Section 1 Origins The origin of our solar system is one of mankind's oldest enigmas. Since the beginning of civilization, human kind has gazed toward the heavens. Man searched for purpose in the patterns of the distant stars and planets. As civilizations progressed they perceived that the heavens were an integral component of their lives. They separated the day into parts by analyzing the motion of the sun across the sky. When specific stars would appear it was known that spring was replacing winter. By analyzing the movement of the moon they could prophesy when an eclipse would occur. In studying spots on the sun they could anticipate vigorous electronic interference. They surmised that human lives are contingent upon extraterrestrial events. Although the first astronomers could not fathom the significance of their toil, they believed that something awesome lay before their eyes. Wanting to know what they were and how they became, they would look unto the night. They knew that above was an amazing phoneme that predated humankind's creation and possessed the answers to many mysteries. By understanding the solar system they realized that they would in part understand themselves. Thus, they began a voyage that would last beyond their lives and into those of untold generations. The search for our solar system's origin begins in the celestial sky and ends in the searcher's heart. Section 2 Reasons It may seem trivial to devote such time and resources into a puzzle that may not even have a logical resolution. The quest for truth has consumed inconceivable hours of labor, taken human blood, and required fortunes to finance. How could humans be so self- centered as to indulge themselves already knowing how little they were to progress? The misconception in this question is that there is little to gain. If we can find how the solar system began, then not only will we know who we are, but we will know the destiny of the solar system. Therefore, it is inevitable that the search will continue. Before discussing origins, it is conducive to clarify the words: solar system. Our star, the sun creates a tremendous "wind." This "wind" is a result of the expansion of gases in the sun's 3,000,000øF outer shell, or corona. When the gases expand, they are violently stripped of their electrons and expelled from the sun. They breakout of the sun's gravity with a velocity of greater than 310 miles per second! The atomic nuclei speed away from the sun heading for the extremes of our solar system. Most of the solar wind collides harmlessly with the planets, or other objects in the solar system. Still, a significant amount of the solar wind escapes the domain of our planets without any encounters. The solar wind then enters interstellar space and interacts with the solar winds of billions of other stars. It is only recently that scientists have learned of the solar wind's extraordinary range. Previously, it was thought that the solar wind only traveled one light day's distance from the sun and then diminished to indistinguishable amounts. Thus, the one light day distance was defined as the radius of our solar system. But, scientists have concluded that the solar winds extend far beyond the one light day radius. Therefore, the dimensions of our solar system are only an abstract limitation that lack substantial relevance. Now that we know the limit of our solar system, it is simple to define it. Our solar system includes all matter inside a one light day radius of the sun. Inside this radius are planets, asteroids, meteoroids, satellites, interplanetary dust, interplanetary plasma and comets. Planets are a vaguely and often incorrectly defined astronomical term. World Book Encyclopedia defines a planet as: any of the nine largest objects that travel around the sun. Although this over simplifies the complex differences between the planets and other objects in our solar system, it will suffice for this paper. Our solar system has nine such "large objects": Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The first four planets all have rocky surfaces and molten cores. Mercury's atmosphere was blown away by the sun. Of the inner planets only Venus and the Earth have a significant atmosphere. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, most of which froze to the planet's barren surface. The next four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, overshadow the preceding ones in all dimensions. Jupiter, the largest planet, is made mostly of gasses. If Jupiter had been about twelve times more massive it could have itself become a small star. The compositions of both Saturn and Uranus are also mostly gaseous. Both consist of an opaque atmosphere and unique ring structures made of frozen ice and rocks that orbit the planets. Neptune and Pluto are the strangers of the solar system. The sun appears only a dot on their horizon and the earth only a speck of dust. Little is known about the compositions of either of these planets. The orbits of these two planets cross at two places, a potential catastrophic coincidence. The result of this is that sometimes Pluto is closer to the sun then Neptune. Section 3 Theories With a rudimentary understanding of our solar system, it is now feasible to discuss its origins. There are two main hypotheses concerning