Esc Beta documentation This archive is for beta testers only. It assumes that those testing already have the necessary files needed to operate the Esc package. The ESCHSTRY.DOC should contain the most recent changes and where they have been applied. All text files should be scanned by the recipient to determine if changes, warnings or questionnaire communication are present. All beta versions of Esc are odd numbered and likely to have a 'b' appendage on the version number. Public release versions are now even numbered with no 'b' letter appended. esc156.lzh <- public release esc157b.lzh <- beta naming convention While in the beta stage, new files are identified by the date and time stamp. The archive name doesn't change. In other words, Monday's ESC157B.LZH may be different from ESC157B.LZH on thursday. One way of handling this is to use UPDATE requests. You can request the current beta version as magic name ESCBETA However, the following is a better method and insurance that you won't waste time (and money) just to receive the same file you already have. Binkley (for one) will check a file date when receiving this form of file request and sending a newer file if it exists on the hosted (my) system. The following paragraph is taken from the BT_USER.DOC... // Like file requests, update requests are kept in .REQ files in your outbound area. In fact, a combination of update and file requests can be contained in the same physical .REQ file. An update request entry contains a filename, as well as a date and time code that corresponds to the date and time stamp of the file on your system. Because the date and time code is in a special format, it is not recommended that you attempt to create an update request entry yourself. // Searching the BT_USER.DOC for reference to UPDATE REQUESTS will provide a more complete picture of how this works. Msged has the ability to generate or add to an existing .REQ file an update request through a message. The messge must have the UPDATE bit set and the subject line must contain the path and filename (on your system) of the file you want updated. If the Attach option gets automatically highlighted while creating the update request message, toggle it off by pressing letter A. There are other popular utilities such as AMAX which can create and/or append to a "Binkley" compatible update request file. Here's a sample update request message header from Msged. 099/099 Thu Dec 03 1992 01:56:00 ins From: Glen Gilbert of 1:157/534 To: Todd Smith of 1:157/100 Subj: C:\SOFTDIST\ESC157B.LZH Attrib: privileged ureq local Zone 1 netmail area _______________________________ 1:157/534 NOTE: C:\SOFTDIST\ESC157B.LZH would be the filepath which exists on your system. The filepath isn't important on the host system only to the extent the mailer can find the file. Your system sends the file date along with the requested name. Binkley compares the date in the .req message to the date on the file which exists on the host system. If your file date is older than the host's, the file will be sent. Otherwise, if things are configured correctly on the host system, you will get a response message stating that the file you requested is not newer than the one you have on your end. Finally, There should be no odd numbered versions released to the public. Forinstance ESC157.LZH shouldn't be released to the public as the odd numbers are reserved for betas. We all know that betas by nature have new and innovative bugs applied. :) Thanks