°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛ ±±Program : Dungeons & Dragons Character Generator °° ˛˛Format : EXE ±± °°Computer : IBM / Compaitible with MS-DOS 3.30 or higher ˛˛ ±±Version : 1.10 °° ˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±±˛˛°°±± 1 Table of Contents: Cover................................................. 1 Table of contents..................................... 2 Introduction to D&DMAKE............................... 3 The main menu......................................... 4-5 Generating a new character (Menu choices 1-7)......... 6 Loading a character file (Menu choice 8).............. 7 Loading and modifying a character (Menu choice 10).... 8 The D&D Dice Roller (Menu Choice 15).................. 9 The included characters............................... 10 Final notes........................................... 11 2 Introduction to D&DMAKE D&DMAKE is a program which allows you to generate characters for TSR's Dungeons and Dragons game. It will keep track of:  All ability scores (strength, intellegence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma)  Player, character, and DM names.  Class (Fighter, Cleric, Thief, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling or Magic-user)  Armor Class, Gold Pieces, Hit Points, and Experience Points  Alignment and Languages Spoken In addition, it can save characters to a file, the number which is ONLY limited by the size of the disk! 3 THE MAIN MENU After a brief opening message, the first thing you will see when you start the program is the main menu. Choices one through seven will allow you to make a new character. Choice eight will allow you to change the current file. Choice nine will allow you to save the character in memory to the current file. Choice ten will allow you to load a saved character into memory and optionally modify it. Choice eleven will allow you to print out a character record sheet for the character in memory. 4 THE MAIN MENU (continued) Choice twelve will display [on the screen] a list of all characters in the current file and their classes. Choice thirteen will display these instructions. Choice fourteen will exit the program. Choice fifteen will enter the D&D Dice Roller, a program designed to roll the polyhedral dice (without dice, of course!) 5 GENERATING A NEW CHARACTER When the main menu pops up, you will be able to make a new character. First, decide what you want class you want your character to be: a fighter, a cleric, a dwarf, an elf, a halfling or a magic-user. Then, enter the number associated with that character class. After you press return, you will see a message indicating that you are generating a new character, followed by a line confiriming that this character will be the class you have chosen. After that, it will prompt you for the player's (probably you), character's, and DM's name. Next, it will ask you for the characters alignment. L (for lawful) characters are always following the rules and acting in a manner most people would consider good. C (for chaotic) characters are just the opposite. They are usually not following the rules and acting in a manner most people would consider bad. N (for neutral) characters are in the middle of lawful and chaotic. The next thing that will happen is it will ask you to hit any key. Do so. After that, the program will show you your character's statistics. If you want to, follow the directions to improve your characters prime requisite. 6 LOADING A CHARACTER FILE To change the current character file, select menu choice eight. You will be prompted for the filename. Enter up to eight characters, and then hit return. The program will automatically change the extention to "DDC", even if you give another extention! The file you specify will then become the current file. 7 LOADING AND MODIFYING A CHARACTER To load (and modify) a character, select menu choice number ten. You will then be prompted for the name of the character to load. If the program can not find your character, you will be told so and a keypress will bring you back to the main menu. Assuming, however, that the program can, your character's vital stats will be shown to you. When the program gets to Armor class, it will ask you what the armor class is now. Enter the armor class. After showing you the amount of hit points, expericence points, and gold pieces, the program will ask you for the change. If the statistic has gone up, enter a positive number. If it has not changed, just enter zero. If it has gone down, enter a negative number. 8 THE D&D DICE ROLLER Included in this program is a dice roller. Its instructions are included. To get them, (from within the dice roller itself) just type the question mark and hit return. 9 THE INCLUDED CHARACTERS Included in this program you will find seven sample characters, one of each character class. You can find out their names by using menu choice twelve. Note that some have armor classes other than nine. This is because I bought them armor, and I have deducted money appropriately. (Note that the fighter only has an AC of 1: Plate mail armor is AC 3, a shield changes it to AC 2, and his dexterity -1 bonus changes to AC 1.) 10 FINAL NOTES Just a few quick notes that don't belong anywhere else: If you do not specifically open a file, the program will use D&D-CHAR.DDC as the current file until you specify otherwise. This programs is for use only with the Dungeons & Dragons game, and NOT the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons are registered trademarks of TSR, Inc. The author is in no way affiliated with TSR, Inc. ENJOY THE PROGRAM!