\* This program converts font (OR ANY) colors. \* To use it, rename the font as a .PIC file, \* Make sure #2 and #3 are >= the font width, height respectively. \* All this does as written is convert any color to color #3. Whoopee. \* So copy it TO A DIFFERENT .txt name and modify as needed. \* Written by Russell D. Hoffman. \MOVE 25 TO #2\MOVE 32 TO #3 \READ 242904NW.PIC\FRAME ?\MOVE A TO #4 \MOVE 1 TO M \MOVE 0 TO X \MOVE 0 TO Y \CLEAR SCREEN \SHOW 0,0,M \X LOOP1 \DOT X,Y,? \IF A>0\DOT X,Y,3\ENDIF \ADD 1 TO X \IF X<#2\JUMP LOOP1\ENDIF \MOVE 0 TO X \ADD 1 TO Y \IF Y<#3\JUMP LOOP1\ENDIF \MOVE 0 TO Y \SHOW 0,0,M,M,S \ADD 1 TO M \CLEAR SCREEN \IF M>#4\END\ELSE\SHOW 0,0,M\JUMP LOOP1\ENDIF