Received: from fidoii.CC.Lehigh.EDU by (5.65c/1.5) id AA23459; Thu, 4 Feb 1993 23:34:22 +0100 Received: from (localhost) by Fidoii.CC.Lehigh.EDU with SMTP id AA15169 (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for ); Thu, 4 Feb 1993 16:15:14 -0500 Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 16:15:14 -0500 Message-Id: <> Comment: Virus Discussion List Originator: Errors-To: Reply-To: Sender: Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas From: "Kenneth R. van Wyk" To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V6 #18 Status: RO VIRUS-L Digest Thursday, 4 Feb 1993 Volume 6 : Issue 18 Today's Topics: Re: On the definition of viruses scanners. Clarification on concepts Decisions, decisions Re: Virus Calendar Dr. Cohen and viral properties in finite machines Virus scan on a compressed drive (PC) Re: 696 Virus? (PC) Re: Here virus (PC) New varient of kampana? (PC) Re: Untouchable (PC) Re: Vshield vs Virstop (PC) Re: Mr. BIOS (PC) Re: Apparent new PC virus (PC) Re: need help with Green Caterpillar!! (PC) Pkzip Version 204E (PC) Re: CANSU V-SIGN at GA Tech (PC) malta amoeba? i know, i know... (PC) Virus/Security conference announcement - New York City New NIST Virus Pub VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart. Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform - diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise, polite, etc. (The complete set of posting guidelines is available by FTP on or upon request.) Please sign submissions with your real name. Send contributions to VIRUS-L@LEHIGH.EDU. Information on accessing anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed periodically on the list. A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document and all of the back-issues are available by anonymous FTP on ( Administrative mail (comments, suggestions, and so forth) should be sent to me at: . Ken van Wyk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 01 Feb 93 18:13:07 +0000 From: (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Re: On the definition of viruses (Y. Radai) writes: > To illustrate the generality of the situation, I'll even offer a > choice between three reasonable informal definitions of "virus": > (a) a virus is a sequence of instructions which replicates on *every* > execution; > (b) a virus is a sequence of instructions which replicates on *at > least one* execution; > (c) A sequence of instructions is a virus in a given run-time environ- > ment if and only if it replicates in that environment. Hmm... How about (d) A virus is a sequence of instructions for which an environment exists, in which this sequence of instructions replicates at least once. I guess it is most close to (b), with the "environmental" correction of (c). > If the definition is (a) or (b), then we can do even better: we can > show that in some cases the question cannot be decided even by running > the program any finite number of times. For example, suppose the > program asks the user to input four positive integers i, j, k, n > (where n must be > 2). If you choose definition (b), I shall take > to be "i^n + j^n = k^n". Naw, you have just demonstrated that solving the problem whether a program contains a virus or not can be made as difficult as any yet unsolved computational problem. However, with this you can only show that the universal virus detecting problem is a difficult, which we already knew... :-) The only way to show that it is -undecidable- is to insert some undecidable problem, instead of an yet unsolved one. I.e., put the halting problem, instead of Fermat's theorem. And we're back to square one, i.e. to Cohen's proof. Of course, this only shows that the two proofs are equivalent. Regards, Vesselin - -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg Tel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226 Fachbereich Informatik - AGN < PGP 2.1 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C e-mail: D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Feb 93 13:12:15 -0500 From: Ed Street Subject: scanners. I know this is probably a dumn question but I was wondering about the realistic aspects of scanners like do they really protect as much as some of the people that I have talked to seem to think? In my opinion they are just merely an aid to problem solving and should not be used as a general "cure-all" thanks. ed. