in degrees 6. Closure rate 7. Weapon status - Armed/Standby 8. Shield status - Raised/Lowered 9. Ship type - T = Terran G = Gammulan S = Syrion E = Empirian D = Droidan M = Mandorian K = Kandorian V = Vesperon VA = Valkeri F = Falkeri Z = Zelon C = Credian U = Unknown If the target goes out of range or jams the TACSCAN radar signal, the tracking info or the 3D image in the CVD will be cleared. *** The target tracking data is not displayed in this demo *** MODE #3 - Flight Path Designator Track This mode is used to assist in the tracking of the Flight Path Designator when tracking a selected waypoint. The 'Orientation Indicator' splits the display into two parts. The OI changes as the ship banks from left to right. The lines at the end of this indicator show which way is 'up'. The longer end is 'down' and the shorter is 'up.' The green line indicates the heading the ship must turn to in order to be headed directly to the currently selected waypoint tracked by the FPD. If it changes to red, this means that you must orient the ship in the opposite coordinate. As with the other modes, this data is displayed. 1 2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ 1. current heading ³ ³ 2. bearing to current waypoint ³ ³ 3. waypoint number ( change with ) ³ ³ 4. Distance to waypoint ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3 4 MODE #4 - Multiple Target Track (planet ground/space targets) This mode displays any targets that are tracking the ship. They can be planetary ground or space based radar tracking stations. This system works like MODE #1 but the 'dot's are replaced by icons. The green diamonds are stationary radar sources and the rectangles are other ships. Missile tracking info is also displayed here. There are also numbers displayed within the green icons. Again, their orientation in the display indicates their bearing. This list indicates what the numbers in the rectangles mean : 1. An ASL radar system is tracking the ship 2. An SASL radar system is tracking the ship 3. A VSL radar system is tracking the ship 4. An ITL radar system is tracking the ship 5. A LITAS radar system is tracking the ship 6. A VITS radar system is tracking the ship This list indicates what the numbers in the triangles mean : 1. Launched weapon with CTL tracking source 2. Launched weapon with ATL tracking sourc If a radar site shuts down or is destroyed it's icon is removed from the display. A Missile whose energy is depleted or has lost it's tracking data is also removed. Ranges : IN SPACE Long Range - 1.0 ly 0.4 ly Medium Range - 0.4 0.2 Short Range - 0.2 (exclusion zone) 0.1 ON A PLANET : Long Range - 100 nautical miles 030 nm Medium Range - 075 020 Short Range - 050 (exclusion zone) 010 When the TACSCAN is in this mode, target acquisition using the key is used to cycle and track ground based targets directly from the ships point of view. Target acquisition is not activated from the TACSCAN. After selecting a target, you can also switch to single STT mode and identify the target using the key. MODE #5 - Deployed Craft Tracking System This mode is used for tactical purposes only and helps located all your deployed craft. From the Battlecruiser this display tracks all deployed Interceptors within a range of 1 ly. From an Interceptor, it tracks other Interceptors and the Battlecruiser. Each Interceptor is represented by a grey icon while the Battlecruiser is a blue icon. MODE #6 - Weapons Video Targetting System This mode is used to launch ATL/V & RITL/V weapons and is automatically activated when any such weapon is activated. It displays and infra-red camera view of the terrain or space ahead as processed by the camera in the currently armed weapon. If a valid target falls within this view arc (directly in your flight path), it will be displayed here. The TTR will be superimposed on the bridgeviewer/cockpit in the general heading to the target. The W/VTS system will pick up the image even if you are out of visibility range. This gives some standoff capability. If the weapon is launched it will fly directly to this target. After the target is destroyed, the image is cleared until another target is locked by the pilot using the key. If the target is no longer within the camera's viewing arc, the image is also cleared. Weapons that use the VTS system are those that use ATL/V & RITL/V targetting logic such as ATS-Hyperdyne, OTS-Skyflash etc. ****** This mode inactive in this demo ****** 3. Main reactor power level This is a graduated display of the ship's nuclear reactor output level. Each notch is 5% power. The level is indicator by green notches, if the output level reaches or falls below 15%, the notch changes to red. The nuclear reactor is powered by Radine crystals and provides power to all the ship's systems. This display indicates the amount of power that the reactor currently has, based on the amount of Radine available. If the nuclear reactor shuts down and there is sufficient power available in the solar reactor, it will automatically activate and supply power to the ship's primary systems, otherwise all systems will shutdown until power is restored to either reactor. *** You cannot re-fuel in this demo. You have enough power to complete the missions. You cannot initiate any systems power management either *** 4. System Status Indicator, SSI These icons are green when lit. If the particular system is not operational or is turned off they revert to the default color. Starting from column #1 (down), column #2... . - Weapon systems Weapon systems armed. . - Electromagnetic Disruptor Jamming device activated. . - Shields Shields raised. . - Main Reactor Main nuclear reactor on. . - Communications COMMLINK on. . - IFF homing device You are sending a GALCOM IFF signal to the GALCOM ships in the vicinity. You would normally do this when in a combat area to avoid being fired upon by friendlies. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Passive Target Acquisition, PTA PTA system activated. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Cloaking device Cloaking device activated. . - Tractor beam Tractor beam activated. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Ship security breach (intruder detected on board) Intruder on board ship. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Docked The ship is currently docked at a starbase/starstation. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Planetfall Ship has entered a planet's atmosphere. . - IFF beam detected A GALCOM/friendly ship is broadcasting an IFF signal. This indicator comes on also if you target a friendly ship in the TACSCAN radar system or if you are in a combat area with other GALCOM/friendly ships in the vicinity. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Distress transmission detected A ship, can be a enemy or friendly, is broadcasting a distress signal. You can tell which ship it is by looking at the TACSCAN Mode #1. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Computing orbital profile The ship's computer has assumed control of the ship on orbital approach. This indicator will turn off when the ship is in orbit and you again have control. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - Orbit established The computer has completed orbital approach and you are now in high orbit around the planet. . - Tactical Scope, TACSCOPE The TACSCOPE is currently activated. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** . - AudioVisual communications, VISCOM A message with video is waiting in the Communications station. Also indicates that a ship's commander wishes to commence interactive dialogue. . - Message waiting (if incorrect channel is selected in COMMLINK) A regular message was received in the COMMLINK and now resides in the log file. If the message was sent to printer, this indicator will remain on until printing is complete. . - Hyperspace flight mode You have breached LightSpeed, LS 4 and are now in hyperspace. *** You cannot breach hyperspace in this demo *** 5. Solar reactor power level Operation is identical to that of the ship's nuclear reactor. The solar reactor is only on if you activate it or if the nuclear reactor's output reaches or falls below 5%. The solar reactor draws power from a solar source and stores it in power cels. It will continuously recharge as long as the source is within range. When the ship moves out of range it will stop recharging and if it's power cels are drained, it will shut down. Since available power is a combination of the nuclear & solar reactors, a solar reactor shutdown will not affect any systems directly, unless there is insufficient or no power being supplied by the nuclear reactor to maintain the current allocation. If this happens the computer will start to shutdown systems starting from the least