You'll find here the documentation for last minute changes and for features that have been added since the manual was printed. Please read this file. You may find very useful the new features described here. Version 1.01 12/15/92 - Added Filename placeholders in User Menus **************************************************** Text added to EW.WRI Version 1.02 01/09/92 - Changed behavior of Save As... function ************************************************** Now, when saving a file using the Save As... dialog box, the current Editor is automatically renamed. All relevant data of E! are updated accordingly. However, the User sets (keyboard, compiler commands, etc...) used by the active Editor are not changed. Since User sets are very often loaded according to the filename extension, this may generate some confusion if the new filename has a different extension. E! cannot decide which user sets to link with the renamed file because you may want to keep the current User sets active even if you changed the filename extension. So, it's better to reload the appropriate User sets manually. This change is reflected in the documentation and in the online help.