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Feb 93 15:59:29 -0500 From: (A. Padgett Peterson) Subject: Clarification on concepts >From: Y. Radai >It is true that an algorithm for detection of viral infection on a >given machine can be cryptographically unsophisticated if it depends >on an unknown key. But why do you contrast this with "a public key"? >We are dealing here with authentication, and the situation in which an >authentication algorithm does have to be strong is in inter-machine >authentication, wherein *keyless* algorithms are used. Mr. Radai made quite a long posting indicating confusion with what I was trying to say (understandable since to the crypto world what I postulate with respect to viruses is untenable). Unfortunately, what is clear to me since I have been thinking about it for quite a few years is not obvious at first glance. The crypto view of authentication is that each object (message, program, etc.) must be authenticated or it cannot be trusted. Further, the authentication must be essentially unique and unforgable for each entity. Also, the authentication mechanism *is* trustworthy. The major difference between remote message authentication and malicious software activity is that for authentication you can trust the authenticator. In dealing with viruses, as many have pointed out: 1) You can't reliably tell malicious software by looking at it (else scanners would be all that we would need). 2) Once granted execution rights in a PC, malicious software can do *anything*. 3) The anti-viral software may be the first target. For this reason, it is pointless to have an authentication mechanism more powerful (slower) than the mechanism's ability to protect itself. >From this was generated the concept of the simple but unpredictable "checksumming" algorithm with a unique seed/key/signature for each platform. - possible because the values are only used internally, never externally. This is what I meant by " In a PC, virus protection is different and what we are looking for is immediate detection, the use of a checksum implies that we expect the file to be changed/infected/damaged." It might be clearer if I had said that we actually trust neither but are looking for an alarm. Even if we miss the first change, an alarm on the second will be adequate warning. Does this make more sense now: > Given a group of files (without knowledge of the key or seed), it be com- > putationally difficult to create a single file with the same checksum > as the given one and infeasible that two or more files could be affected > in the same way without detection. Given that we cannot protect the checksums, then it must be expected that the intruder could associate files and checksums (e.g. COMMAND.COM and its checksum). In this case a unique checksum could enable an intruder to use a table to determine the algorithm. This is what the following referred to: > Further, CRC "uniqueness" may be a clue that an intruder could use as > a test for success of a given attack. Better to alow for a (small) number > of duplications possible. The whole purpose was to reiterate that a compact, fast, simple validation routine is *enough* so long as it is unique for each machine and used internally only while for public transmission of an object that is unknown at the distant end requires a much more thorough and trusted mechanism. Again, I apologise for springing such a complex consideration on the group without adequate preparation (seemed simple to me) but it is evident that it did stimulate some thought. Warmly, Padgett ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 00:14:05 -0500 From: (Paul Ferguson) Subject: Decisions, decisions * Posted in USENET area comp.virus/Virus-L * Cross-Posted in FIDONET VIRUS_INFO Conference * Cross-Posted in FIDONET VIRUS Conference With due respect to the academic minds which frequent this newsgroup, I've found myself weighing the value of the numerous posts concerning the intrinsic definitions of a virus (versus a worm). Frankly, (not to muddy anyone's water), my personal opinion is that the folks who most value the importance of this medium care naught what the mathematical formula really is behind either definition or how they are derived. The computer community wants straight talk and answers geared towards sanity. Hats off to the gentleman who reminded us that "all computer users are not idiots". It doesn't take a slide rule or scientific quoatations to differentiate between a virus and a worm. Or the need to actually differentiate between the two at all. ;-) As Bruce Sterling so succintly put it in his book, "The Hacker Crackdown" -- "... American society is currently in a state approaching permanent technological revolution. In the world of computers particularly, it is practically impossible ever to stop being a 'pioneer,' unless you either drop dead or deliberately jump off the bus." That strikes home for me, a consultant, (like many of you), who goes to great lengths to stay technologically "challanged". Viruses, for those of us who have had the fortune (misfortune?) to have