important. *** Solar reactor has 100% power but does not recharge in this demo *** 6. Navigational Interface Map, NIM The NIM has three modes of operation and has three ranges. Use to switch ranges. MODE #1 : In this mode the NIM displays a scrolling map view of the universe as the ship travels through it. This map contains icons such as planets, starsystems, galaxies, asteroid belts, blackholes, wormholes etc. It also shows the waypoint icons. If you fly into a starsystem, the map will automatically revert to the map for that system, likewise for galaxies. The red cross indicates the position of the ship. The map range is 1LY (100 gu), and if the cross reaches the edge of the map, it will scroll up for another 1LY range. If the red cross is superimposed over a planet icon, it means that you are in orbit and the NIM will automatically switch to mode #2. You can switch back to Mode #1 even if you're in orbit and vice versa. *** This demo is restricted to the Solar system and it's nine planetary systems. You don't have enough power to go roaming around this system or even to leave it. If you venture outside the demo scenario area, you won't find anything. Only Mars has any inhabitants in this demo. The other eight planets are not populated *** MODE #2 : This mode displays a view of the orbital planet's surface. This scale shows the entire planet's surface as viewed from your position in orbit. The cross now indicates your orbital position over the planet. Icons on this map indicate targets on the planet's surface. Red targets are hostile and green are GALCOM, friendly or neutral. If the planet has an orbital weapon, it's location will be indicated by a flashing icon, anyway if it is hostile, your TACSCAN would've pick it up. Flying targets within the planet's atmosphere are not tracked. MODE #3 : This mode is a 'wireframe' view of either mode #1 or mode #2 based on your current location. It also displays hostile targets such as other spacecraft, spacestations, starstations etc. The scaling is dependent upon your current location. It automatically tracks and updates the locations of all moving targets including launched missiles. Spacecraft icons are identical to those used in the TACSCAN. If you're in orbit, it does not track the movement of targets within the planet atmosphere. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** 7. Shields power level Operation is identical to that of the reactors. If the protection level falls below 5%, it will be red. If the power level falls to 0, you will not be able to raise the shields. The shields draw their primary systems power from either reactor to keep activated. It uses Plutonium to provide protection to the ship. This display shows the amount of protection available based on the amount of Plutonium onboard. The shields can shutdown as a result of Plutonium depletion or if there is insufficient reactor power to keep them activated. The shields require a certain amount of Plutonium to provide optimum protection. Whenever the ship takes a direct hit, the current protection level determines the amount of damage that the ship's armor or hull takes. *** In this demo, the ship has enough Plutonium to allow the shields to recharge up to 100% for up to four game hours only. The greater the force of the weapon on the shield, the greater the breach. The greater the breach, the longer it takes to recharge *** 8. Armor power level Operation is identical to that of the shields, however, this display only shows the amount of protection that the armor provides for the ship's hull. Unlike other systems, the armor does not regenerate, the strength of the current armor fitted on the ship determines how mamy hits it will take before it is totally breached. As the level in the display reduces, this shows how much protection is now provides. If it falls to 0, this means that it is completely destroyed and must either be repaired or replaced. Repairing/replacing a ship's armor requires you to dock at a starbase/starstation. *** You cannot repair your ship's hull armor in this demo *** 9. Computer Video Display/Systems Status Display/Target Tracking Display, CVD/SSD/TTD The Computer Video Display also hosts the Systems Status Display as well as the Target Tracking Display. The key is used to switch modes. Modes 1, CVD & 3, TTD are automatically displayed if activated from the TACSCAN but can be changed using the key. The SSD, displays the status of the ship's critical systems. If a system is operational it's indicator is green, if yellow it is damaged and if red it is destroyed. Blue indicates that it is currently under repair/replacement. - SHD : Shields - CLK : Cloaking device - WEA : Weapon systems - EMD : Electromagnetic disruptor - NIM : Navigational Interface Map - COM : COMMLINK - TAC : TACSCAN - TSC : TACSCOPE - CMP : Main computer - PHA : lasers - CVD : Computer Video Display - ILD : Inbound Launch Display - HID : Hud Integrity Display - BRG : BridgeViewer - VIS : AudioVisual communications - PTA : Passive Target Acquisition - ENG : Engine - LOG : LOGISTIX computer - NAV : NAVITRON computer - LIF : Bridge life support - REA : Main reactor - SOL : Solar reactor - PER : Personnel - OSD : Other system damage. Damage occurred elsewhere. You must use LOGISTIX computer to access the damage report. *** You cannot perform repairs in this demo *** 10. Laser power level Operation is identical to that of the other graduated systems. As long as the reactors continue to power the lasers, it will recharge itself automatically after each use. If power is not being supplied to it from the reactor, it will not recharge when power is depleted. The lasers draw power directly from the nuclear reactor. Be carefull. 11. Hull Integrity Display, HID The ship' outer hull has four layers of protection. The ship is in the middle of the inner square. Each of the brackets around the ship represent the other three layers of protection which are all initially green. If the shields did not withstand a hit and are breached, this may also breach the integrity of the armor protection. If that is the case then the layer will be red. If all four layers are breached and the ship's hull takes a direct hit, inside the square will be red. This indicates that the ship's hull has suffered direct damage. The ship's hull can only be repaired at a starbase/starstation. After repairs, it will again change to green. Also, if the armor is repaired/replaced all protection levels will change to green. These protection values are also reflected in the armor level display, each protection level in the HID represents 25% protection in the armor level display. *** If your ship's hull armor is breached, the hull itself will start to take damage if your shields are not operational. Your shields protect the armor from damage which in turn protect the ship's hull. If the integrity of the ship'd hull is breached and you suffer significant damage, the ship will explode. *** 12. BridgeViewer display The ship's bridgviewer displays valuable realtime data. These are : Lower left corner : Line 1 - currently armed weapon name and amount available 2 - current engine thrust vector, FTOL/VTOL 3 - autopilot status, displayed if autpilot on 4 - PTA status, displayed if PTA on 13. Bridgeviewer display Top left corner : Line 1 - altitude above planet surface if within atmosphere or altitude above planet if in orbit 2 - collision warning, COLLISION displayed if imminent 3 - cloaking device timer displayed if cloak is activated 14. Bridgeviewer display Top center : Ship's current navigational heading 15. Bridgeviewer display Top right : Currently selected waypoint #, heading and range 16. Bridgeviewer display Lower right : Line 1 - current time, hr:min:sec 2 - current location, universe zone, galaxy sector, system sector 3 - current galaxy name if at galaxy level or starsystem name if at starsystem level or planet name if in orbit 17. Bridgeviewer display Lower center : Line 1 - current speed. HYPER will be displayed if in hyperspace otherwise readout is numerical. Line 2 - hyperspace travel timer if in hyperspace Line 3 - Shields status on/off Line 4 - Channel of last COMMLINK message, ie CH1 18. COMMLINK The communications link has five channels. These are : 1. GALCOM HQ 2. Special 3. Internal 4. Tactical 5. Roam Channel #1 monitors all messages sent to you directly from GALCOM HQ Channel #2 monitors all message that require interactive dialogue Channel #3 monitors internal messages from the ship's crew Channel #4 monitors all messages sent to you directly from deployed interceptor pilots. Channel #5 Simply roams the frequencies and displays all tactical messages. These include messages from interceptor pilots, other GALCOM ships, other alien ships etc. When messages are received, they are displayed