Larry Waller DLW Consulting, Inc. (516) 569-4559 Compuserve - 76307,1627 Mail Watcher 2.0 is freeware. The only thing I ask is that you send me your feedback. Installation: Copy MAILWTCH.EXE to any directory (I advise that you use your MSMAIL directory) Copy MAPI.VBX to your SYSTEM directory You are also required to have VBRUN200.DLL History: This is the first public release of this product. It was developed out of a need to keep a notify program running so users don't accidentally close mail and not get notified of new mail until the following morning. Jamie Beaulieu from Microsoft had similar requests from customers. He developed a program that accomplished these needs. I started with his program as a base and built a better interface that suited my clients needs. If you have any questions or suggestions please send mail to me on compuserve 76307,1627. I will try to respond to any questions or suggestions.