studied them since their appearance in the latter '80's, are nothing more than a nuisance. Due to media hype, (and more than a few scofflaw antivirus developers), a majority of computer users are scared stiff, totally misinformed and buying all the commercial "antivirus" trivialities they can get their hands on. Of course, this is only my humble opinion, but I think I can speak for the majority of corporate consultants out there in misinformation-land. I'll leave the chastising of misadvertising to someone who can stomach it. Basically, we've all agreed that there are two terms which are (incorrectly at times) used interchangeably: replication and propogation. Both terms deserve further definition; they continue to be misused and misunderstood by the "computer community", the virus neophytes. Both processes may rely specifically on their operating environment. A virus which can effectively be defined as a "virus" in DOS can hardly be classified as "virus" in another OS. Viruses are specifically written to exploit a particular operating system. That's a given. It can, however, replicate (hence the classification) and propogate in a DOS environment. Sure, there are some caveats, but let's be practical: the propogation requires execution (perhaps with human intervention) and the replication may be dependent on a number of factors (e.g. DOS version, disk partitioning). A virus replicates -- and it propogates, as well. Even if the virus is as simplistic as STONED, and even if it is "sneaker-netted" across half of California, it's still propogated. (In a sense.) But not in the same fashion as a worm. At least not by the characteristic qualities that I've studied in the past four years. A worm may also meet several of the same classifications as a virus, but certainly not all (again, by my own musings). A worm may need the execution (or the aid of execution) of another program to do it's bidding. A worm may need a particular flavored OS. A worm may require (or may not) a particular transfer protocol (e.g. TCP/IP, XNS). A worm may (or may not, as exemplar in the Morris worm) need human intervention. But replication? Morris' worm did create images of itself (limited in scope) in the target systems, but that is not inherent replication. Morris' worm simply created copies of itself (again, limited in scope) in the target computer's memory. It eventually dumped itself, (or at least planned to), however. Replication, in regards to viruses, infers attachment to a host executable (for all intrinsic purposes, an executable code segment). Propogation classifies it as a worm, by this definition. Replication would surely classify it as a virus, no? No. Worms are "travelling" programs; they move from system to system (via a network connection) and leave none of themselves behind (Virginian colloquial, no pun please). Could it be said, then, with a certain amount of practical assurance, that - 1.) A program must REPLICATE to be a virus. 2.) A virus which REPLICATES, inherently PROPGATES. 3.) A program must PROPGATE to be a worm. 3.) REPLICATION may infer PROPOGATION. 4.) PROPOGATION may infer REPLICATION, but not always. 5.) A program which PROPOGATES but which does not REPLICATE is certainly a worm. 6.) A program which PROPOGATES but which does not REPLICATE is certainly not a virus. Okay, you can insert "A" and "B" wherever you see fit (even throw in a "C" or a "V" or two), but let's be practical, ladies and gentlemen. This is not complicated, as much as it would appear. Computer viruses, the cat and mouse game surrounding them, the folks that research them and the creators of this type of code are all reaching an apocalyptic summit. Polymorphyism seems to have finally uprooted the basic needs of raw integrity management. Computing environments demand more computerisms; birth the age of DOS-less machines (again). It's funny how things have gone full circle. Protected mode OS's are more and more in demand in the corporate computer environment. DOS will be the homestead of [P]ersonal [C]omputer users for a while to come (witness: DOS v6.00). What's the answer? Perhaps a little straight-forwardness is in order. Comments and discussion welcome. Flames routed to /device/nul. And by the way, stop picking on Fidonet. We're doing pretty damned good, compared to a few years ago. I should know -- I'm the moderator of the Fidonet VIRUS_INFO Conference. Paul Ferguson | "The goal of all inanimate objects Network Integration Consultant | is to resist man and ultimately Alexandria, Virginia USA | defeat him." (Internet) | -- Russell Baker sytex!fergp (UUNet) | 1:109/229 (Fidonet) | - --- (Paul Ferguson) Sytex Systems Communications, Arlington VA, 1-703-358-9022 ------------------------------ Date: 