the origin of the solar system: The Evolutionary Model, and the Christian Model. Both models consist of several variations, in this paper only two origin models will be discussed. For the evolutionary approach the Nebular Hypothesis will be used. For the creation approach, the Christian Bible will be used. The value of the theories depends upon an individual's religious preferences. Currently, there is not enough information to sanction a conclusion concerning which theory is the most accurate, but there are compelling arguments for both approaches. Section 4 Evolutionary Theories The Evolutionary Model has claimed almost complete attention in the scientific fields and is often considered the real story of origins. The Evolutionary Model has gained wide spread acceptance during this century. Einstein's discovery of special relativity made possible the theoretical concepts needed to explain this theory. There are two basic categories of evolutionary models, Dualistic Theories, and Monistic theories. Dualistic Theories are established on the assumption that the solar system formed when some massive object passed near the sun. According to these theories, the gravity of the object extracted a flow of gas from the sun. The planets and other bodies of our solar system developed from this gas. Monistic Theories are founded on the idea that the solar system was formed from a flat cloud of gas (Cameroon 474). Most astronomers now endorse the Monistic Theories because of the evidence strengthening it, and the deficiency of evidence advocating the Dualistic Theories. The earliest Nebular Theory was proposed in 1755 by Immanuel Kant, a German Philosopher. For the past two hundred and thirty seven years it has received only slight modifications. In 1796, Pierre Simon Laplace, a French astronomer, refined the theory to assert that the original nebula was larger than the current solar system. The theory remained inadequate until the 1940's when scientist began searching for the origins of the nebula from which the solar system was claimed to have arisen. A variety of Condensation Theories were introduced. "They assume that a star exploded and that most of the exploded material escaped into space. A small part of the material remained behind to form a nebula that was captured by the sun's gravity." (Ellison 26c) The Nebular Theory can be perceived as an expansion of the Big Bang Theory. It will therefore be beneficial to review the essential ideas of the Big Bang Theory. The following is a simple, explanation from Carl Sagan: Ten or twenty billion years ago, something happened--the Big Bang, the event that began our universe. Why it happened is the greatest mystery we know. That it happened is reasonably clear. All the matter and energy now in the universe was concentrated at extremely high density--a kind of cosmic egg, reminiscent of the creation myths of many cultures--perhaps into a mathematical point with no dimensions at all. It was not that all the matter and energy were squeezed into a minor corner of the present universe; rather, the entire universe, matter and energy and the space they fill, occupied a very small volume. There was not much room for events to happen in . . . In that titanic cosmic explosion, the universe began an expansion which has never ceased. After the Big Bang, a haze of elementary particles was expanding rapidly away from a central point. Something happened and clusters began to form within parts of the cloud. These clusters formed into massive stars that continued to travel away from each other at perhaps almost the speed of light (186,232 Miles/Second). After several million years these titanic stars underwent enormous explosions because of unequal internal forces. In their resulting debris were complex elements such as oxygen, carbon, iron, and in diminutive measures the remainder of the elements. Practically all the mass in the universe was accounted for in hydrogen. This haze of elements proceeded to enlarge outward, when it again began to cluster. A new succession of stars began to form. These stars, although colossal in comparison to our own, were much smaller than their predecessors. Still, they were too massive to continue their reactions for long, and they again resulted in super nova. Each nova consequently generated a greater quantity of elements. This process happened a total of five times before our solar system was born. Some 5 billion years ago, our solar system was a slowly spinning cloud of mostly hydrogen, and a trivial conglomeration of other elements. This cloud was larger than our current solar system and without form. For unknown reasons this cloud began to collapse inward. As the volume of the cloud diminished, its gravitational attraction became proportionally greater. The acceleration with which it was collapsing began to steadily increase. In the nucleus of the cloud, the elements became concentrated and heated. Although the cloud obscured everything inside, it began to rotate more quickly, due to the physical properties of centripetal motion. The cloud began to take on a disk-like appearance, thin at the edges and bulging at the center. For the next million, or so years this collapse continued. During this time, other smaller condensations of matter began to form within the cloud