Epstein MenuMaker Additional Utilities Beta/Freeware 1.0 (3/19/93) (C) 1993 Epstein Enterprises (C) 1993 Jeff Epstein THIS IS ALSO FREE SOFTWARE! (Big whoopeee!) LEGAL STUFF MenuMaker Additional Utilities is copyrighted software. However, you may copy MenuMaker Additional Utilities Beta/Freeware 1.0 and distribute it, as long as there is no fee involved, and it is unmodified and copied in its entirety, including all documentation, executable files, and this copyright notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Beta/Freeware version of Epstein MenuMaker. The files included in this package should be: CM.EXE Epstein CommandMaker main program ACM.BAT Epstein Automatic CommandMaker, a batch program to call CM.EXE MOUSE.ECM Sample CommandMaker file COPY.ECM Sample CommandMaker file ML.BAT Epstein MultiLine for MenuMaker/CommandMaker MM_WIN.ICO MenuMaker icon for Windows MM_OS2.ICO MenuMaker icon for OS/2 README.TXT Documentation. WHAT IS THE MENUMAKER ADDITIONAL UTILITIES BETA/FREEWARE 1.0? Epstein Additional Utilities are just some programs that should have been included with the rest of MenuMaker, but I forgot. So, here they are. WHAT IS EPSTEIN COMMANDMAKER? Epstein CommandMaker is designed to work with MenuMaker, but can just as well be used with Windows, OS/2, or any other graphical environment. Its purpose is to allow you to use command-line oriented programs from a graphical environment, without memorizing switches, messing around with the the programs' PIF or Settings window, or something. You create a .ECM file that contains information about it. Also, Automatic CommandMaker Creation Utility (ACM.BAT) lets you use CommandMaker without a .ECM file. A .ECM file looks remarkably similar to a .ESS (Epstein ScreenSaver) or .EMM (Epstein MenuMaker) file. In other words, it is a plain ASCII file, with each line made up of a command and data, in the form: command=data Anyway, here is a reference for all the commands and their parameters. #=text ------ # is a number from 1 to 16. The text is the text displayed prompting the user for input. The value of what the user types is replaced by &number in the EXEC= line, where number is #. Anyway, look at the next command any maybe it will make sense. Otherwise, forget it. EXEC=command ¶m1 ¶m2 .... ¶mn ---- The program to run with the position of the appropriate parameters. Each ¶m1 is replaced with the answer the user gives to the appropriate question. For example, if the line read: "EXEC=TCC &1 /R:&2" and the user answered /X to question #1 and 234 to question #2, then the command executed would be: "EXEC=TCC /X /R:234". TITLE=text ---- The title to display at the bottom of the screen. PAUSE=y ---- Either Y or N. Do you want to pause after execution of the program? WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE STUFF? Other stuff in this ZIP are some icon files for Windows and OS/2, example .ECM files for CommandMaker, ACM.BAT, which is pretty self explanatory, designed to create a .ECM file for you, and MultiLine, which lets you run more than one program at a time from CommandMaker or MenuMaker (or anywhere else). To use Automatic CommandMaker, just type: ACM command Where command looks basically like the EXEC= line in a .ECM file. For example: ACM DIR &1 Or: ACM ML DIR &1 ^ PAUSE The inclusion of ML and the ^ is for MultiLine, where ^ is the seperator of the two (or more) commands. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON EPSTEIN ENTERPRISES Of course, suggestions, comments, criticisms, and such are welcome. I (Jeff Epstein) can be contacted on the Internet at writeon@world.std.com, or on the Boston Computer Society IBM Group BBS as Jeff Epstein, but nowhere else, unfortunately.