Using TransferDatabase Macro to Attach to SQL Server Data Summary: This article describes how to use the TransferDatabase macro action to attach to data in SQL Server tables and what information is necessary to execute this process. This article assumes the reader is fluent with Microsoft Access Macro code and its operation. More Information: The macro action TransferDatabase can be used to import from, export to, or attach to external data sources. This article specifically describes how to attach to data in a SQL Server table. When you create a macro with the TransferDatabase action, you will need to supply the macro-specific arguments: Transfer Type: For this type of transfer, choose ATTACH. Database Type: This is the type of the external database source that is being attached. In this case, select . Database Name: With SQL Server, a connect string supplies the necessary information. Object Type: The type of object being attached in this case is a TABLE. Source: The name of the table in the SQL Server table goes here. Destination: This is the name of the table as it is seen in the Microsoft Access database. Structure Only: Depends on whether the data should be attached, also. In most cases (as well as this case) this should be NO. The connect string (Database Name) is basically a string of items or parameters that define the remote data source and the user's identification. The following are items within the connect string: DATA SOURCE NAME (DSN): The name of the SQL Server machine. DATABASE QUALIFIER (DBQ): The name of the SQL Server database. WORKSTATION ID (WSID): The name of the workstation that is making the connection (optional). USER ID (UID): The login id*. PASSWORD (PWD): The user password*. * This item is optional within the connect string. If it is not present, the system will prompt the user with a dialog box to enter this information at the time the macro is executed. Note: SQL Server is case sensitive when dealing with password information. The following is a sample connect string to SQL Server. Note that it starts with "ODBC", which tells the system that it will use the ODBC driver (as opposed to an installable ISAM driver). ODBC;DSN=ServerX;DBQ=Pubs;WSID=wrkstn1;USID=JohnDoe;PWD=MARCH This string would be placed in the Database Name argument of the TransferDatabase action.