here and also sent to a printer if one was selected at installation. If you did not select a printer, then all messages are sent to a log file which can be viewed from the Tactical station. Channel #4 & #5 messages are updated automatically but when a message is received in #1, #2 & #3, it is displayed there until you acknowledge receipt with . If the message is for interactive dialogue, you should acknowledge it and then change to the communications station. Channel 1/2/3/4 are always accompanied by a video image of the person sending the message. Video images are only displayed if you are in the comms station. *** There is no interactive dialogue in this demo, therefore only channels #1/#3 & #4 are monitored *** 19. ILD, Inbound Launch Display This display monitors all launched weapons. These include your weapons as well as those of other ships. This is an all around view with your ship in the center of the display. Red dot - missile with active lock on your ship Yellow - missile with passive lock (jammed) White - deployed mine TACTICAL STATION : Left view PERSONNEL : Tactical Officer ( Right ) 1 . Deck Status Display, DSD This system has three modes of operation, mode #1 is always selected when this station is first accessed. In the absence of a First Officer this station will be inoperable. Most of the functions can be accessed from the main LOGISTIX computer. MODE #1 : - Weapons loadout & status of the weapon systems All weapons loaded in both weapon bays are listed with the amount of each available. Any weapons that were purchased are also listed. A weapon that requires special clearance from GALCOM before use, ie planetary disruptor missiles, are listed in red. If a weapon bay is damaged, the weapons are inaccessible until the bay is repaired. All weapons that are in a damaged weapons bay are listed in grey. MODE #2 : - Deck systems status This function allows you to quickly view the ship's systems status without activating the LOGISTIX computer. You can quickly see which systems are operational, damaged, destroyed or under repairs. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** MODE #3 : - Deck security status This function will display the name of the deck on which the intruder was most recently detected. The key lists the systems which have been damaged by the intruder. The name of the deck is first displayed and the systems that were sabotaged are then listed, if any, otherwise 'None' is displayed under the deck name. The system names are color coded. A system name displayed in yellow means that the system is damaged and red means it was completely destroyed. If the system name is flashing and color coded as above, it means that the system is under repairs as a result of the sabotage. The ship's chief combat officer is responsible for allocating the manpower to seek out the intruder. You have no control over this function. If you don't have any marines onboard you won't be able to locate the intruder unless you dock at a starbase or starstation. As long as there is an intruder on board the ship, the combat personnel will attempt to locate him/her and advise you if he/she has been caught. If you don't catch the intruder, he/she will systematically move from deck to deck sabotaging the systems. The length of time it takes to locate an intruder depends on the intelligence level of the alien race he/she belongs to. You can use the key to list the number of prisoners in your ship's detention hold if any. If any have escaped, the system will display how many were originally being held and how many have escaped. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 2 . Operation Selector Switch, DSD & SSD - or mouse click to switch operating modes Notch 1 - DSD, Mode 1 [Weapons Loadout] 2 - DSD, Mode 3 [Deck Security Status] 3 - SSD, Mode 1 [Systems Status Check] 4 - SSD, Mode 2 [Systems Power Allocation] 5 - SSD, Mode 3 [Personnel Resource Management] The function that is currently selected is displayed in the first line of the DSD response display. This is indicated in the brackets above. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 3 . Deck Selector Switch - or mouse click to change operational decks This automatically activates mode #2 of the DSD. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 4 . DSD response display All error messages or informative text are displayed here. 5 . Systems Status Display, SSD This system monitors critical ship functions including ship systems status and personnel resources. This display always lists the following. There are three operating modes which can be selected via the Operation Selector Switch. MODE #1 : - 1) Systems status This lists the ships critical operational status. . Main reactor power level/available Radine crystals . Solar reactor power level . Global power units available (m.reactor + s.reactor) . Current power usage . Available power units . Shield power level/available Plutonium/hours of use . Armor integrity level . Hull integrity level . Laser power level . Cloak power level/Maximum operation time available . Cargo capacity/Available cargo space . Available shuttle craft . Available probes . Available mines . Available Interceptors *** Options not available in this demo will remain blank *** MODE #2 : - 2) Systems power It lists the system name, the minimum amount of power that this system requires to operate, the amount it requires to operate at peak and it's current power allocation. You can use the key to change the power allocations for these systems. The current power setting column will be highlighted, use the <+> & <-> keys to change the current settings. You can shut the system down by allocating 0 power to it. If you allocate less than the minimum power requirement to a system, the computer will automatically reset it to 0. Use the & keys to move through the systems. . Engines #:#:# . Systems . Lasers . Weapons . Shields . Trans. <- Transporters . T.Beam <- Tractor Beam . N.Reactor <- Nuclear Reactor . S.Reactor <- Solar Reactor . L.Control <- Launch Control . S.Systems <- Stealth Systems . A.Systems <- Auxilliary Systems . L.Support <- Life Support *** You can't make any modifications in this demo *** MODE #3 : - 3) Personnel resource This lists the status of your personnel resource. The first number is how many you can have onboard, the second is how many you can have onstation at any time, the third is how many are on station, the fourth is how many are in reserves, the fifth is the number currently in medibay and the sixth is the current life status level of the person currently at that station (if any). Since you can have more than one engineer, marine or combat pilot on station at any time, the status level for them is the average of the total number on station. Personnel resource management is very important to most of the ship's systems. The absence of a resource onstation will render that person's station inoperable. When a stationed personnel's life status level reaches or falls below 15% he/she will immediately be removed from active duty and sent to medibay where he/she will remain until the life status level reaches 100%. The person will then be put back on active duty if the station is currently unmannned, otherwise, he/she will be transferred to your reserve pool. You personnel will heal slower on station than if sent to medibay. You can send a person back to duty if the level rises above 15%. When personnel are removed from active duty, they will be replaced if you have any reservists that you recruited at a starbase or starstation. Reservists have a status level of 75%. You can have your original personnel resurrected at some starbases/starstations for a fee. To see an image of your personnel, highlight the station and press , the image will be displayed in the SSD. press again to remove it and display the personnel resource list. To send someone to active duty from medibay or reserves, highlight the station, position the cursor on the medibay column and press <->. If the station is manned, they will switch places. If the original person is at their peak he/she will be sent to the reserve area, otherwise to medibay and later to reserves when the level reaches peak. The life status level will change to reflect the new person's status level. You cannot manipulate your marines or engineers. These figures only indicate how many you have onstation or in medibay. They are automatically swapped in an out of active duty and reserves depending on their status level. These figures are for this demo only : . First Officer 1 : 1 : - : - : - : - . Flight Officer 1 1 . Tactical Officer 1 1 . Navigations Officer 1 1 . Comms. Officer 1 1 . Medical Officer 1 1 . Combat Officer 1 1 . Chief Engineer 1 1 . Research Engineer 1 1 . Combat pilots 4 4 . Engineers 0 0 . Marines 20 20 *** In this demo, personnel do not die and this feature is inactive *** 6 . Tactical Status Indicator, TSI This system is identical to the one on the forward bridge view 7 . Inbound Launch Display, ILD This system is identical to the one on the forward bridge view 8 . TSAD Operation Switch - or mouse click to switch operating modes Notch 1 - TSAD, Mode 1 [Tractor Beam Control] 2 - TSAD, Mode 2 [Combat Personnel Deployment] 3 - TSAD, Mode 3 [TACSCAN Radar] 4 - TSAD, Mode 4 [TACSCOPE Radar] 5 - TSAD, Mode 5 [Interceptor Tactical Video Relay] The function that is currently selected is displayed in the first line of the TSAD response display. This is indicated in the brackets above. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** 9 . Tactical Situation Awareness Display, TSAD The TASD computer is the most sophisticated of all the computers at this station. It also has five operating modes. In the absence of a Tactical Officer, the TSAD computer will be inoperable. Most of the functions can be accessed from the main LOGISTIX computer. MODE #1: - Tractor beam control The tractor beam receives power from the reactors, if there is no power being sent to it, it will not activate. Use the TSAD Operation Switch to switch modes. The default mode when first switched on is mode 1. This activates the Strategic Ranging Computer and the TACSCAN (in LR mode) below it. These are both displayed in the SSD. The tractor beam can capture another ship or object up to 0.5 miles distance. If the target is another ship, it must either be a) disabled and motionless or b) moving at profile speed 4 or less. It cannot capture ships that have an anti-beam locking system, such as some large ships and starstations. When the tractor beam locks onto a target, it will keep the target in tow behind the ship as long as it has sufficient power to maintain the lock. The tractor beam will disengage if a) the target ship achieves thrust in excess of profile speed, 4 b) it is shutdown manually or as a result of insufficient power, c) if the shields are activated, d) if the target is destroyed and e) if your ship establishes orbit or enters a planet's atmopsphere. When you activate the tractor beam, you will be warned that this would lower the shields and you will be given an opportunity to cancel the operation. You can dock at a starstation with a ship in tow but you cannot leave the starstation with it. If there is any crew onboard the towed ship, the will be transferred to the starstation. To bring onboard crew from a towed ship, you can transport them over or use the shuttlec craft. If you try to tow a ship with an anti-beam locking system (and they activate it), you will receive the message - "Cannot lock onto target". An 'Invalid target' message is displayed if the target does not meet the tractor beams locking criteria detailed above. The SRC display is divided into grids. Each grid is 0.5 miles square with the battlecruiser in the center. Hostile targets on this grid are red dots and GALCOM/friendlies are blue. The list of targets within the beam's range are listed in the TSAD on the right and numbered. To select a target simply enter its number which ranges from 1 - 10. Targets in excess of 10 are not displayed. When the target's number is displayed, a green square will be drawn around the grid in which it is located. Press to activate the beam. If the operation is successful, you will get the 'Target locked' in the TSAD repsonse display. The locked target will now begin to flash indicating that it is now in tow. If you previously had a target in tow, you need not deactivate the tractor beam first to select a new target, simply selecting a new target will release the current one. To deactivate the tractor beam and release the target, use the key. The TACSCAN at the bottom of the display is identical to the one in the forward bridge view but you cannot operate it. It is only there to provide tactical info on ships in your surrounding while you are at this station. If the TACSCAN at the forward bridge view is inoperational, this one will still work. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** MODE #2 : - Ship boarding Ship boarding is made possible through the use of the transporter and shuttle crafts. The transporter uses 1 unit of power each time it is used and only transports 5 personnel at a time. The shuttle crafts require no power at all and can carry up to 10 personnel. There are advantages and disadvantages in using either method of troop transportation, these are covered elsewhere in this manual. The SRC is also used in selecting a target for boarding. Operation is identical to that for tractor beam operation but the target can be up to a maximum range of 1 mile. The displayed list will also include all targets in range including any target that is currently under tractor beam control. After you have selected the target for this operation, you will be asked to select how they will be transferred and how. The dialogue displayed is such : Transporter : #/# Shuttle craft : #/# Marines : # The first value indicates the amount of power available to the system for use in this operation, in the case of the shuttle craft this value is how may crafts are available. The second value is the amount of personnel that you want transferred. Use the <+/-> keys to increase/decrease the number of personnel to transport. The 'marines' value is number available, as you change this value, this value is updated. If you try to allocate personnel in excess of the capacity of the total number of shuttle craft available or the amount of power available to the transporter, the computer will beep and default to the maximum amount allowed given the current configuration. You may change this amount. When you have finished, press the key to activate the order, there will be a brief animation (if you have 'animations on' in the setup) as the shuttle craft speeds away to the target or of the transporter room as the team is transported. When the team reaches their target (if they are using shuttle craft there is a possibility that it will be destroyed if the alien ship's weapon systems are still functional. If this happens, you will get the message "Shuttle craft destroyed". If the alien ship's computers are still active, they may also jam the transporter's locking signal. If this happens, you will get the message "Signal jammed". Either way you won't be able to board the ship until you resolve the above conditions. If the boarding is successful, the screen will change to display a 2D cross section of the target ship. The alien icons are red and the GALCOM marines are green. Combat will commence immediately. As personnel are killed, the amount available to each side is updated. To retrieve your team use the [EVACUATE] option and the survivors will attempt to return to the ship. There is no guarantee that they will all make it back. If you select [SURRENDER], the combat sequence will end and your team will become prisoners onboard the alien ship. You can also select [DIRECT 412] which will cause the team to detonate a neutron device that will destroy the ship and everything onboard. You will lose your team and the ship will be destroyed. If your team is successful in overcoming the aliens and taking over the ship, they will take everything that they can find, this includes weapons, cargo, fuel etc. Prisoners are also transferred to your ship and kept the detention hold util delivered to a GALCOM facility. The display will indicate what they found and the quantity, they will then return to the ship. This returns you to the tactical station once again. *** This feature inactive in this demo *** MODE #3 : - TACSCAN This is a backup of the forward bridge TACSCAN radar only this time it is the system displayed in the SSD. Targetting info for , & commands are displayed in the TSAD computer. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** MODE #4 : - TACSCOPE This system is used to track and acquire targets on a planet's surface. You must be in orbit in order to use it. On activation, the image of the planet's surface is displayed in the SSD. A list of OTS weapons is listed in the TSAD display. Use the to locate the crosshair over the target icon, and press this lock the target in the firing system and will switch control over to the TSAD display area. Use the keys to select the weapon and press to launch it. A timer will be displayed on the map display. This indicates when the weapon will reach it's target. If the weapon is jammed, the message 'Weapon jammed' will be displayed and you'll have to launch another. If the weapon succeeds in reaching the target, the icon will disappear and the message 'Target destroyed' is displayed. