ARTISOFT JOINS COMPUSERVE'S PC VENDOR FORUM Artisoft and LANtastic Information Available to CompuServe Subscribers (TUCSON, Ariz. -- April 10, 1991) -- Artisoft announced today it has joined the CompuServe PC Vendor Forum and that Compu- Serve subscribers can access information about Artisoftand LANtastic through their local CompuServe. "CompuServe provides an excellent forum and service to millions of people around the world. We're excited about making Artisoft's information and technical services avail- able to their subscribers," said Jack Schoof, Artisoft's President and CEO. The CompuServe Information Service is the world's largest electronic information service and resource. It provides access to educational, financial, travel, and health services as well as entertainment and much more. Owners of personal computers can access CompuServe's services over the telephone lines via modem once they have subscribed. CompuServe subscribers can download information about Artisoft's products, technical bulletins, updates, and press releases by accessing CompuServe's PC Vendor Forum and typing "GO PCVEND" or "GO ARTISOFT." Artisoft offers a full product line of low_cost, award -winning software and hardware for local area network communications. For more information about the Artisoft product line, contact Artisoft, Inc., Artisoft Plaza, 575 East River Road, Tucson, AZ 85704. Telephone 602-293-6363. Fax 602-293-8065