Instructions for Gold Digger II Copy the "goldig.bas" file to your C:\GWBASIC directory or wherever you have the program. Load up GW-BASIC. Then load up the file "goldig.bas" Push F2 to run the program. Start by going to option 1. to Create a new miner. Make sure numlock is on. After selecting your miner take a look at the statistics option. There you will see how much money you have, the prices on gold silver and bronze and other things. Go back to the main menu and choose option 6. Enter 1. to buy a digging pass. Without it you may not be able to dig. If you do not have enough money you would be forced to sell gold, silver and bronze (if you have any) or take money out of the bank (if you have deposited some). Next after buying the pass push 2. to begin digging. When you see the screen with your miner move him using 4=left 8=up 5=down and 6=right. Go on top of a mine and push "e" to enter it. If your miner flashes and doesn't enter please choose another mine. Once you have chosen your mine get ready to collect your fortunes. Gold pieces will appear yellow, silver pieces will appear white and bronze will appear orange. When you are collecting be quick. Move your miner as fast as possible, your timer is counting down in the top right hand corner. To pick-up you must make a full stop on the piece and press "p". Then move along quickly to collect more. You should collect from 15-22 pieces on average. If you are not collecting that many you should maybe try being faster. If you are earning more that's great!! Ok after the collecting you will be shown what you collected. You can go to the selling menu by selecting 3. The first option is to sell your gold, silver and bronze. You will be shown the price of each and if it has gone up or down. To the right will be how many you have in total. At the top is other info on you. Push the corresponding letter example: G for gold and enter the amount you wish to sell. If you want to know how much you will earn before selling select option 2. on the selling menu. Simply enter the amount and you will be told the price you will get. It is a good idea to check the statistics every now and then to see how things have changed. Note that the digging price changes also as well as the interest rate. In the game you may dig 50 times before the game ends. In that time it is wise to put money into the bank. I guarantee you will not do well if you do not put money in the bank. It is useless to have more than $1000 on you when it could be collecting big interest in the bank. To save your game go to option 2. on the menu. From there you can save, load, delete and retire. When you retire, you will be told your total earnings and given a grade from F-A+. Good Luck!!! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did programming it. By: Darren Markhoff P.S. This is not shareware!! This is freeware!! Copy it all you like!!!!