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** MODE #5 : - Interceptor Tactical Video Relay, ITVR This mode displays a numbered list of deployed Interceptors. Select the Interceptor you wish to view and a video image will be displayed in the SSD. This view is an external camera located behind and slightly above the Interceptor. Use the keys to rotate/pan the camera around. Use to quit this view and select another Interceptor. If the Interceptor is destroyed whilst you are at this view, it will be cleared. If you select this mode with no Interceptors launched the message 'No Interceptors launched' will be displayed. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 10. TSAD response display. All error messages or informative text are displayed here. 11. COMMLINK Operation is identical to that of the forward bridge COMMLINK. 12. LOGISTIX computer access Activates the LOGISTIX computer. *** In this demo, the LOGISTIX computer only displays your ship's damage status. *** 13. Exit station COMMS STATION : Right view PERSONNEL : Comms Officer In the absence of a Comms Officer this station will be inoperable. Most of the functions can be accessed from the main LOGISTIX computer. 1 . Communications Video System, CVS If you receive a message while you are at this station, the image of the other party is displayed at this display and the message is displayed in the Inbound Message Display, IMD area. If you are required to respond, a valid list is displayed in the Outbound Message Display area. use the cursor keys to highlight the desired selection and press . This will be sent to the other party. If there is an incoming response, it will be displayed otherwise the message 'Acknowledged', 'No repsonse' or 'Link terminated' is displayed. If the other party has finished the dialogue, the image will disappear. You can also terminate a communications link using the key. You can use the key to activate your message log. This will display a list of saved messsages sent to you including the date, time and originator. Use the cursor keys to highlight the saved message that you wish to review and press . The message will be played back in the IMD, if a video image is attached, it will be displayed in the CVS otherwise the CVS will remain blank. After the message is played, press the to continue and the log list will be re-displayed. The channel indicators will illuminate to indicate which channel is currently being used and also which channel was used by the currently playing saved message. This logfile resides on your harddisk in a text file. It will grow to a maximum of IMB before it starts being 'flushed' by new data. If you selected a printer at setup (you can also activate it from the menu), all messages are automatically sent to it also. *** In this demo, there is no interactive comms dialogue *** 2 . Logfile switch on/off - displays the logfile of saved messages. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 3 . COMMLINK channel selector Indicates which COMMLINK channel is currently in use. 4 . CVSD message display readout. All error messages or informative text are displayed here. 5 . TDSI, Target Ship Status Indicator (toggle) This option allows you to view the target ship's critical systems. In order to communicate with another ship, they must have either a) responded to your hailing signal or b) hailed you themselves. If you are hailed and return to this station, the image of the ship's commander will be displayed in the CVS, the OMD will give you the option to respond or reject the dialogue. At anytime during the dialogue, you can use the key to view the other ship's critical systems. A color-coded list will be displayed. Press the key again to return to the video image. activates the LOGISTIX computer. Red = Destroyed; Yellow = Damaged; Green = functional 1. Ship type 2. Alien species 3. Shields 4. Communications 5. Weapon Systems 6. Lasers 7. Reactors 8. Engines 9. Hull integrity 10. Life support 11. Personnel 12. Power Status ( 0= ship is disabled ) *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 6 . IMD, Inbound message display This displays the message sent in from the other party. When the display is full it is cleared. *** This feature works differently in this demo, see above *** 7 . OMD, Outbound message display This displays the valid list of messages that you can send to the other party. If the list exceeds the display,use the keys to scroll through. Use the to send the desired message. *** This feature works differently in this demo, see above *** 8 . LOGISTIX computer access Activates the LOGISTIX computer 9 . Exit station NAV STATION : Extreme right view PERSONNEL : Navigations Officer In the absence of a Navigations Officer this station will be inoperable. Most of the functions can be accessed from the main LOGISTIX computer. 1 . NAVITRON computer It is at this computer that you get to set waypoints, launch Interceptors, probes etc. When this system is first accessed, a list of Interceptors, probes & personnel is displayed and their location. This data includes : 1. Battlecruiser (powel level/location) 2. Interceptor 1 (power level/location) 3. Interceptor 2 ( " ) 4. Interceptor 3 ( " ) 5. Interceptor 4 ( " ) 6. Team 1 (supply level/location) 7. Team 2 ( " ) 8. Team 3 ( " ) 9. Team 4 ( " ) 10. Team 5 ( " ) Power level - The ships current power level Location - This can be actual x,y,z location in space or on a planet including planet name. For the Interceptor other valid values are : Docked - Ready and in battlecruiser docking bay Readying - Being prepared for deployment Destroyed - The ship has been destroyed Engineering - The ship is being repaired Supply level - How many days this team will survive before being evacuated from the current location. To activate the NAVITRON computer and set waypoints for an item on the list, enter the number of the item and this station will be replaced by the full screen NAVITRON computer. See the section on using this computer for more details. The battlecruiser only carries ten probes. To launch probes, use

, this will display the list of all the probes and their current destination. If the probe is still in transit, the word 'In transit' will be displayed next to it's destination. Use the keys to select an available probe then press , this will bring up a list of starsystems. Again, select the probe's destination and press . This will immediately launch the probe to that destination. The probe's actual stop location is unknown until is reaches it's destination. You cannot select a probe that is in transit. If a probe has reached it's destination and is currently online, the word 'Online' will be next to it's destination. You can send this probe somewhere else. If a probe is damaged/destroyed, the word 'Offline' is displayed next to it's destination and you cannot select it. If you do manage to locate it, you can retrieve it using the tractor beam and the engineers will automatically repair it. activates the LOGISTIX computer. *** In this demo, you cannot set any waypoints and the above data is not displayed. The NAVITRON computer is inactive. *** 2 . COMMLINK Operation is identical to that of the forward bridge COMMLINK. 3 . LOGISTIX computer access Activates the LOGISTIX computer 4 . Exit station ******************************************************************************* INTERCEPTOR CONTROLS ******************************************************************************* The following files must be printed/viewed with an image viewer to get a description of the systems described here. COCKPIT1.PCX COCKPIT2.PCX Note : Except where indicated, all systems operations are identical to those found on the Battlecruiser. In this demo when you dock with the Battlecruiser, the Interceptor will not be repaired or rearmed. FORWARD VIEW: 1. Reactor power level 2. Critical reactor level warning This indicator changes to red when reactor power level reaches or falls below 20% 3. System Status Indicator, SSI #1 This region is split up into three sections : - Planetfall ( is green when ship enters a planet ) - Docked ( is green when ship is currently docked ) - IFF beam detected 4. Autopilot Green when ship's autopilot system is activated and red if it is damaged or inoperable. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** 5. Critical armor protection level warning This indictor changes to red when armor protection level reaches or falls below 20% 6. Armor protection level 7. Collision warning Flashes red rapidly if collision is imminent 8. Engine thrust vector, FTOL/VTOL While in FTOL, the inner exhaust vents are red, while in VTOL mode they are black 9. System damage warning Red when a system damage has occured 10. Weapons stores depleted warning Red when all missiles are depleted. 