02 Feb 93 09:50:36 +0000 From: (Fridrik Skulason) Subject: Re: Virus Calendar (Vesselin Bontchev) writes: >> VSUM and F-prot did not know about it ?!? >Nope, this is not true. Get a recent version of VSUM (2.12 is what we >have here) and look carefully. It has the virus described, under the >name Hymn. Of course, the description is wordy/incomplete/incorrect as >usual. And F-prot -does- recognize this virus. It can even disinfect >it, I think... Right. F-prot recognises three members of the Hymn family...Hymn, Sverdlow and 2144, and can disinfect them all. They are not common viruses (in the West, at least), but can be nasty, if they hit. - -frisk - -- - -- Fridrik Skulason Frisk Software International phone: +354-1-694749 Author of F-PROT E-mail: fax: +354-1-28801 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 10:53:40 -0500 From: (A. Padgett Peterson) Subject: Dr. Cohen and viral properties in finite machines From: (Fred Cohen) >The problem is that in the Turing Machine model, there is no `input'! >All the information needed for the computation is on the tape and in the >FSM, and is thus provided a-priori. Input is modeled as a preexisting >tape state. The undecidability proofs I generated relate to ANY inputs >(i.e. any tape state can exist outside the virus). They are thus `input' >independent. Fred is correct here, to the PC an interrupt occurs and data is "found" in a buffer. On examination the dilligent student will find that there are actually at least five "processors" in the most bare-bones PC. The Intel (or AMD or Cyrex or IBM or C&T) CPU executes in ignorance of anything except the state of its digital connections. >Not right. For finite sized systems, these problems are not unsolvable. >They merely take a lot of time to solve. We could literally try all >possible integers that could fit in the finite sized computer. Again Fred is exactly right however even for a PC testing the totality of finite possibilities would exceed the MTBF of the system. >All unsolvable problems of this sort depend on the size of the integers >being infinite. - As above. There is no undecidability for finite sized >computers, and there can never be. Correct, any program can be completely "reverse engineered" and all possible conditions examined. Even this is often not enough to determine intent (is that a bug or a feature ?) > The reason undecidable problems are undecidable is that they CAN >NEVER be solved by ANY Turing Machine. It does not depend on the state >of mathematics of the day or a proof not yet found or the number of >computations we can perform per unit time. In that sense, it is an >absolute limit of the nature of the machine. This I will take slight (but important) exception to. I would agree that it is *impractical* to identify every virus prior to execution. Further I will stipulate that after a virus has executed you cannot trust a machine to be able to detect that fact. However, in the above statement I would replace " ANY Turing Machine." with " any SINGLE Turing machine." Anyone who studies redundancy management will realize that with two machines it is possible to determine that a change (infection, failure) has occured, with three, it is possible to determine *which* machine is in error and in what way. This is the basis of my recent postings concerning the power of client-server relationships. Two points which should be of more importance to those concerned about viruses is the following: while the question of whether a given program contains a virus or not prior to execution, viral action is *always* detectable following inception *and for anyone concerned with integrity rather than definition, this is enough*. In addition, as yet *none* of the infections seen to date even approach sufficient complexity to invoke "the Turing Halting Problem" - some are difficult to detect on the fly and with commercially salable speed, but so far even these limitations have not been a problem - *and this is marketing - it does not relate to Turing at all*. Warmly, Padgett ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 19:02:00 +0000 From: (WONG JIMMY PAK-YEN) Subject: Virus scan on a compressed drive (PC) Hi, I'm considering getting some sort of disk compression utility for my PC (such as Stacker). Are virus scan programs still able to detect a virus on a compressed hard drive? Presently, when I download some ZIP files, I SCAN the disk containing the zipfile, unzip the files onto my hard disk, and scan the unzipped files. Will this still work on a compressed drive? Besides uncompressing onto a floppy first and scanning the floppy(too inconvenient!), what other options are there? Thanks in advance, Jim ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 