that was spinning around the central core. These condensations in turn began to collect matter through their gravitational attraction while the center of the cloud pulled them around it. While all this was occurring, the temperature at the core of the cloud was escalating. The temperature became so great that the force of gravity could no longer control the expansion of gasses. The result was an explosion that blew away the dust from the inner part of the cloud to reveal the primitive solar system. Still, our sun was not a star. It was only a luminous accumulation of gasses with an immense gravitational force. Throughout the next 10 million years it recommenced accumulating matter until it reached a critical point. Its' immense gravitational force created extreme internal temperatures and pressures. It began to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium atoms and in the process producing a profusion of energy. At this point the sun's collapse was stopped and its' forces gradually established an equilibrium. It then took another 1 to 10 million years for the energy at the center of the sun to reach the sun's photosphere. To contemplate the origination of the planets, it is necessary to return to the sun when it was beginning to form. Around it, smaller condensations of matter were rotating. These condensations began to collapse into themselves while still rotating around a central point in the cloud. Their evolution was similar to that of the sun, only on a much more modest scale. As the masses of the condensations increased, their gravitational attraction intensified. Eventually, these masses became the planets. The planets became heated through a combination of their internal gravitational forces, radiation from the cloud, and collisions with the nebula's remains. The interiors of the planets heated to the point that their core melted into a liquid. Because of specific gravities, the lighter materials drifted upwards while the denser materials settled toward the cores. The tremendous internal pressures in the cores of these planets found weak spots in the planets' crust. The molten material broke through the crust and resulted in such extensive volcanic activity that it has never been rivaled. The first eruptions resulted in creating atmospheres because the lightest of the materials in the cores were gasses. The primary gas in these atmospheres was probably carbon dioxide. The evolution of these primitive atmospheres differed with each planet. Some planets were so close to the sun that their atmospheres were literally blown away. Whereas, some planets were so distant from the sun that their atmospheres froze to their surfaces. In other cases, it appears that the atmospheres gradually evaporated away into space. All the planets were uninhabitable, and most had already developed such inhospitable conditions that life could never exist on them without protection. At this point, things become too complex to explain in any detail. It is also at this point that science breaks down. Astronomers begin to offer more theories and an equal amount of arguments for those theories. It is beyond the scope of this paper to evaluate each individually. Section 5 Evolutionary Quandaries The Nebular Theory is an analytical explanation for the origin of the solar system that, when applied to actual situations, fosters discrepancies. In other words, the theory doesn't work. To sum up, I think that all suggested accounts of the origin of the solar system are subject to serious objections. The conclusion in the present state of the object would be that the system cannot exist. (Harold Jefferys 1970) It is important to be aware that there is no one theory for the origin and subsequent evolution of the solar system that is generally accepted. All theories represent models that fit some facts observed today, but not all. (Mars and Earth, 1975a) The Nebular Theory states that all the planets, their satellites, and the other objects in the solar system formed from the same cloud. If this were the case, then all the planets should have similar compositions. They do not. Perhaps, the original cloud from which the planets were claimed to have formed was heterogenous in composition. Possibly such a heterogenous nebula could have existed. Even so, there would still be problems. Judging by the proximity of the moon to the earth, it would be viable to surmise they formed from the same section of the nebula. According Gary E. Parker in What is Creation Science, the earth and moon do not share a similar composition. This leaves two possibilities: the theory is totally incorrect, or it is partially incorrect. Another problem involved with the Nebular Theory pertains to the origin of the sun. Early in the sun's life, before it had begun nuclear reactions, there was a tremendous explosion inside the sun that resulted in a catastrophe. An intense solar wind ripped through the solar system clearing away the remnants of the nebula from the inner solar system. Later, when the sun gained more mass, it reached a critical point and began its' nuclear reactions. Why did it not again explode? Why did it explode the first time instead of initiating nuclear reactions? The Nebular Theory hypothesizes that the original cloud was rotating in the same direction. This