Star Legions Update Version 1.02 (1/18/93) ------------------------------------------- Fixes: - Lockups when accepting planet surrender. Limited problem happening only in certain machine setups and depending on game events. - Phasers that fire outside the FOV (field of view). - Lockups during door opening sequence before mission briefing. Only happens on certain machine setups. - Adds memory check for systems having less than 570K w/PC Speaker or 582K w/Sound Blaster. - When zone cannot be bombarded (because of status green or yellow), a torp will fire (one taken from supply) and a hit appears on the city, then the abort message. Should check and abort before weapon is fired. - Zone status remaining yellow even after all Krellans are gone from zone (data says 0 units and 0 firepower). This also caused the "Krellans in zone - command aborted" when attempting to bombard one of these cities. - When PltData is up on Orbit Control screen and you press the deselect ships button, black dots of the orbit erasure appear on the alien picture. - Also fixes the problem when you bombard a city and extra cities appear all over the place and the game is messed up.