Pack2Dsk by IntelliSys Post Office Box 21233 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 345-5906 [voice] (703) 345-9423 [FAX] (703) 344-5647 [BBS] Copyright (c) IntelliSys 1992 All Rights Reserved. Pack2Dsk Page i Table of Contents INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1 ABOUT INTELLISYS.......................................... 2 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT................................ 3 License.............................................. 3 Limited Warranty and Limitation of Remedies.......... 4 General.............................................. 4 USING Pack2Dsk............................................ 6 COMMAND LINE OPTIONS................................. 6 NETWORK ACCESS....................................... 6 REGISTRATION.............................................. 7 SITE-LICENSES............................................. 7 DISTRIBUTING Pack2Dsk..................................... 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................... 7 Pack2Dsk Page 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of Pack2Dsk is to copy files to floppies (or other removeable media) and store them in the most diskspace-efficient manner possible. Pack2Dsk is currently distributed as Shareware. It is not free. Shareware is software that you can examine on a trial basis. If you decide to use Pack2Dsk beyond the trial period, you are required to register as a user and send IntelliSys the registration fee. (See below for information about how to register your copy.) You are encouraged to pass a copy of Pack2Dsk along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy as well if they find it useful. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. Distributing software as shareware saves money for the software developer by allowing distribution through low-cost channels, while presenting you with a quality product at a savings. The Shareware concept can only work for the benefit of all computer users if the users of Shareware pay for its use. Please refer to the LICENSE AGREEMENT for terms for use of Pack2Dsk. Pack2Dsk Page 2 ABOUT INTELLISYS IntelliSys creates custom software and provides consulting services, as well as developing Shareware applications. We are extremely interested in what our customers think about our products and how they feel they can be improved. Also, if you would like a modified version of this program to meet your spcific needs, or if you need an entirely different kind of program, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address above, by telephone, or on our BBS to discuss it. Pack2Dsk Page 3 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE USING Pack2Dsk. THIS AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU, THE USER OF Pack2Dsk, AND INTELLISYS GOVERNING YOUR USE OF Pack2Dsk. THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND INTELLISYS WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF Pack2Dsk. USING Pack2Dsk INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL ALSO BE BINDING ON ANY SUBSEQUENT, AUTHORIZED LICENSEE. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE Pack2Dsk. License IntelliSys grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Pack2Dsk software program and documentation as specified in this Agreement. You may use Pack2Dsk for a reasonable period of time while you decide whether to become a registered user of Pack2Dsk. After using Pack2Dsk for a reasonable period of time, you may not use Pack2Dsk without becoming a registered user. As a registered user, you may use Pack2Dsk on a single computer or terminal at a time. In addition, you may make one backup copy of Pack2Dsk. This Agreement specifically does not grant to you or anyone any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and trademarks. You acknowledge and agree that Pack2Dsk is owned by IntelliSys and is protected by United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. You agree to safeguard Pack2Dsk as copyrighted material. You acknowledge that the structure and organization of Pack2Dsk are the valuable trade secrets of IntelliSys. You agree to hold such trade secrets in confidence. You may not distribute Pack2Dsk for any kind of remuneration without prior authorization from IntelliSys. You may not distribute Pack2Dsk as part of any other software or hardware package. However, IntelliSys encourages you to distribute copies of Pack2Dsk, without charging for the copies, so that others may decide whether to become registered users. In addition, as a registered user, you may transfer your rights under this Agreement on a permanent basis provided you transfer your registered copy of Pack2Dsk and any backup copy and provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. Such a permanent transfer ends your license to use Pack2Dsk. You may not transfer obsolete versions of Pack2Dsk. Other than as provided in this paragraph, you may not loan, sublicense, rent, lease, sublease, or otherwise transfer any right to use Pack2Dsk. Pack2Dsk Page 4 You may not make copies of Pack2Dsk, or any portion of it, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. You may not reproduce, transmit, transcribe, store in a retrieval system, or translate into any language Pack2Dsk or any part of it. You may not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on Pack2Dsk or any portion of it. Limited Warranty and Limitation of Remedies IntelliSys warrants that the diskette containing a registered copy of Pack2Dsk and the accompanying documentation shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of thirty days from the date the diskette is sent to you. To exercise your rights under this warranty, you must return the defective product to IntelliSys at your expense within the warranty period. IntelliSys will then replace the product or return your purchase price, at its option. IntelliSys's entire liability and your exclusive remedy and sole measure of recoverable damages under this Agreement shall be, at IntelliSys's option, (1) return of the purchase price paid, or (2) replacement of the defective product. In the event of replacement of a diskette, IntelliSys shall warrant the replacement for the remainder of the original thirty days or for fourteen days, whichever is longer. Pack2Dsk IS PROVIDED "AS IS" EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH. THE WARRANTY IN THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH IS THE ONLY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING Pack2Dsk, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER INTELLISYS NOR ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF Pack2Dsk SHALL BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR COSTS (INCLUDING LEGAL EXPENSES OR LOSS OF GOODWILL) ARISING OUT OF USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, Pack2Dsk EVEN IF INTELLISYS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOST PROFITS, DAMAGES, OR COSTS. General If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any civil action or other proceeding that may be brought concerning Pack2Dsk or this Agreement shall be brought only in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction Pack2Dsk Page 5 located within the city of Roanoke, Virginia. If any civil action or other proceeding is brought in any other forum, ones bringing the action or joining the action shall be liable, jointly and severally, to IntelliSys, its employees, and agents for any costs whatever associated with defending the action or other proceeding, including attorney fees and consequential costs such as travel expenses and lost wages. IntelliSys reserves the right, at it's sole discretion, to change, modify, or update Pack2Dsk at any time without notifying anyone. IntelliSys reserves the right to offer updates to Pack2Dsk either free of charge or for an additional charge. Trademarks of all products mentioned herein are property of their respective owners. Pack2Dsk Page 6 USING Pack2Dsk When files are copied to another drive, typically the files get copied "first come, first served". That is, the least modified files get copied first and the most modified files get copied last. Pretty silly scheme for efficient disk storage, huh? Pack2dsk (or Pack-to-Diskette, if you will) solves this problem by quickly determining the next file that will just fit in the available space on the floppy and moves it. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Usage is as follows: PACK2DSK d: [filespec] where d: is the destination drive - where the files will be copied to - and filespec is an optional wildcard parameter specifying the files to copy from the current directory. For example: *.DOC or, *.EXE or, *.* the default. Pack2Dsk followed by: /? displays command line help. /M moves files instead of copying them. After the program begins, you will be asked to put a diskette in the drive and press a key. After you press a key, Pack2Dsk will fill the floppy and ask for a new floppy - until all the files in the current directory are copied. NETWORK ACCESS This is not a multi-user application. It was not written to allow access to its files by more than one user/session at time. Pack2Dsk Page 7 REGISTRATION To register your copy of Pack2Dsk, simply print the file ORDERFRM.TXT by executing the following DOS command: COPY ORDERFRM.TXT PRN and send the completed form with your check or money order for $20 and $5 for shipping and handling to the address above. Registered users receive: - a copy of the current version of the program - a copy of and free registration to our hard disk Menu program - 1 year free technical support for the program by telephone, fax, or on our BBS - "Supporting User" access level to our BBS - 1 year free updates SITE-LICENSES Site-licenses are available by contacting IntelliSys at the address above. DISTRIBUTING Pack2Dsk For information about distributing Pack2Dsk, please refer to the file VENDOR.DOC. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our thanks to all those who have given us suggestions and constructive criticism along the way. And to those in the industry who provide tools and share information. Without your efforts this program would not be possible.