would explain why all the planets and other objects travel around the sun in one direction. But, it does not explain some of the eccentric orbits in our solar system. How did it happen that Neptune and Pluto's orbits cross? How did the comets develop their idiosyncratic and often catastrophic orbits? Another mystery is Venus' retrograde. All the planets rotate in the same direction as their path around the sun except for Venus. Venus rotates in the opposite direction. The only answer astronomy currently offers about such eccentric orbits is that at some time devastating collisions must have occurred. This answer is not sufficient, because there is no evidence supporting it. The Nebular Theory states the Earth is approximately 5 billion years old. If the Earth is a great deal older or younger than 5 billion years, the Nebular Theory has yet another fault. William Stansfield provides ten reasons why he thinks the Earth is a young planet: 1. Even at today's low rates of volcanism, "juvenile" water released from volcanoes would fill up all the oceans in far less time than the supposed 4.5 billion-year-age of the earth. 2. The same is true for the amount of lava extruded on the continents from the same source. 3. The amount of meteorites accumulated in the strata and meteoritic dust in the crust, in relation to amounts reaching the earth at present, would indicate an age in thousands of years, not millions or billions. 4. The great pressures now existing in oil reservoirs could only have been sustained for a few thousand years. 5. The helium in the atmosphere could have accumulated at present rates in only a few thousand years. 6. The present worldwide buildup of radiocarbon in the atmosphere would have produced all the world's radiocarbon in several thousand years. These arguments are solid, but each can and has been debated. These points have both a strong following and a strong opposition. Without research, they do not have very much value. The Nebular Theory is a logical continuation of the Big Bang Theory. Although the two do not rely on each other, they produce a more effective argument together. Logically it would be said that they are an example of linked reasoning. Thus, a fault in the Big Bang Theory weakens the support for the Nebular Theory. It appears obvious that the Big Bang Theory is in contradiction to The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Chaos appears to be forming into order. Although this is not an unfounded argument, it is weak and misleading. The initial moments of the Big Bang all were dependant upon subatomic events. Thus, it is unfair to dismiss the Big Bang Theory without an understanding of how subatomic particles work. The following quote from Raymond A. Serway will show why it is not prudent to dismiss the Big Bang Theory with our current knowledge. Our understanding of physics at short distances is far from complete. Particle physics is faced with many questions. Why is there so little antimatter in the universe? Do neutrinos have a small rest mass, and if so, how do the contribute to the "dark matter" of the universe? Is it possible to unify the strong and electroweak theories in a logical and consistent manner . . . The questions go on and on. These are not the only reasons that the Big Bang Theory cannot be said to be in direct violation of The Second Law of Thermodynamics. A new science of chaos has emerged recently with the advent of more powerful computers. It is the study of mathematical functions that produce fractals. Fractals are highly ordered patterns that resemble the seemingly chaotic situations found in nature. Mathematicians have always believed that numbers can describe nature. Fractals are finally giving them the means. "Scientists at the University of Austin, in Texas, have captured in the controlled conditions of the lab a pattern that exists within turbulence." (Bassett 1990) There was almost certainly turbulence during the early stages of our universe. This leads to the question of whether there may have been patterns in the chaotic beginning of the universe. Such order could be the start of a more detailed theory explaining the birth of the universe and the solar system. Physicists in the late nineteenth century believed the second law to be valid for the entire universe, but nowadays people are not so sure. Most of our experimental thermodynamic observations are on systems that are not of astronomic size, and we must be cautious about extrapolating thermodynamic results to encompass the entire universe. There is no guarantee that laws that hold on a terrestrial scale must also hold on a cosmic scale. Although there is no evidence for a cosmic violation of the second law, our experience is insufficient to rule out such a violation. (Levine 1988) Some people use these flaws to reject the Nebular Theory. This is a colossal mistake. Most theories are born immature, very few are created perfect. Ever since its inception in 1755, the Nebular Theory has been evolving. It has made its way from being a totally absurd theory to the leading chain of thought. It may be almost perfect, or it may be the foundations of a future theory, or it may eventually totally disprove itself. Whichever the case, it has provided a first step into an establishable explanation of our