11. System Schematics Display, SSD This schematic displays the status of the ship's critical systems. When the indicators are green, the system in functional, yellow is damaged and red is destroyed. The bars on either side of the 2D ship image represent the ship's shield status, SHD. The other 'dots' represent systems status as displayed in the CVD damage screen. From top to bottom row, reading left to right... PHA TAC NIM WEA HID CMP CVD EMD ILD HID HUD LIF REA ENG See the CVD sections for systems damage legend 12. Laser power level 13. TACSCAN radar In the Interceptor, the TACSCAN ranges are : LR - 1.6 ly = 160 gu MR - 0.8 ly = 80 gu SR - 0.4 ly = 40 gu The communications option in mode #1 is inactive. The PTA option in mode #1 is inactive The Interceptor Tracking System in mode #5 also tracks the Battlecruiser's location. 14. Communications Link/Location Information Display, CommLink/LID The COMMLINK toggles to display the ship's current location 15. System Status Indicator, SSI #2 - Weapons systems - ElectroMagneticDisruptor, EMD - Shields - Reactor - Communications - IFF homing device 16. Navigation Interface Map/Tactical Interface Map display, NIM/TIM 17. Tracked target's range 18. Target Acquisition Display, TAD 19. Tracked target's bearing 20. Current navigational heading 21. Tactical Status Indicator, TSI - surface target detect - surface target track - surface-to-air launch - air/space target detect - air/space radar track - air-air/space-space launch 22. Computer Video Display/Systems Status Display, CVD/SSD - SHD = Shields - CVD = Computer Video Display - ILD = Inbound Launch Display - PHA = Lasers - WEA = Weapon systems - HID = Hull Integrity Display - EMD = ElectroMagneticDisruptor - HUD = Heads Up Display - NIM = Navigational Interface Map - COM = CommLink - TAC = Tacscan - REA = Reactor - CMP = Main computer - ENG = Engines thrust vector - LIF = Life support 23. Shield level 24. Enemy inbound ASL/SASL weapon has lock Flashes red when an inbound weapon with ASL or SASL tracking is locked onto the ship 25. Enemy inbound VSL/ITL/LITAS weapon has lock Flashes red when an inbound weapon with VSL, ITL or LITAS tracking is locked onto the ship 26. Inbound Launch Display, ILD 27. Hull Integrity Display, HID 28. 1. Currently selected weapon and amount available 2. Current engine thrust vector FTOL/VTOL 29. 1. Altitude above surface if within planet's atmosphere or altitude above planet if in orbit. 2. Battlecruiser cloaking device timer 30. Waypoint #, heading and range LEFT VIEW : This view only contains non-functional systems and an external view. RIGHT VIEW : This view only contains non-functional systems and an external view. CO-PILOT CONSOLE : This station is the GALCOM Redundant Systems Array, RSA console Systems Monitor Control, SMC ( located below NIM ) This system is not available to the pilot. It toggles as follows : - PTS, Personnel Tracking System Displays an infrared display of the planet's surface and tracks personnel deployed from battlecruiser anywhere on the surface. If at least one member of the team is alive. It cannot track personnel onboard other ships. The personnel on the planet are idicated by a red 'x'. *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** - CRMS, Combat Radius Monitor System Displays a 3D grid system that tracks the battlecruiser, this interceptor and others that have been launched and are in range. If this craft wanders outside the effective range, ie the battlecruiser moves off the grid an alarm will sound warning the pilots. - WSD, Weapons Status Display Displays a 2D image of the craft and shows the weapons loaded - SSI, Systems Status Indicator Displays numerical values for these systems : Reactor power level Laser power level Armor strength Distance to battlecruiser Estimated time to reach battlecruiser location Distance to currently selected waypoint Time of arrival at currently selected waypoint Total systems integrity % Mission targets, status (completed/programmed) Current craft profile (orbit/planetary/i-space) *** This feature is inactive in this demo *** All other systems found at this station are identical to those found at the pilot's station. ******************************************************************************* WEAPONS PLATFORMS USED IN THIS DEMO ******************************************************************************* In this demo, the weapons characteristics have been simplified drastically and all utilize a generic tracking and acquisition model. GALCOM - : ------ Battlecruiser - Phalanx Multiple-Burst-Mode Laser 10 x STS-Starflash 10 x STS-Firestar 10 x STS-Perseus 2 x OTS-Skyflash Interceptor#1 - Phalanx Single-Burst-Mode Laser 04 x STS-Starflash 04 x ATA-Magellan 04 x ATS-Hyperdyne Interceptor#2 - Phalanx Single-Burst-Mode Laser 04 x STS-Starflash 04 x ATA-Perseus 04 x ATS-Magellan Lightstar - 05 x STS-Starflash 05 x STS-Questor GALCOM HQ - Multiple-Point-Defense Laser 10 x STS-Questor 10 x STS-Perseus 10 x STS-Starseeker GALCOM Martian defense units on FirstLight - 02 x AX-10 Fireball SAM - 02 x AX-21 Firestorm SAM - 04 x ASAL2 SAL Gammulans - : --------- Stormcarrier - SS-N MK1 Laser 10 x STS-Tangent 10 x STS-Ralix 10 x STS-Starsearch 02 x OTS-Anagram TN-31 Corsair - SS-N MK2 Laser 04 x STS-Tangent 04 x ATS-Gainer 04 x ATA-Adder Starfighter - SS-N MK2 Laser 04 x STS-Tangent 04 x STS-Ralix Starcarrier - SS-T Laser 10 x STS-Tangent 10 x STS-Starsearch 02 x OTS-Anagram Gammulan 'Away Team' on Mars - 02 x XPF SAL - 04 x GDN-4 Worm SAM TARGET DESIGNATOR CODES ----------------------- CFT - Flying craft (space/planetary) PLA - Planets, huge asteroids etc SML - SAM/SAL sites. Missile locks onto radar signal from target LGT - Light armored vehicles,light targets,personnel, light structures etc HVY - Heavy armor vehicles, heavy targets, heavy structures etc MUL - Weapon can be used on any target. It's success varies with target PLT - Planetary targets. Missile destroys single targets on planet surface ORB - Targets in planet's orbit WEAPONS PLATFORM CODES ---------------------- STS - Space-To-Space OTS - Orbit-To-Surface ATA - Air-To-Air ATS - Air-To-Surface SAM - Surface-Air-Missile SAL - Surface-Air-Laser MIN - Mine Guidance Logic codes & characteristics for space/planetary missiles : --------------------------------------------------------------------- CTL, Continuous Tracking Logic The craft must maintain the lock on the target until the missile hits ATL, Automatic Tracking System The missile has it's own tracking system. This allows the craft to 'fire and forget' the missile. ATL/V Automatic Tracking System with Video The missile has a camera in it's nose cone. When armed, the missile camera can be used to acquire a target using 'fire and forget' techniques. RITL/V Redundant Independent Tracking System with Video This is found only in OTS weapon systems. A camera in the missile's nose cone is used to locate the target on the planet surface. After launch, the weapon continues to receive tracking info from the craft. The missile will lose tracking info if the craft leaves orbit or if jammed from the ground. VITS Visual Independent Tracking System Used only on craft mounted laser systems. After a target is identified the pilot must compensate for it's orientation and fire when it comes into range. In some systems, the laser mounts are fixed and only fire straight ahead. On more advanced and larger ships, the laser mounts can be independently oriented to track the target's location without changing the craft's orientation. Weapons characteristics key - missiles -------------------------------------- Type/Name - Weapon type and name Max. range - Max. range, in km, at which missile is fired Max. speed - Maximum speed, in kt, of the missile in flight Guidance Logic - Determines how the missile locates it target Platform - AN 'X' in this field indicates that only large craft carry this missile. Target types - Targets this weapon is designed to destroy * The recharge timelapse for laser systems is the amount of time it takes for the system to recharge if it depletes it's energy cels in a single burst. * All missiles have generic characteristics in this demo, they will destroy any kind of target. * If you fire a missile without a positive lock, the missile will fly straight ahead and ignore the 'target designator' box. GALCOM WEAPON SYSTEMS - MISSILES --------------------------------- TYPE/NAME MAX MAX GUIDANCE PLATFORM TARGET RANGE SPEED LOGIC TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATA-Cluster 20 1500 ATL CFT ATA-Magellan 30 1500 ATL CFT ATA-Mariner 50 2000 ATL CFT ATA-Warrior 25 2500 ATL CFT ATA-Pilgrim 25 2500 ATL CFT ATA-Seeker 50 1500 ATL CFT STS-Vagrant 50 750 ATL/V CFT STS-Perseus 15 500 ATL CFT STS-Questor 15 2000 ATL CFT STS-Starflash 25 2000 CTL MUL STS-Starseeker 25 1000 CTL X MUL STS-Firestar 50 2000 ATL LGT