I've uploaded the BETA of IBM's OS/2 version 2.1 to Channel 1. Because this is normally distributed by IBM by a Compact Disk, I thought it would be a good idea to include some instruction. First, you must download the ZIPs of the Beta--this consists of disks: PSIN.ZIP The "Installation Diskette" PSD1.ZIP through PSD19.ZIP The "Operating System Diskettes" PSDS1.ZIP and PSDS2.ZIP The "Display Driver Diskettes" You may not need the second diskette. PSDD1.ZIP through PSDD5.ZIP The "Printer Driver Diskettes" You only need disks 1 and 5, along with the one(s) you need to support your printer. I've uploaded these with a summary of the DRV files I saw on the diskettes; for some reason, some printer drivers appear twice (such as Postscript and Toshiba on both disks 1 and 4). The reason you need disk 5 is that there are Adobe Type Manager fonts on this disk (no drivers). Unless you have some basic Adobe fonts already, you'll need this. BG35D1.ZIP and BG35D2.ZIP The "Multimedia Presentation Manager/2" disks. If you have a sound card, you should get these disks. Included are a bunch of WAV and MIDI files. These are all compressed in ZIP format, using PKZIP version 2.04c, just released. If you do not have it yet, you must download it (I think it's called PKZ204C.EXE). The EXE included with this README file is a self-extracting archive of a bunch of files that came with the Beta. Among these files are DSKIMAGE.EXE and OS2IMAGE.EXE. These are necessary to create the 3«" disks for your installation. DSKIMAGE is for DOS, and OS2IMAGE is for OS/2. Typing the respective name at the DOS or OS/2 prompt displays instructions for creating your installation disks. For some reason, I could not get DSKIMAGE to create a disk from either a DOS 5.0 prompt or an OS/2 2.0 DOS session--kept complaining about a bad disk. Perhaps the above disk images were created with OS2IMAGE and cannot be used with DSKIMAGE? I don't know... At any rate, you'll need to unZIP the Beta, then create your disks. They must be 3«" disks. Boot from the Installation Diskette (from PSIN.479 image). You'll be walked through the installation. If you have trouble (such as "The system cannot display the message." or "Internal processing error" or "Message file OSO001.MSG cannot be found"), you may have incompatible hardware. The best bet in this case is to enter a message on one of the OS/2 conferences and ask for advice. When installation is finished, shutdown (click with right mouse button on the desktop somewhere and select Shutdown), then restart. The first-ever bootup of an OS/2 2.x installation takes awhile, so be patient. It will be faster the next time. Once your installation is complete, you will want to install the Multimedia PM/2 disks (if you have a multimedia device). To to this, insert the disk created from BG35D1.032 into the A: drive and double-click on the icon "Drive A." Find the program "MINSTALL.EXE" and double-click on this to start the installation. When finished, shutdown and restart to invoke the new Multimedia support. If you have questions, feel free to leave me (Geoffrey Bard) mail on Channel 1.