origins. Section 6 Creation Science There are two primary influences within Creation Science. Scientific Creationism attempts to explain the origin of the universe in a manner that relies solely on scientific explanations revolving around a Creator without a literal dependence on the Bible. They hold to the belief that the physical universe of space, time, matter, and energy has not always existed. It was created by a transcendent, omnipotent, supernatural being that has always been in existence. The other influence is Biblical Creationism, which is based upon the literal interpretations of the teachings of the Bible. They hold that the universe was created in six days, as described in the first two chapters of Genesis, and confirmed in Exodus 20: 8-11. They believe the content of this record to be fully intelligent, factual and historical, therefore they believe that any origin theories involving evolutionary development are false. In the beginning, there was nothing, according to Genesis. Creation occurred in six days. The first day, the "heavens", the earth, light and darkness were created. This is the beginning of our cosmos. The second day, God created the sky to divide the waters. Thus, our atmosphere and hydrosphere were created. On the third day, He brought forth dry land and plant life. This was the creation of our lithosphere and biosphere. Day four was used to create the sun, moon, stars, and other planets. This was the beginning of our astrosphere. Day five brought forth the birds and sea life for the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and day six brought forth all land animals, including humans, for life on the lithosphere and biosphere. On day seven, the creator rested. The Evolutionary theory of the origin of the universe establishes our solar system as billions of years old. Creation scientists influenced by the Bible see this as either a misinterpretation or fabrication. They believe that the creation of the universe occurred much more recently than that. In the seventeenth century, Archbishop James Ussher calculated a date of approximately 4000 B.C. based on biblical genealogies. Other creation scientists calculate an age of ten thousand years based on the decay of the Earth's magnetic field. Many strict followers of the idea of Biblical Creationism will interpret the "seven days" of creation literally, but many scientific creationists will suggest that these days did not necessarily take place within our standard twenty four hour period. Instead, it has been suggested that these "days" were actually "epochs." But, they still maintain that the order of the creation events is accurate. One example is the gap theory, which separates the first and second verses of Genesis 1 by a large time gap. The geological ages are placed within this gap between the initial creation of the planet and the next day in which creation is improved upon. Another theory is the day-age theory that extends the length of each day in the "creation week." In other words, each stage of the creation process lasted much longer than a single twenty-four hour day as we know it; long enough to allow the geological ages and possibly some sort of evolutionary sequence as well. Both theories would eliminate any statement of the Biblical Creationist's theorized age of existence. Besides the basic ideas and theories of the creation scientists, let us discuss some arguments that might give them some credit over the evolutionary theorists. One is the argument of chance or design in the universe. In our physical origins based on evolution, the formation, location, atmosphere, balance of life forms, and the many other factors concerning our planet, are just too many for the creationist to accept as random chance. Therefore, the creationists believes in some greater supernatural design behind the formation of the order in our solar system. The evolutionary model of the universe is gradually becoming more ordered after being formed in a state of simple, disordered randomness. Yet, the creationist model holds that the degree of organization in the universe is decreasing. In their view, the universe was created in perfect organization, therefore, the degree of organization in the universe can either remain level or go down. Another way to explain this idea is to say that in the evolutionary model, order will come from disorder. In the creation model, order can only come through the intervention of a supreme being, such as the event of creation itself. Where did the disorder in the creation model begin? The Biblical creationists claim that after the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, "a universal process of decay and death came into being, which introduced disorder and imperfection." This is what they identify with the scientific creationists' idea of the increase in entropy as it is described by The Second Law of Thermodynamics. The scientific creationists also gain support for their theory through The Second Law of Thermodynamics. It states that natural processes go in the direction that increases disorder (entropy). The growing amount of disorganization that the creationists believe exist is explained by the second law. The beliefs of the evolutionists work against the laws of thermodynamics because their theories suggest that