STS-Starchild 30 2000 ATL X LGT STS-Ralix 30 2500 ATL HVY STS-Analog 25 2000 CTL HVY ATS-Spyder 75 750 ATL HVY ATS-Lynx 50 750 ATL HVY ATS-Maverick 50 1000 ATL/V LHT ATS-Harpoon 100 1200 ATL/V LHT ATS-Gainer 75 800 ATL/V SML ATS-Hyperdyne 50 750 ATL/V SML OTS-Stallion - - RITL/V X PLA OTS-Tanix - - RITL/V X PLA OTS-Bugnor - - RITL/V X PLA OTS-Skyflash - - RITL/V X PLT OTS-Sunbeam - - RITL/V X PLT MIN-Crab - - RITL X MUL MIN-Leech - - RITL X MUL MIN-Clinger - - RITL X MUL MIN-Louse - - RITL X MUL GAMMULAN WEAPON SYSTEMS - MISSILES --------------------------------- ATA-Adder 25 2500 ATL CFT ATA-Gammid 30 2500 ATL CFT ATA-Rolan/1 30 2000 ATL CFT ATA-Rolan/2 50 3000 CTL CFT STS-Minx 50 1500 ATL CFT STS-Tangent 20 2500 CTL CFT STS-Devil 75 1500 ATL CFT STS-Starsearch 50 2000 ATL X MUL STS-Moonstar 35 2000 ATL X MUL ATS-Krenon 25 1000 ATL SML ATS-Eyestar 50 750 ATL HVY ATS-Storm 100 750 CTL HVY OTS-Anagram - - RITL/V X PL OTS-Sunstar - - RITL/V X PL OTS-Gladiator - - RITL/V X PLT MIN-Stint - - RITL X MUL MIN-Felix - - RITL X MUL Guidance Logic codes & characteristics for SAM/SAL systems : ---------------------------------------------------------- ASL, Advanced Seeker Logic The missile uses an advanced seeker guidance mechanism with the receiver in the missile. This missile, can 'burn through' jamming at close range and can conduct multiple attacks. Seriously bad news. SASL, Semi-Active Seeker Logic The missile uses a variation of ASL, but the tracking station transmits data in 'burst' mode that are several cycles apart. The receiver is in the missile and it may 'burn through' jamming at close range. Changing the craft's orientation between 'bursts' can also jam the missile. VSL, Visual Seeker Logic The missile is guided by a ground controller who must monitor and compensate for the target's maneuvering. This missile can be fooled by evasive flying or jamming. ITL, Independent Tracking Logic The missile is guided by a ground radar station with the receiver at the station. This missile cannot 'burn through' jamming at close range. LITAS, Laser Inference Target Acquisition System This is used only in SAL tracking systems. The radar station first searches for the target, next it acquires it and fires a laser designator beam at it. The firing system then fires a continuous wave of laser bursts along the beam. This firing system can only be fooled by flying at a safe altitude out of the laser designator range. At low altitude, it may be jammed. The designator lock can also be jammed by flying really fast. Weapons characteristics key - SAM/SAL: -------------------------------------- Type/name - Weapon type, SAM/SAL Max. range - Max. range at which missile is fired Max. speed - Maximum speed, in mach, of the missile in flight Search range - Maximum range, in km, of the missile's search radar Max. alt - Maximum altitude, in ft, the missile can reach Guidance Logic - Determines how the missile locates it target Target types - Targets this weapon is designed to destroy Mounting - How the SAM system looks when seen Mobile - Mounted on a vehicle with radar Fixed - Missile launcher located near radar station GALCOM WEAPON SYSTEMS - SAM/SAL -------------------------------- TYPE/NAME MAX MAX SEARCH MAX GUIDANCE TARGET MOUNTING RANGE SPEED RANGE ALT. LOGIC TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AX-10 Fireball 125 2.5 125 25,000 SASL CFT Fixed AX-21 Firestorm 125 2+ 150 35,000 SASL CFT Mobile MFX1-SAL 25 - 25 20,000 ASL CFT Fixed MFX2-SAL 50 - 50 20,000 ASL CFT Mobile MK1-Pulse 50 - 100 - SASL CFT Mobile MK2-Pulse 75 - 150 - SASL ORB Fixed MK3-Pulse 100 - 100 - ASL ORB Fixed TSX1-Limpet 100 3+ 100 25,000 SASL CFT Mobile TSX2-Limpet 125 3+ 150 25,000 SASL CFT Mobile GAMMULAN & ALLIES WEAPON SYSTEMS - SAM/SAL ------------------------------------------- XPF-SAL 10 - 20 10,000 ASL CFT Fixed XPT-SAL 15 - 25 15,000 ASL CFT Fixed ACM-Rogan 50 2+ 75 25,000 SASL CFT Mobile ADV-Hawkeye 75 2+ 75 35,000 SASL CFT Mobile GDN-4 Worm 150 2+ 150 40,000 SASL CFT Mobile GDN-6 Worm 200 2+ 300 30,000 SASL CFT Mobile GDN-7 Worm 300 2+ 500 35,000 SASL CFT Fixed MK1-Defender 150 - 150 - ASL ORB Fixed MK2-Defender 200 - 200 - ASL ORB Fixed SSN-Catcher - 7+ - - ASL ORB Fixed SSN-Starfly - 7+ - - ASL ORB Fixed ******************************************************************************* SHIP CHARACTERISTICS ******************************************************************************* KEY : --- The entire game universe is 64x64x64 ly/6400x6400x6400 gu. These missions are generated within the Solar system, which for this demo is 05x05x05 ly. LY - Lightyear Distance traversed in one year by electromagnetic waves in free space 1 parsec, pc = 3.2 lightyears, ly 1 lightyear,ly = 9.5 x 10[15] metres, m = 100 Galactic Units, gu HyperSpeed, hs = 400+ gu/min LightSpeed, ls = 100 CruiseSpeed, cs = 10 ProfileSpeed, ps = 1 ProfileSpeed 0-9 = 00-09 gu/min CruiseSpeed 0-9 = 10-99 LightSpeed 01 = 100 LightSpeed 02 = 200 LightSpeed 03 = 300 LightSpeed 04 = 400 HyperSpeed = 400+ [must exceed LS4 to breach hyperspace] CruiseSpeed 1 is equivalent to Mach 1 The safest length of time a ship & it's crew can remain in hyperspace before breaching the space-time continuum and disappearing into nothingness is 5 mins. Most ship engine/reactor combinations can only maintain HyperSpeed for 3 mins. There is a workaround where the pilot can initiate reverse thrusters when the timer goes past 3 mins and the warning klaxxon starts to sound. The ship will gradually start to slow down, a few seconds later just before the ship returns to LightSpeed 4, he can re-apply the thrusters to exceed LS4 and enter hyperspace again. The decelleration of the ship sort of prevents the ship from reaching the space-time continuum threshold momentarily, by again achieving HyperSpeed, the pilot has extended the ship's transition into hyperspace for another 3 mins. There are some issues to consider; a) this takes a tremendous of power reserves b) the reactor/engine configuration must be able to attain HyperSpeed for the full 3 mins c) it is very dangerous and sometimes may not work. If there is insufficient power reserves, the ship will abruptly 'drop out' of hyperspace and create a tremendous stress on the hull, serious enough to cause considerable damage. Also, if this manoever is attempted repeatedly in one sequence, the reactor may reach 'Fusion Displacement Threshold' and shutdown or possibly explode. The ship's emergency systems will automaitcally jettison the reactor as soon as it reaches FDT. Time to call that GALCOM tow truck. Of course if there is a functional backup solar reactor, the ship can make it back to the nearest starstation. These are some of the hints that will form the basis of the Novella. eg. ProfileSpeed 4, PS4 = 4 gu/m CruiseSpeed 6, CS6 = 60 gu/min Ships are identified by their owners and then the class. If the Tactical Officer IDs a ship, the response could be : [alien,class,ship_type,B,R] eg. "Gammulan Class A Stormcarrier detected bearing x range x" Certain ships are only operated by certain aliens. The Gammulans are the only aliens with Stormcarriers, Corsairs, Starfighters, Starcarriers & Stardrones. The finished game contains 42 ship types of varying class & characteristics. GALCOM and it's allies operate 22 types. The 'unknown' factor in the Gammulan ship characteristics is there because none of them have been captured by GALCOM so that information is not available. If you succeed in actually capturing one and delivering it to the GALCOM HQ, then sometime during the game the information will be available in the LOGISTIX computer database. GALCOM - : ------ Battlecruiser Class - Constellation Role - Multi-role Range - 20 ly Weight - 185,000 tons Reactor - Megatron Shields - Linear s11 Armor - Titanium/11 Laser - 2 x Phalanx MBM Max. Speed - HS Weapon Bays - 4 Crew - 150/200 Support craft - 4 x Interceptors Interceptor Class - None Role - Multi-role Range - 1 ly Weight - 15 tons Reactor - Lattex/NB Shields - Spectrum/A Armor - None Laser - 1 x Phalanx SBM Max. Speed - CS3 Weapon Bays - 2 Crew - 2 Support craft - None Lightstar Class - None Role - Defense Range - 0.5 ly Weight - 12 tons Reactor - Lattis/NB Shields - Spectrum/A Armor - None Laser - 1 x Phalanx SBM Max. Speed - CS2 Weapon Bays - 2 Crew - 1 Support craft - None Gammulan -: -------- Stormcarrier Class - Class A Role - Multi-role Range - 30 ly Weight - 165,000 tons Reactor - Unknown Shields - Unknown Armor - Unknown Laser - Unknown Max. Speed - HS Weapon Bays - 4 Crew - Unknown Support craft - 2 x TN-31 Corsair 2 x Starfighter 2 x Stardrone Starcarrier Class - Venom Role - Defense/Attack Range - 15 ly Weight - 140,000 tons Reactor - Unknown Shields - Unknown Armor - Unknown Laser - Unknown Max. Speed - HS Weapon Bays - 2 Crew - Unknown Support craft - 2 x