*GTN0002 *GUS:SBOS:GENERAL *92-12-15 Getting games to run with SBOS is a simple process in MOST cases. Below is a few basic rules to follow. Rule #1 Read the documentation that comes with the game. Most problems can be cured by simply reading the manual for the game. ames do not automatically use a sound board. The game needs to be configured by their hardware configuration program and it is NOT always done the same way. Many games require that the IRQ or DMA channels be specified and some to be a specific number that can not be changed. Rule #2 Always load SBOS (with no options) before installing the game to your hard drive. There is no SoundBlaster (hereafter referred to as SB) or AdLib board in the system until GUS is told to do be a compatible sound board by SBOS! Many games allow the user to select the hardware options (vga, mouse, SOUND CARD etc.) right after the initial software installation. If SBOS is not load into memory at this time, the hardware setup options will not detect a SB or compatible sound board. Sometimes the game setup will only detect an AdLib and will probably crash the system when it attempts to look for a sound board. Rule #3 Always load SBOS (with no options) before running any game or game hardware set-up programs.There is no SB or AdLib board in the system until GUS is told to be a compatible sound board by SBOS! Most games have some sort of set-up utility to change sound hardware selections. Be sure to select SB or AdLib, NOT SB-Pro or Adlib Gold. SBOS does not emulate these boards. Rule #4 If a game doesn't work, don't change the GUS's settings. The GUS Midi IRQ is used by SBOS. SBOS will ONLY work properly if the original SBs IRQs 2,3,5 or 7 are used. SBOS will return a "Invalid PCM interrupt" error otherwise. As with the original SB, DMA channel #1 is used by SBOS regardless of what the GUS's DMA's are set to and can't currently be changed. If settings must be changed, because of a confirmed conflict, the GUS SETUP.EXE should be used. Rule #5 Get to know the PC. Problems with games are many times assumed to be a conflict of some sort. This is usually not the case. Get to know what addresses, IRQs and DMA channels the other cards in the system use. If one game works, there are probably no conflicts. Rule #6 Do not load the system down with TSR's, drivers etc. that are not required for the game. SBOS is a TSR. Most often the system is expected to perform at peak levels regardless of what it is expected to do. As with any program, SBOS does take time to do it's job. Although the time required is very little, it does add up when there are other TSR's that all take a little bit of time. Today's games require maximum performance from the system. Rule #7 Do not use third party memory managers where possible. Although many of these memory managers are highly rated and work quite well in most cases, they do steal precious time. A recent PC Magazine test of memory managers confirms this. As with EMM386.EXE, memory managers require some knowledge to configure for maximum performance. Many memory managers sacrifice performance for convenience. In other words they do some wonderfull things, like maximize memory allocation automatically, but they take time to do this. Below is a typical CONFIG.SYS for a 4 meg system using MS DOS managers. files=25 buffers=25 dos=high,umb device=c:\dos\himem.sys device=c:\dos\emm386.exe 1024 frame=e000 ram The \dos\ directory path should be replaced with \windows\ if windows is installed. The Windows versions are better. This configuration will give MOST 386 or better systems up to 634k of available main memory, 95k of upper memory for SBOS, mouse drivers etc.,1 meg of expanded memory and about 2 megs of extended memory. As minimal as it looks, this configuration will satisfy the needs of most games. Some games want no EMS at all. Simply delete the last line in the example above. A separate bootable floppy disk can be created just for games. Read the section on optimizing the system in the DOS reference manual. Rule #7 Do not load the system with SET statements, TSR's etc. in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file usually contains many statements that require small amounts of main memory. The SET PATH=... is one example. Although many key strokes can be saved, describing little used directories in the path statement reduces main memory. In this one example the amount ram required is usually not much. But there are other statements that all require small amounts of ram and it all adds up. Read the section on optimizing the system in the DOS reference manual. Rule #8 Alternate operating systems. Our testing is always done with DOS 5.0. SBOS currently may not work reliably with other operating systems such as DR DOS. MS DOS 5 is HIGHLY recommended. Rule #9 Use the options only as a last resort. SBOS only requires options on a few games. These options will become obsolete as SBOS is improved. Be sure to read the list provided in the README in the GUS software. This list will be updated as the options are tested and verified. This can be a lengthy process. Please be patient. Gravis Tech Notes (GNT's) will be provided when they become available. Users of the Gravis BBS are encouraged to distribute the GTN's as long as they remain intact. Rule #10 Be sure the game software is complete and not corrupted. We do not encourage the use illegal copies of game software. Game programmers are leaders in the development of sophisticated simulation software and should be rewarded for their efforts. Many games have been modified to by-pass copy protection and may be damaged. Complete documentation may contain information on how to make a game work with sound boards. Many games only provide certain sounds during the introduction screens and others sounds during game play. Be sure to consult the game documentation. Contact the software producers tech support if it is unclear as to what sounds are provided throughout the game or if you are having problems. Rule #11 Always RELOAD SBOS if a new game is run (with option if required) or if any other application that uses sound (Playmidi, Flidemo, Windows etc.) is run after SBOS has already been installed. Initial SBOS loading is a two step process. The SBOSDRV.EXE driver must first be installed into main memory. The LOADSBOS.EXE then fills the GUS ram with the sound samples required to emulate a SB or AdLib board and tells the SBOSDRV.EXE what options to use, if any. If ANY other program that uses GUS is run, GUS's ram will be CORRUPTED. This means that the SBOSDRV.EXE driver will attempt to play the sound data that has been replaced by the other GUS application. Improper operation will result. Simply reload SBOS. SEE GTN0001 on the BBS for more information on how GUS's memory is used. Rule #12 Contact Gravis Tech Support if you have problems. Gravis Tech Support is available at... VOICE (604) 431-1807 BBS (604) 431-5927 FAX (604) 431-5155 *END GTN0002