Applying for PCGnet Membership ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. If you are an experienced Sysop running a CAD or Graphics oriented bulletin board system with an active and mature user base and are interested in joining PCGnet, please complete the PCGNET.FRM in- cluded in this archive and submit it to the appropriate PCGnet Administrator, IMPORTANT: CAD based systems will return the application to Mike Quinlan at The University BBS and Graphics based systems will return their application to Adam Shiffman at The Graphics Alternative, please see the file MEMBERS.TXT for relevant phone numbers. Please do be careful to fill out all information in the PCGNET.FRM. 2. In addition to completing PCGNET.FRM, you will also need to prepare and submit a 'Sysop Profile' where you provide professional and personal information sufficient to aid us in the evaluation process. This is an IMPORTANT step in the application process so please be sure to follow the instructions for completing the Sysop Profile. 3. Upon completion of the PCGNET.FRM and the Sysop Profile, your ap- plication should be returned as a 'private upload' to the appropriate PCGnet administrator, complete with a private message to the PCGnet Administrator announcing the upload and completion of your application. 4. Once a prospective member's application has been received by the appropriate PCGnet Administrator, the application form will be posted in the NetAdmin conference. PCGnet Members have 14 days to voice any objections thereof. 5. Next, a PCGnet sysop will call your system in order to determine eligibility, please follow the instructions in the application form carefully as you will be required to create a login account and password for the PCGnet Administrator. We will call your system, check your message bases, your file bases, bulletins, etc. Please keep the login account valid for up to 30 days as a PCGnet Admin- istrator will, most likely, call more than once to evaluate your system! 6. Once your system has been evaluated and accepted as a prospective PCGnet member, a PCGnet Administrator will contact you by phone to inform you of your status; you will be instructed to download an additional archived packet that will contain all the information you need to help you get your system echoing mail with PCGnet. An Important Notice ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All new nodes will be placed on a probationary period not to exceed 90 days from the date that they begin echoing mail with PCGnet. During this time, your system may, at the discretion of the PCGnet Admin- istrators, be dropped from the network for any violation of the guidelines stated elsewhere in this information packet. After 90 days, your system will be added to the official PCGnet member listing, which will be reposted and distributed to all PCGnet members. Additional rules and restrictions also apply but do not fall within the scope of this file. [end of file]