Starfighters TN-31 Corsair Class - None Role - Attack/Intercept Range - 1 ly Weight - Unknown Reactor - Unknown Shields - Unknown Armor - Unknown Laser - Unknown Max. Speed - CS3 Weapon Bays - Unknown Crew - Unknown Support craft - None Starfighter Class - None Role - Attack/Intercept Range - 1.5 ly Weight - Unknown Reactor - Unknown Shields - Unknown Armor - Unknown Laser - Unknown Max. Speed - CS4 Weapon Bays - Unknown Crew - Unknown Support craft - None ******************************************************************************* KEYBOARD TEMPLATE ******************************************************************************* The final program has over 300 keyboard commands. For simplicity only those used in this demo are listed here: Where a '*' is indicated, this feature is only active whilst you are in control of the Battlecruiser; '!' is for the Interceptor only. UP - Down Arrow keys Pitch ( JStick UpDown ) LFT - RHT Arrow keys Yaw ( JStick LeftRight ) [ ] Roll ( JStick left/right + button #2 ) ENTER Fire laser ( JStick button #1 ) BackSpace Cycle missiles/laser SpaceBar Fire missile ALT+F1 * Launch Interceptor #1. Will switch if already launched ALT+F2 * Launch Interceptor #2. Will switch if already launched CTRL+F1 * Retrieve Interceptor #1 (if previously launched/active) CTRL+F2 * Retrieve Interceptor #2 (if previously launched/active) CTRL+ESC ! Switch to the Battlecruiser ALT+C * Battlecruiser cloaking device on/off F Flight Path Designator toggle on/off F1-F4 Switch views/stations F5 External camera view (use arrow keys to rotate view) V Engine thrust vector toggle FTOL/VTOL FTOL = Engine Forward thrust vector VTOL = Engine Vertical thrust vector SHFT+1 - SHFT+9 * Set engine power SHFT+1 - SHFT+4 ! Set engine power + / - Fine tune engine power 0 Shutdown engines ( computer handles deceleration ) ALT+L * Switch to LOGISTIX computer SHIFT+F1 Change Navigation Interface Map, NIM range, L/M/S ALT+M * View dummy planetary map in Navigation station W Cycle mission waypoints ( if generated ) ALT+ESC Abandon ship ( if Battlecruiser, game ends ) P * Cycle through ship's personnel in Communications station R * Replay old messages in Communications station M Switch TACSCAN mode ( except mode # 2 ) Mode #1 - Multiple Target Track - Space flying targets only L/M/S Mode #2 - Single Target Track Mode #3 - Flight Path Designator Track Mode #4 - Multiple Target Track - Planet Planetary ground targets Mode #5 - Deployed Craft Tracking System. Tracks BC & Interc Mode #6 - Video Targetting System ( disabled ) (for special weapons) X Break target lock in TACSCAN mode #2 S Activate TACSCAN mode #2 - Single Target Track T Cycle targets in TACSCAN mode #1 & #4 / Switch TACSCAN range, Long/Medium/Short C Switch Computer Video Display, CVD modes ( damage / Video Target Display ) Scroll-Lock Pause demo ALT+Q Quit demo and exit to DOS ******************************************************************************* FILE DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR DEMO V3.00 ******************************************************************************* These are the list of files needed to run this demo. Some are optional. BATTLECRUISER:3000AD PRESS RELEASE ---------------------------------- FROM : GALCOM Supreme Commander, Smart TO : All GALCOM Operatives SUBJ : Battlecruiser:3000AD demo DATE : 02/22/93 Ok, - The good news it's finally here. For the past year, since releasing demo v2.00, we have been working very hard to release the proposed demo v2.01. Due to the complexity of the demo (being a sub-set of the final program) numerous bugs had to be terminated in order to produce a 99.9% bug-free demo v2.01 as demo v2.00 was. Well, during the course of the development, we added so many features that if one didn't know that the code was a demo, it would pass for a complete product. So, I decided to rename the next release BC:3000AD demo v3.0. This indicates how major an upgrade it is. - Now the bad news The files are really huge. I have split-up the entire program into two segments and file subsets. You can download 1) the main files needed to play the demo, 2) the animation files used in sequences such as your ship exploding, docking, evacuation etc, 3) the program intro animation and 4) the sound/FX files. The files are : BC3K30.ZIP - Main files needed to run demo. See enclosed DEMOV300.TXT manual BC3KSB.ZIP - Soundblaster + compatibles digitized/MIDI sound/FX files BC3KAD.ZIP - Adlib digitized/MIDI sound/FX files BC3KA1.ZIP - Animation sequences 1. Interceptor destroyed 2. Battlecruiser destroyed 3. Interceptor docking BC3KA2.ZIP - Animation sequences 1. Interceptor evacuation (planet/space) 2. Battlecruiser evacuation (planet/space) BC3KA3.ZIP - Program intro animation sequences (simply breathtaking!!) By downloading BC3K30.ZIP, you have the interactive demo v3.00 which contains two missions and lots of fun. You can also download one of the sound/FX files if you wish. Without sound/FX, you WILL NOT enjoy this program. The manual is about 90 pages, if you don't read it, you're in serious trouble. You can decide which of the animation files to download, either BC3KA1.ZIP or BC3KA2.ZIP, or both. Simply unzip them to the sub-directory containing the master program files and they will be used. You must then run SETUP21 again and ENABLE animations. BC3KA3.ZIP is a non-interactive demo of the actual program intro animation. It is not needed to run the interactive demo at all. I just wanted to give you guys a taste of things to come. It can also utilize the sound/FX files if you have a soundcard. Your best bet is to download these files at 9600 bps or find a BBS that has a 14.4 modem (if you have one). As with demo v2.00, by the end of February, every major BBS system will carry demo v3.00. If you do not want to download the demo. Send $20 to GALCOM Supreme Commander 3000AD 8306 Mills Drive Suite 329 Miami, FL 33183 for a set of 4/5 HD disks containing the demo files. I shall only be sending out 3.5" 1.44 diskettes. - It's a bug, it's a bug - gee, it's a feature This demo even though it has been rigorously tested, may contain bugs. These bugs have the lowest priority in my life right now. I have to finish this product in time for a Summer release and I have no time to fix demo bugs. If it will not take more than 30 min of my time AND it is a bug, I shall fix it and post the fix here. Please do not call or send e-mail to me for tech support. You can communicate with other GALCOM Operatives who may be able to help. I may pitch in once in a while to clarify some points, give hints etc. If you have anything less than a 386/25, this demo will be very slow, your best bet is to get ahold of a Cray computer. I hear they're going cheap nowadays. Next week I shall do a special version for RISC based computers and the upcoming P5 processor - NOT!! - Other stuff that you really don't give a &^%#$(!)*!!@%# about Battlecruiser:3000AD made a debut appearance at Winter CES in January with very good responses from the bored attendees. Computer Game Review is currently the first mag to do a post CES preview. See page 80, Feb. edition. Other mags will follow suit in the upcoming weeks no doubt. Lloyd Pique is out of college for the time being. Thank God, now we can finish the 3D terrain and get rid of the bugs. Jim Marinis moved to a new job in New York. John Ratcliffe had a baby (no you dummy, his WIFE had the baby). Danny Mercurio is about to become famous for his raytraced artwork created for Battlecruiser:3000AD and used in my animation sequences. If he raises his fee for Battlestorm:The Aftermath (my next game), I'll show his kids how to format a hard disk as their first computer lesson. My next door neighbor has forgotten what I look like. My girlfriend is still waiting for me to 'snap out of it'. I made (and left) new 'friends' at Three-Sixty Pacific. I hear I cannot use the word 'phasers' to describe my ship's weapon systems because it's copyright property. Oh great, I've just thought of a thousand words that I intend to copyright and make sure no one uses them. As for me, well that's a whole different story.... - On the serious side After a lot of faxes, telephone calls, swearing, personality conflicts, frustrating conversations and promises, promises, promises, 3000AD and Three-Sixty parted company on Jan 15th 1993 with a mutual contract termination. It was an unfortunate decision but 'a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do'. I still have my product, I'm still developing it, it's still in demand and I CAN sleep at night. 3000AD & Three-Sixty share a mutual professional relationship and maybe in the future we'll make things happen the way they were meant to be in October '92. - Thanks Thanks a lot for the undying support that you guys have given and I look