Tegel's Mercenaries Important Update It is very important to read the Readme.txt file that comes with the program because many important additions were made after the manual was printed. -To enable the icd cache program you may copy the files from another Mind craft program such as Siege into your Mercs directory - Using the Hot-Keys described in the Readme.txt file and described on the back of the manual is the best way to control the Mercs. - When using the Hot-keys, you place the mouse arrow on the Merc making sure the Merc's name appears, and then press the Hot-Key letter, Do Not click the mouse button or you'll end up in pop-up window mode. - Using the 'X' hot-key on Mercs is a good way to clear out accumulated orders and clarify subsequent orders to the Merc. This may also clear up problems with a confused Merc. - Controlling a Merc directly using the keyboard arrow keys or the mouse can be achieved using the TAB Hot-Key while the mouse arrow is on the desired Merc. Every Hot-Key after having a Merc in Control Mode will be directed to the Merc that is currently being controlled. To Exit Control Mode, just hit the TAB key again. - Contrary to the Readme.txt file, the tool kit can only be used to open a locked door, and NOT fix damaged armor.