93 16:42:45 +0000 From: (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Re: 696 Virus? (PC) mark@walt.CS.MsState.Edu (Mark Rauschkolb) writes: > A co-worker just told me that his home machine is heavily infected by > the 696 virus (according to McAfee SCAN). I looked for 696 in the > VSUM "program" but could not find it. SCAN 99 reports as "Scream2 [696]" the following viruses: Screaming_Fist.II.B Screaming_Fist.II.C Screaming_Fist.II.D Screaming_Fist.Stranger Since it is so poor on identification, I cannot tell you which one of them has been found in your case. In VSUM you can find the virus described under the entry "Scream-2". VSUM 2.12 also contains a cross-reference with the identifiers that SCAN uses, so you may check for "[696]" there. Regards, Vesselin - -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg Tel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226 Fachbereich Informatik - AGN < PGP 2.1 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C e-mail: D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 93 17:06:33 +0000 From: (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Re: Here virus (PC) (Ingar F Pedersen) writes: > I've just scanned my HD with scan 99, and it reported that some of my > files are infected with the Here virus. Have anybody got any > information on this virus? The only thing I know is that it infects > com files. What I would like to know is what it can do, how do I get > rid of it, is there a way to find out where it came from etc etc Well... The only thing from our collection that SCAN 99 reports as "Here [Hre]" is the We're_Here virus (incorrectly listed as "Were here" in VSUM). It is a non-resident COM-only infector, which infects only files in the current directory which are smaller than 60,000 bytes. On 3rd of any month, it installs a memory-resident payload which hooks the timer interrupt and occasionally prints "We're here". In general, that's a pretty uninfective virus, so I'm also curious how did it get in your files... Regards, Vesselin - -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg Tel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226 Fachbereich Informatik - AGN < PGP 2.1 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C e-mail: D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 93 20:00:38 +0000 From: Subject: New varient of kampana? (PC) Hello, My PC has just been infected by a virus. It would appear that the partition table has been corrupted/remove as I cannot access drive C. DR Dos 6 Fdisk says that there is no partition table when I boot off a clean floopy. I have traced the virus down to be a boot sector virus on a disk I was given today. The disk contained four Latex files and 4 hidden .sys files. Then I ran this disk throught Dr Solomons Toolkit it said that there was a new boot sector virus and also that there was Telefonica on the disk. The toolkit version is 6.07 I also ran the same disk with the lastest version of F-Prot 2.06b and it reported a new varient of Kampana. None of the system files are infected - according to the programs. What action can I take to repair the HD? Does it mean I will have to build another Partition table and reinstall the contents of the drive? If I do this can I be sure that the virus will no longer be on the system? Any comments would be helpful Thanks, Mark Woodgate ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 93 19:53:26 +0000 From: (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Re: Untouchable (PC) (Bill Lambdin) writes: > VB> have heard that the product has been completely redesigned.) Integrit > VB> Master is undoubtedly the best shareware integrity checker around, bu > VB> it is still MUCH worse that the integrity checker in Untouchable... > I have both the commercial, and share ware versions of Integrity Master > 5.0, and I found the Integrity checking to be pretty good. I would like it I have seen only the shareware version of Integrity Master, so I can comment only about it. > Personally; I like Integrity Master better than the integrity checking in > Untouchable for the following reasons. I am afraid that you don't have the necessary knowledge to determint which of the two integrity checking methods is more secure and are speaking from the "look and feel" point of view. > 1. IM creates two CRCs per file Which is completely useless, since two CRC are as easy to forge, as a single one, generated by a polynomial, which is the LCM of the polynomials used to compute the two different CRCs. The same goes for McAfee's VALIDATE, BTW... Much more important is to make the CRC unpredictable, i.e. different on the different computers, even if the files that are checksummed are always one and the same... As