* * * C H U C K - A - L U C K * * * RELEASE History This is the start of the History file to indicate what changes, corrections and additions I have done. Release: 04/18/93 - Ver .6beta: * * * S U P P O R T B B S * * * Com-Dat BBS 2001 N.E. Hyde St. Hillsboro, OR. 97124 BBS Node 1 - (503) 681-0543 14.4 HST DS BBS Node 2 - (503) 640-0278 14.4 V.32 FIDO 1:105/314 105/317 (BBS & Mail) HST DS FIDO 1:105/330 (Mail Only 14.4 V.32) First time callers have access to Door Files. Thanks For Playing Chuck-A-Luck Mike Jordan