ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ SONIC PRESENTS LATE EASTER '92 ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³ Members: JAZ & FTJ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³Requirements³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; CPU - Min. 80386sx/16Mhz or FAST 80286 (80386/xx recommended) Memory - About 300kb VGA - 100% register compatible (color monitor recommended) Sound Blaster - This is optional (no music without it, may not work properly on some computers, if the music doesn't work try running the demo without music.) ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³General info³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; The demo is late because of many reasons but now it's ready for you to enjoy. We had some major problems with the music and some memory stuff. The credits for this demo: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1st part: Coding - JAZ Grafix - Marvel Ideas - FTJ,JAZ 2nd part: Coding - JAZ and some help by FTJ Grafix - Marvel,(fonts by JAZ,FTJ) Ideas - JAZ,FTJ 3rd part: Coding - JAZ and some help by FTJ Grafix - JAZ Sinus-Wave - FTJ Ideas - JAZ,FTJ Utils: Coding - FTJ We don't know the composer of the music we are using in this demo but if you recognize your song in this demo then you should contact us and we will give you the proper credits in our next production. We used it because it was so suitable for this (not too heavy nor slow) and it worked with the player we are using. It is made by PSI / FC. (There may be some bugs in it but it works) I (FTJ) am coding on our own MOD-player all the time but there is still some MAJOR bugs that I haven't figured out yet. The first version played only one note. ;) Well, maybe I should tell you what kind of software & hardware we used to make this demo. Main software: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Turbo Assembler 2.51 & 3.0 - The main assembler Turbo Linker 4.0 - Linker QEdit 2.11 - Editor Other software (utilities): ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FTJ's Grafix Convertor 2.40 - For converting LBM's BIN-INC 2.0 - Binary to Include convertor DBGEN 1.0 - Table generator and many more... Hardware: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Quantum 386/33Mhz,SVGA (Tseng Labs),8Mb RAM,105Mb HD DELL 386sx/20Mhz,SVGA (Tseng?),4Mb RAM,64Mb HD EVEREX 286/12Mhz,VGA,1Mb RAM,44Mb HD 2 x Sound Blaster 1.5 and other stuff... This is rather important to know about the hardware and software we used because if you find any serious bugs we would be glad if you reported them to us and we could learn not to make the same mistakes in our next producion. See below for the contact address or BBS. We have tested this demo on several different setups and machines and it should work on most of them but there are however some machines and vga-cards that refuse to work properly. ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³How to contact?³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; FTJ / SONIC (Fredrik Kek„l„inen) Programmers Paradise BBS Ruotutorpantie 4a (SONIC WHQ) 00720 Helsinki +358-(9)0-8043141 FINLAND 24h, HST DS Sysop: JAZ / SONIC (Johan Engstr”m) ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³Last words³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; We really hope that you enjoy our demo because we have really been working hard to get this done and we would like to thank all you that have helped us with different things. This is our very first demo so you must not expect any bindblowing things. The quality is sure going to be better in the near future. After this release we are going to start making our next demo which will be released at the big Amgiga,C64,PC party called "ASSEMBLY '92" this summer. I'll hope we will make it until then ;) Okay, this is enough ... - FTJ/SONIC -EOF-