far as I know, both programs use randomly generated CRC polynomials for the checksums. I know the method used by Untouchable and -know- that it is secure. I have less information about IM, except that the polynomial is "random". > 2. integrity Master creates can create CRCs for all files instead of just > the subset of executable files. So can Untouchable. Just what Untouchable calls "all files" (one of the pre-defined sets) actually is "all executable files". If you want to make it to checksum really all files (including the data), you have to define this set yourself. Which is rather easy, BTW, having in mind how flexible UT's mechanism for defining sets of files to be checksummed is. > Granted Integrity Master can be improved. In fact I'm trying to talk IM does not take into account several attacks against integrity checking software, described in my paper. UT handles almost all of them. That's why I keep saying that UT is more secure than IM. The "look and feel" of the user interface is a matter of personal taste, that's why I am not commenting on it. BTW, the part that I liked the most in IM was its installation program. And if you are comparing the features of the two products (not just the security), IM does not have: 1) The flexible network support provided in UT. 2) Handling the database of checksums in a single file. 3) Generic virus removal, based on the information saved about the files prior to infection. 4) Heuristics which try to determine whether the modification of an executable object has been indeed caused by a virus and thus reduce the number of false alerts. > Wolfgang into updating the scanner in IM to detect boot sector droppers. > > Untouchable doesn't detect droppers either, and I consider them to be a > fairly large security hole. Well, you probably mean UTScan, because an integrity checker cannot detect droppers... But I was discussing the capabilities (and the security) of the integrity checker, not of the scanner of the two products. > Prevention is always the best policy. Then just use a scanner or a monitoring program... Unfortunately, as we all know, this doesn't always work, so we need to introduce integrity checking as a second and more powerful line of defense. Regards, Vesselin - -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg Tel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226 Fachbereich Informatik - AGN < PGP 2.1 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C e-mail: D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 93 20:27:30 +0000 From: (Vesselin Bontchev) Subject: Re: Vshield vs Virstop (PC) (Bill Lambdin) writes: > Vshield can detect new and unknown viruses except for two types. > > 1. Stealth > 2. Companion infectors. 3. Unknown viruses that patch VShield in memory to deactivate it. 4. Unknown viruses that patch VShield on the disk to deactivate it. 5. Unknown viruses that intercept the alert message VShield tries to output and prevent its output. 6. Unknown viruses that remove the checksums created by SCAN. 7. Unknown viruses that patch the database of checksums after they infect the file, so that the new checksum entry corresponds to the already infected file. 8. Unknown viruses that forge the checksum algorithm used by SCAN and infect the files without changing their size/time/checksum computed with this algorithm. 9. Unknown viruses that modify the CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files to prevent VShield from being run (and that optionally put a call to a fake program that generates a fake message that VShield is loaded and running). 10. Unknown viruses which infect only floppies. 11. Unknown viruses which infect only objects known to be modifiable. 12. Unknown slow viruses. Makes quite a long list of exceptions for a claim "can detect new and unknown viruses", doesn't it?... Never underestimate what an unknown virus could do... Regards, Vesselin - -- Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg Tel.:+49-40-54715-224, Fax: +49-40-54715-226 Fachbereich Informatik - AGN < PGP 2.1 public key available on request. > Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30, rm. 107 C e-mail: D-2000 Hamburg 54, Germany ------------------------------ Date: 02 Feb 93 09:43:47 +0000 From: (Fridrik Skulason) Subject: Re: Mr. BIOS (PC) (Tapio Keih{nen) writes: >My 386sx has the Mr Bios too (That name always brings some Pac Man >game to my mind:-). The antivirus thing prevents write attempts to >MBR. I haven't had too much time to test it well, but this far every >virus which writes something to MBR has been stopped by it. Hm...well, what does the user do if he really wants to write to the MBR - for example to re-partition the hard disk ? Maybe change a CMOS entry allowing