the order of the universe is becoming less disorganized and more complex. Section 7 More on Thermodynamics When attempting to define the Laws of Thermodynamics and the term "entropy", one will find that the different interpretations are to numerous to list. For the purposes of this discussion, we will use the definitions that help to better explain the argument designed by creationists to prove that God created the universe. In Classical Thermodynamics, a good explanation of the second law would state "In any physical change that takes place by itself, the entropy always increases" (Morris 38). Entropy can be defined as "a measure of the quantity of energy not capable of conversion into work" (Morris 39). In Statistical Thermodynamics, it is stated that "Energy must always flow in such a direction that entropy increases." Also, "all changes are in the direction of increasing entropy, of increasing disorder, of increasing randomness, of running down" (Morris 39). Now, the proof that God created the universe is stated by Henry Morris as this: Thus, the second Law proves, as certainly as science can prove anything whatever, that the universe had a beginning. Similarly, the First Law shows that the universe could not have begun itself. The total quantity of energy in the universe is a constant, but the quantity of available energy is decreasing. Therefore, as we go backward in time, the available energy would have been progressively greater until, finally, we would reach the beginning point, where available energy equalled total energy. Time could go back no further than this. At this point both energy and time must have come into existence. Since energy could not create itself, the most scientific and logical conclusion to which we could possibly come is that: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. (Strahler 89) Section 8 Religious Alternatives to the six days of creation. The Gap Theory The biblical creationist s "gap theory" (also known as the "creation - ruination - re-creation" theory or the restitution theory) places a large time gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. The cause for the initial creation of this theory lies in the alternative translation of the word "was"in the second verse. With this alternative translation, the verse could read "And the Earth became without form. The change in wording suggests a possible insertion of a large time gap between an initial creation and a later creation. This time gap made it possible for diluviast groups to fit in "their entire program of successive catastrophic extinctions, each ending a long period of deposition of fossiliferous strata". Those people that accept this theory assume that the initial creation was an act of perfection, complete in nature. However, the Hebrew words for "without form, and void" can be interpreted by Biblical scholars as a suggestion of a world that is "ruined and empty". Those who subscribe to this interpretation assume that the initial, perfect world has undergone a great cataclysmic change, leaving behind an earth that was shattered, uninhabited, and imperfect. After this cataclysm, God restored the Earth by means of a six-day "re-creation". (Strahler, 79) The Day-Age Theory The day-age theory extends each "day" of the six day time interval of creation in to much longer period of time. This allows for the possibility of an evolutionary sequence to take place, with all of its large accumulations of strata. The basis for this theory again lies within an alternate interpretation of particular phrases within the Bible. For example, 2 Peter 3:8 states that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day". Now, the ratio of one day per thousand years literally translates as 6,000 years for creation to take place, which is an insignificant amount of time for non-creationists. However, "if all time since creation is taken as 7,000 tropical years , which contain 2,555,000 mean solar days, and we multiply by 1,000, we get 2.555 billion years. Not bad for a planet now regarded as about 4.6 billion years old, but not good enough for a universe 10 to 20 billion years old." (Strahler 80) Section 9 Ontological Models Relating Religion and Science Ontology is a philosophical field that examines the nature of reality. Those who study in this field have established four models of science that indicate a specific type of relationship to religion. They each have a unique view of creation and its developments afterwards, some of which you will be able to relate to the concepts already discussed. Here, we will use the terms given to the categories by their field. The first model is theistic-teleological dualism. They recognize God as a supernatural being that is continuously active in influencing the natural world. However, they do not rely specifically on the Bible s teachings. For example, they will not dispute that God played a role in initiating the Big Bang. As far as human history goes, they believe, as stated earlier, that God is omnipotent through all time. Divine creation brought about the creation of the universe 10 to 20 billion years ago, and biopoesis 3.6 to 3.7 billion years ago. Finally, for the sake of Persuasive divine guidance, control, and/or purpose, organic evolution was guided by God and eventually man was