WinClock(tm) Copyright 1993 by Patrick Breen - All rights reserved. This file lists the changes between revisions of WinClock. v1.1 - February 7, 1993 Fixed drawing problem that resulted in "ghost" clocks. This version uses the Windows 3.1 function RedrawWindow() to invalidate the caption of the previous window which had the clock. If RedrawWindow() is not available (ie, Windows 3.0 is being used), the entire desktop window is invalidated. This does solve the problem, but it causes a noticeable flicker. I will continue to look for a better solution. Fixed drawing problem in very small windows - the clock would cover the system menu and the window border. Now it will never extend outside of the caption area. Added date. A short click on the clock will display the date in the caption bar for a few seconds before displaying the time again. There are a couple of date formats available in the Setup... dialog. Removed flashing colon when seconds are not displayed. Added ability to position the clock on either the left or the right of the caption bar. This is controlled by an option found in the Setup... dialog. Added Setup... dialog so that many options can be set at once. Added Color... dialog. This dialog allows you to specify the text and background color of the clock. It now defaults to using the system colors. The Set... buttons are enabled if you have the Windows COMMDLG.DLL (I didn't want to create a fancy color dialog). Otherwise, type in the RGB value of the color you desire. (Thanks to all the people who contributed ideas and bug reports - I will continue to listen and respond to all contributions) v1.0 - January 30, 1993 Initial Release