MBR writes ? (if so, a virus could do that too)... - -frisk - -- - -- Fridrik Skulason Frisk Software International phone: +354-1-694749 Author of F-PROT E-mail: fax: +354-1-28801 ------------------------------ Date: 02 Feb 93 10:07:39 +0000 From: (Fridrik Skulason) Subject: Re: Apparent new PC virus (PC) (Ron Murray) writes: >* Using DEBUG to look at memory in the area above 9E00:0E00 shows, apart from > the usual junk, the string "Dudley". There's no evidence of this in infected > files, so perhaps it's encrypted. It also may be an artifact of the system > I was using at the time. Aha...yes I just got a copy of this one...a bit too late for F-PROT 2.07, which I am just about to start sending out...I guess it will have to wait for 2.07a F-PROT 2.06 will, as expected, detect it in "heuristic" mode - reporting the infected files as being self-modifying, (using encryption), This virus "Dudley" is actually a much improved variant of the "No Frills" virus, and probably written by the same author. >* Reputed to stop operation of Windows As somebody said - "Windows is a great virus-detector...infect it and it crashes." - -frisk - -- - -- Fridrik Skulason Frisk Software International phone: +354-1-694749 Author of F-PROT E-mail: fax: +354-1-28801 ------------------------------ Date: 02 Feb 93 10:15:09 +0000 From: (Fridrik Skulason) Subject: Re: need help with Green Caterpillar!! (PC) writes: >bootable floppy (MS-DOS 5, QEMM, Himem, RAMdisk, Virstop) copied the >infected files to the ramdisk ( which Virstop allowed... Hmmm.. ) Why the "Hmmm.." ? Virstop only intercepts the execution of infected files, but allows you to copy them freely. However, for those who want it to intercept file copy operations also, I have added a switch "/COPY" to version 2.07 - if it is used VIRSTOP will intercept all COPY and XCOPY operations, as well as almost any attempts to access the files. - -frisk - -- - -- Fridrik Skulason Frisk Software International phone: +354-1-694749 Author of F-PROT E-mail: fax: +354-1-28801 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 09:26:45 -0500 From: Subject: Pkzip Version 204E (PC) I noticed the following in the V204E.NEW file included in the new release of PKZIP: 2) The Norton AntiVirus program FALSELY reported that PKZIPFIX and PKUNZIP contained the Maltese Ameoba virus. The software DID NOT contain the virus. All files in this release have been modified so as to not trigger any false virus reports by the Norton AntiVirus program. Being a dedicated follower of Frisk, I always thought that this was Symantec's problem to fix...Gee, anybody have a contact with Symantec that will pre-test any shareware programs I plan on releasing in the future &:) Bill Bauserman ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 17:18:08 +0000 From: (John Mechalas) Subject: Re: CANSU V-SIGN at GA Tech (PC) writes: >I have had three confirmed reports of the CANSU or V-SIGN virus on the >Georgia Tech campus. At least one workstation in the computer science >department was infected. There is no formal reporting system on campus so I >suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Add two sightings at Purdue University to this....we had two 386 machines turn up infected just yesterday evening. - -- John Mechalas \ If you think my opinions are Purdue's, then \ you vastly overestimate my importance. Purdue University Computing Center \ Help put a ban on censorship :) General Consulting \ #include disclaimer.h ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 17:27:06 +0000 From: (Kyle Cassidy) Subject: malta amoeba? i know, i know... (PC) another one of those annoying messages.... cpav found something called a malta amoeba on some faculty members disk. he brought it down to me here in the dungeon lab and i scanned it with macafee scan 99 (i know there is a 100 out, don't beseage me with e-mail), and it found nothing. although in the virus list that comes with scan 99, it says that it will find the "maltese amoeba". any idea what's going on? is this a false positive or should i grab myself another virus scanner, if so, which one??? thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Feb 93 08:24:11 -0800 From: Richard W. Lefkon Subject: Virus/Security conference announcement - New York City SIXTH INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER SECURITY & VIRUS CONFERENCE and Exposition sponsored by DPMA Fin.Ind.Chapter in cooperation with ACM-SIGSAC, BCS, CMA, COS, EDPAAph, ISSAny, NUInypc, IEEE Computer Society Box 894 Wall Street Station, NY NY 10268 (800) 835-2246 x190 MARCH SECURITY CONFERENCE ADDS EXHIBITS TO 90 SPEAKERS ------------------------------------------------------ Among 70+ MAINSTREAM VENDORS with Exhibits and/or products being