created by God through evolution. The second model is that of deistic-mechanistic dualism. This model shows the same beginning pattern as the first model presented. However, they believe that any type of divine intervention ceased after biopoesis. Organic evolution developed under a mechanistic program, and biogenesis eventually brought forth the evolution of man. The next model is referred to as fundamentalist creationism (also a dualistic model). The origins are based deeply in religion. They believe that the creation of the universe, the earth, the biosphere, Man, etc., took place in six days 4,000 to 10,000 years ago. They also believe in a Noachian Flood which resulted in mass extinctions and fossils being enclosed in strata. The processes afterwards are somewhat based in science. They recognize minor evolutionary changes within species (microevolution) and some extinctions of species. There is a question, however, whether this model s processes are mechanistic throughout or if there is any further divine intervention. Finally, we come to mechanistic monism. This model denies the supernatural entirely and only recognizes the natural realm. Quite simply, they recognize the creation of the universe 10 to 20 billion years ago, mechanistic biopoesis 3.6 to 3.7 billion years ago, mechanistic organic evolution, and mechanistic evolution of man. This model does manage to incorporate God into the natural realm under a mechanistic concept. They recognize God as anthropogenic. In other words, God is a creation of man. Section 10 Cosmogonic Myths Although this paper is based on scientific facts and theories, we are already on the borderline by discussing biblical creationism. It would not be proper to leave out a brief mentioning of the pre-scientific theories on the creation of our physical universe, namely the cosmogonic (creation) myths. A cosmogonic myth is a symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world as understood in a particular tradition and community, and it is usually representative of the community and its needs. The following paragraphs list the different types of cosmogonic myths as presented in the 1989 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and reinforced in Alpha: the Myths of Creation by Charles H. Long. Although creation myths are numerous, a few basic types may be distinguished. One of these, found in almost all parts of the world, is the belief in a supreme creator deity, usually characterized as omniscient and omnipotent, as having existed alone prior to the world s creation, and as having had a plan in creating the world. In many of these myths, the creator s plan is thwarted through some action of a creature. This rupture leads in some myths to the deity s departure from creation; in others it signifies the ambiguity of the world. In a contrasting cosmogonic view, the world emerges gradually through stages, as the fetus develops toward birth. In contrast to the supreme deity type, emergence myths emphasize the latent power in the earth and its components. A third type of cosmogonic myth is that which sees the world as offspring of primordial parents. The world-parents, symbolizing the sky and the earth, usually appear late in the creation narrative. The union of the parents is disrupted by the offspring, the agents of separation and thus of creation. While reasons for this separation vary, it usually results in a cosmic order centered on the techniques and knowledge of human culture. Related to this type is one in which creation derives from a cosmic egg. This egg, like the world parents, symbolizes unity and yet contains the possibilities of separation or creation. A fifth type of cosmogonic myth tells of an animal or devil who, at the bidding of the deity, dives into the primordial waters to secure a portion of the earth on which life can survive. Section 11 Creational Criticisms The Creationism Theories, like the Nebular Theory, are not free of faults. Yet, because of the nature of the theories they are more difficult to criticize. Both theories violate the Second Law for several reasons. They claim that the creator is eternal, but The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that nothing lasts forever. The creationist claim that a creator was responsible for the origin of both the universe and the laws of physics to which it adheres, thus avoiding this dilemma. The evolutionist questions that such a statement can be made when there is no evidence that the laws of physics have ever been violated on such grand proportions. They also claim that all the current matter was created in an instant. This is a clear violation of the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy. The Biblical Creation Theory claims that the universe was made in six days. This contradicts most of the evidence science has gathered. The oldest known trees are the bristlecone pines, small, gnarled trees that grow in the mountains of California. Some living bristlecone pines are more than forty-five hundred years old. But dead ones have been found that are much older yet, and by matching rings in old and recently felled bristlecones a continuous chronology for these trees has been traced back for approximately eight thousand years-already much longer than the age of the earth according to