21 files found in Library "Multitask/Operating"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
DOS6_QD.ZIP No 8132 4/12/1993
Quarterdeck Tech Note #166: Ms-Dos 6 And
Quarterdeck Products.
DVDEVL12.ZIP Yes 11446 1/2/1993
Load device drivers inside DESQview windows,
v1.20 by Ralf Brown. Superior to
Quarterdeck DEVICE.COM 1.3.93
DVFAQ10.ZIP Yes 72747 11/30/1992 Desqview FAQs
DVFAX.ZIP Yes 61775 2/23/1993
�[ Desqview� Fax ]�� � Lets You Run A Class
I Fax In A Back- �� � Ground� Desqview
DVFR12.ZIP Yes 34350 1/19/1993
Create colored borders for your DV windows.
Version 1.2. From QOS.
DVSRCH42.ZIP Yes 29495 12/22/1992
DVSearch v4.2: DESQview-specific file search
utility; includes C source.
DVTODO.ZIP Yes 9361 2/1/1993 Desqview/Todo List Little DV To-Do List.
DVU485.ZIP Yes 46551 1/15/1993
DV - Directory Verification Utility v4.85:
util that will check the validity/integrity
of files in a directory; useful when before
a backup or after a
compression/defragmentation of a disk; can
also detect viruses introduced into program
DVXEVENT.ZIP Yes 2667 3/16/1993
This is a little text file that I put
together that show you how to run events in
DVX by shutting down DVX instead of reboot.
DV_VIDBM.ZIP Yes 8281 1/10/1993 Video Benchmark Utilities For Desqview.
IMOUSE10.ZIP Yes 2232 1/28/1993
IMOUSES/IMOUSEH.SHP are DESQview shared pgms
to initialize the mouse before running an
application; performs both hard/soft resets.
MULTFAX.ZIP Yes 59279 2/23/1993
DESQview� FAX - Run Class I FAX in a
background DESQview window. Contains
promotional files also.
QBSER300.ZIP Yes 33318 11/2/1992
QBserial v3.0 - Communications Library for
Quick BASIC 4.x and Basic Compiler 7.x
Supports COM Port access up to 115 k baud,etc
QDMPI11.ZIP Yes 98124 1/6/1993
Version 1.1 of Quarterdeck's DPMI standard
with bug fix for PKzip and unzip v2.X. For
Qemm users. Multi-Tasking
QOS_TN.ZIP Yes 85420 12/3/1992
Tech. Notes on Desqview/Qemm downloaded
from Quarterdeck BBS - Includes
QUITDV.ZIP Yes 1553 1/4/1993
A program that quits DESQview as long as
there are no applications open that have
"Allow Close Window Command" set to No.
UGHTRNR.ZIP Yes 13635 12/27/1992
Ugh Trainer for lives and level skip. Game
VSMS111.ZIP Yes 51708 12/13/1992
Very Simple Multiuser System v1.11 for
XT/AT. Well, maybe not VERY simple; but
with some effort you can set up a Unix-like
DOS-based multi-tasked, multi-user system
with password protection. Includes a
WCFILES.ZIP Yes 13722 2/23/1993
Files available on quarterdeck bbs as of
2-18 text file in ascii. Multitasking.
XJEWEL.ZIP Yes 114925 1/24/1993
DV/X Xwindows Game With C Source. Similar
in Nature to Tetris and or Jewel Thief.
XWININFO.ZIP Yes 55589 12/8/1992
DesqView/X program to display stats for an