INSTCAT.48 Catalog Stored Procedure Script For SYBASE SQL Server v. 4.8 ------------------------------------------ This file is used to prepare the SYBASE SQL Server 4.8 database for use with Microsoft Access 1.0 and ODBC. It will install several tables and stored procedures that report catalog information to ODBC. To install the catalog stored procedures, use the SQL Server ISQL (Interactive SQL) tool. You can run the ISQL tool from the MS-DOS, OS/2 or UNIX command line. The syntax to install INSTCAT.SQL using ISQL is: isql /U /n /P /S /i /o (NOTE: Enter the preceding two lines as one line at the command prompt, and don't include the angle brackets < >.) /U Login name for the system administrator. /n Eliminates line numbering and prompting for user input. /P Password (case sensitive) used for the system administrator. /S Name of the driver to set up. /i Provides the drive and fully qualified path for INSTCAT.SQL. /o Provides ISQL with an output file destination for results, including errors. Example: isql /U sa /n /P skier /S DUMMY_SERVER /i D:\SQL\INSTCAT.SQL /o D:\SQL\OUTPUT.TXT This file is provided to allow users of SYBASE SQL Server 4.8 connectivity with Microsoft Access. The use of this file is not supported by Microsoft. Microsoft Access 1.0 does not support SYBASE SQL Server connectivity. Microsoft did not test this connectivity and does not provide support for problems arrising from SYBASE usage with Microsoft Access. Information on Microsoft Access connectivity to SYBASE SQL Server may be obtained on the Microsoft Access CompuServe Forum, MSACCESS. To join this forum, type GO MSACCESS at the ! prompt in CompuServe.