Bishop Ussher. (Godfrey 1983) It is accepted that the current dating methods are not very accurate. Yet, it is a widely held belief that the universe is at least several billions of years old. "...the six American Apollo missions and three unmanned Soviet Luna missions all brought moon rocks back to the earth for direct analysis. Analyses of the ages of earth and moon rocks lead to a firm estimate of 4.5 thousand million years as the age of the earth and the moon." (Godfrey 1983) This assumption is made based on studying the Red Shifts of distant quasars. Uranium, and plutonium dating methods measure the earth's age as at the very least several million years old. Many other dating methods place the earth as much older than the time allotted in the Bible. Another problem the Biblical Creation Theory has deals with the geographic strata. Although fossils have not been found to be useful in providing accurate dating or providing evidence for the Evolutionary Theory, they do provide evidence refuting the Biblical Creation Theory. In the deepest layers of the fossil record we find the massive dinosaurs. As one follows the fossil record through time, it can be seen that the dinosaur fossils diminish and more mammal fossils begin to appear. This suggests that both modern mammals and dinosaurs did not exist together. Otherwise, their fossils would have been found intermingled through at least one section of the fossil record. It would seem reasonable to assume that it took more than six days for the dinosaurs to be created and then destroyed (in several different fossil layers), and than be replaced by mammals. The Biblical Creation Theory does not allow for this in six days. The Creation Science Theory is the most difficult theory to refute. This is not because it is any more true than the others, but because of its ability to be a flexible theory. It is perhaps less a theory than a description of the truths we know. The Creationists keep their theory current by constantly revising it to fit the current interpretations of the universe. Where the Biblical Creation Theory and the Nebular Theory make predictions about the origin and fate of the Solar System, the Creation Science Theory does not. The Creation Science Theory has the least faults and offers a description equal in detail to that of the Nebular Theory in explaining the origin of the solar system and as rich as the Biblical Theory in explaining the origin of the soul. Many creationist feel that the age of the universe is approximately 10,000 years old due to the rate of increase of entropy in the universe. However, not all creationist conform to that date. Some accept a much older date as being accurate while others feel that a younger date is more acceptable. But, because it fails to predict a definite beginning and end to the universe, it falls short of fulfilling the total objective of an origins theory. The most perplexing issue in the creation theory is so simple that many children have surely pondered it: What was God doing before he created the universe? Section 12 Resolutions *12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earth quake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; *13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. *14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (The Book of Revelation) The following paragraph estimates what would happen if something six miles across fell from space and smacked into the earth. Not only is such an occurrence possible, but many scientist expect it to happen sometime in the future. It comes screaming out of the sky like the Scud from hell bigger than a mountain and packed with more energy than the world's entire nuclear arsenal. It hits the atmosphere at 100 times the velocity of a speeding bullet, and less than a second later smacks into the ground with an explosive force of 100 million megatons of TNT. The shock wave from the crash landing, traveling 20,000 miles an hour, levels everything within 150 miles. Simultaneously a plume of vaporized stone shoots up from the impact site, blasting a hole through the atmosphere and venting hot debris. The vaporized rock cools, condensing back into hundreds of millions of tiny stones. As they streak to the ground over the next hour, they heat up, and soon the very air glows hot pink. Steam hisses from green leaves; buildings and even trees burst into flame. Nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere combine into nitric acid; and surviving life crawling out of a burrow or cave, gets pelted with a rain as caustic as the acid in a car battery. (Dr. Kohl 1992) Both evolutionary and creationary theories begin with a definite beginning at a definite point; a singularity in the Big Bang Theory and God in the Christian Story of Genesis. The above excerpts suggest that the two theories may converge somewhere in the future. Throughout the research for this paper most resources demonstrated how their theory was correct and the opposing was incorrect. It is surprising that such intelligent people can't see that both science and religion will progress much more quickly if people try to find where the two converge rather than diverge. Two roads Diverged in a wood And I - I took The one less traveled by, And that has made All the difference. Robert Frost