shown are AIM, American Power Conversion, Arcus, ASP, Banyan, Central Point, ChiCor, Comdisco, Computer Associates, DEMAX, DCA, Dr.Solomon/OnTrack, Fifth Gene- ration, Fischer, Futurex, Intel, International Business Machines, Janus, LeeMah Datacom, McAfee Associates, Microcom/Dataguard, Novell, Norton, Racal Guardata, Raxco/Clyde, Safetynet, Security Dynamics, Spring, Sun, Symantec/SAM, USL, Uti-Maco/Safeguard, Xtree. Exhibits mgt by Expoconsul (DEXPO originators). Among the 90 SPEAKERS & CHAIRS in prelim 5 TRACK (46 Sessions) schedule: Conference Committee (plus those asterisked below): K.Brunnstein,U.Hamburg; H.Highland,Compulit; R.Lefkon, NYU; G.Mallen,U.Iberoamerica; W.Murray,Deloitte; E.Okamoto, JAIST Keynote Speaker: Kanwal REkhi, Novell EVP for Netowrks & UNIX Heads of Electronic Security: Apple: J.Paradise*; IBM: W.Vance; MCI: Nora Mae; Novell: E.Babcock(viruses); Sprint: R.Storck; Sun: R.Borgia; others Government and project leaders: S.Charney,U.S.Justice; K.Citarella,WestchesterD.A.; D.Delaney, NYS PoliceLabs; I.Gilbert,NIST; H.Hosmer; S.Katzke*, NIST; N.Lynch,NIST; K.vanWyk*,DISSP; P.Toth,NIST;G.Thackeray*,MaricopaCo Network Protectors: J.J.Bloombecker, NCCCD; T.Duff*,AT&T; S.Garfinkel,NeXT; M.Gomoll,ChiCor; S.Gordon,Fidonet;J.Hawkins, Schmidt; W.Houston,Comdisco; D.Parker*,SRI; S.Purdy,Kroll; others and crackers: I.Murphy (Capt.Zap; White House); R.Schiffreen (Buckingham P.) Leading UNIX/DOS anti-malware figures: M.Bishop,Dartmouth; V.Bontchev,Bulgaria; F.Cohen*,ASP: C.Fisher, Karlsruhe; D.Gryaznov,Russia; P.Kane,Panda; K.Levitt*,U.C.Davis; P.Peterson*,M-Marietta R.Riordan,Michelangeo; F.Skulason*,F-PROT; A.(Dr) Solomon; P.Tippettt,Certus With the wide cross-sponsorship shown above for this its sixth year, the conference will be held Wednesday thru Friday March 10-12, 1993, at the Madison Square Garden Ramada Hotel in New York City. Most food, a 900-page bound Proceedings, Empire State Building Observatory reception, and discounted hotel rooms ($44.50 p/p dbl) are available with registration. The Ramada is convenient to all three New York airports, Amtrak (accross the street in Pennsylvania Station), and parking. Fees range from $325 for repeat attendees through $395 for association members who sign up on time. The four-for-three group rate is $975. Complete faxed information is available by calling (800) 835-2246 x190. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Feb 93 13:37:26 -0500 From: Tim Polk Subject: New NIST Virus Pub NIST recently issued a new "special publication", NIST SP 800-5, "A Guide to the Selection of Anti-Virus Tools and Techniques" by W. Timothy Polk & Lawrence E. Bassham III. SP 800-5 is primarily intended for people who are tasked with selecting appropriate anti-virus tools for an agency or organization. This document augments the guidance found in SP 500-166, "Management Guide to Computer Viruses", with technical guidance concerning anti-virus tools. SP 800-5's abstract: Computer viruses continue to pose a threat to the integrity and availability of computer systems. This is especially true for users of personal computers. A wide variety of anti-virus tools are now available to help manage this threat. Such tools can detect, identify, and remove viruses. Different tools utilize a wide range of techniques to perform these basic functions. The different techniques result in important differences in the functionality, practicality, and convenience of these tools. This guide details factors for judging the functionality, practicality, and convenience of anti-virus tools. It does not weigh the merits of specific tools, however it forms a basis with which readers can then evaluate which tools are best suited to target environments. SP 800-5 is 39 pages in length, excluding references and indices, and is available from the Government Printing Office for $3.75 a copy. GPO stock number is SN003-003-03188-7. Complimentary copies (one per person, please) are available from NIST. Please contact: Ms. Dianne Ward NIST B151 Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2821 For more immediate gratification, the PostScript file for SP 800-5 may be downloaded from the NIST Computer Security Bulletin Board at (301) 948-5717/5140 [2400/9600 baud service]. The file is named and is ~100K. Internet users may obtain the file via anonymous ftp from; the file name is pub/nistpubs/ and is ~420K. SP 500-166 is also available from those sources. On the BBS and ftp server, the file is in ascii text form and is named sp500166.txt. On the ftp server, the file is in directory pub/nistpubs. Thanks, Tim Polk ------------------------------ End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 6 Issue 18] *****************************************