Changed distribution method of VIRSCAN.DAT As of Februari 20, 1992, we are using a new method to distribute the VIRSCAN.DAT virus signature file. As of that date, the distribution archive is named VSIGYY##.ZIP, where YY is the last two digits of the current year and ## is the sequence number. The distribution archive now also includes AVR modules, which are used to detect self encrypting viruses. A monthly update of the distribution archive will be released around the 20th of every month. Emergency updates are distributed in case a rapidly spreading virus is discovered. Emergency updates are distributed named ASIGYY##.ZIP (the "A" means Additional) and contains a file named ADDNSIGS.DAT. This file will usually have a rather short life, all emergency updates are moved over to VIRSCAN.DAT in the next monthly release. TBSCAN v3.30, TBSCANX v3.10 and HTSCAN v1.17 automatically detect and use the ADDNSIGS.DAT file. Emergency updates will be released if they aree needed. The Dutch Virus Busters: , [RiZwi], FV, HT, say_bibi(); & Erwin.