The SongCanvas The First SOUNDCanvas Editor/Librarian For All IBM-Compatible Computers Copyright Jeff Cazel, 1991-1992 Welcome! See README.WRI for the full "Read Me" information. A Windows 3.1 Write document, README.WRI gives complete information on: all files in the CANVAS.ZIP archive; all supported MIDI interfaces; and best ways to enjoy the SongCanvas. It also tackles legal aspects such as licensing, registration and warranty disclaimers. Once you print README.WRI, you may safely delete this README.TXT file. However, since you've probably come here first, you might want to know how to quickly start the program. So here it is. Please go back to the README.WRI file when you get a chance. I hope you like the SongCanvas. Jeff Cazel November 1, 1992 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Quick Start ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Connect a MIDI cable from the computer's MIDI Out to the SOUNDCanvas's MIDI In (this is pre-wired on the SCC-1). Copy all files into a new directory and change to that directory. Type one of these three commands and press : C runs on MIDI device #17 (SOUNDCanvas default). C /D:18 runs on device #18 (change "18" to any device # from 1 to 32). CANVAS/? displays help screens explaining all SongCanvas configuration options. BE SURE TO RUN THIS IF YOUR MIDI INTERFACE IS NOT A STANDARD MPU-401 SET-UP. When you get to the Main Menu, scroll down to the HELP option and press . Read some of the text to get comfortable, and you'll be off and running!