Welcome to The Dungeon v6.0! These files, documents, and programs are public domain. Anyone may use, rewrite, or distribute them without any fee, charge for use, or packaging requirements. In this file, dungeon6.zip you should find the following files: ansi.sys -- device driver dungeon.doc -- short documentation dungeon.exe -- the program go.bat -- simple startup page.com -- display utility print.bat -- prints documentation readme.bat -- displays readme file readme.txt -- readme file view.bat -- displays documentation The last file, source.zip, contains these files: compile.bat -- batch program dungeon.bas -- basic program subprog.bas -- basic subroutines Requirements: The Dungeon is designed to operate on any standard PC, XT, or AT with 256k, floppy or fixed disk, and any color graphics adapter. Make sure config.sys has the statement device=ansi.sys for color codes. Any monitor will work; cga, ega, pga, vga, svga, or mcga. Instructions: Enter 'go' at the dos prompt to read documentation and start program or else either print the documentation by entering 'print' or read the documentation by entering 'view' at te dos prompt. Otherwise type 'dungeon' and the game loads. Playing is done by entry on the numeric keypad, 0, 1, .., 9, and other symbols like -, *, and =. Be sure you have turned numlock on during game play. The Dungeon also recognizes cursor keys for moving in the game w/o numlock.