*********** Pre-Release *********** 05/21/93 -------- I have changed the directory naming convention for message file attaches. They are now always 8 characters long with the area number in hex, first, followed by the message number in hex. So, for message number 255 in area 523 you would have a directory named "020B00FF" in your attach directory. You will need to update MTNT.EXE, MTMAIL.EXE, MTQWK.EXE and MTNET.EXE depending on your usage of them. This is so that I will not have to make major changes in the release to accomodate more than 1000 areas. I added the ability to type in the area number in the message/file base editor. As you hit the number(s), Mutant will move to whatever you have typed thus far. So, if you want to go to base 998, Mutant would first move to base 9 and then 99 and then finally 998. Also, to avoid possible memory problems in the future, the editor is more disk intensive (i.e. it doesn't load all the area names into memory, but only as you scroll). 05/17/93 -------- The "%N" modifier to prevent running a door from more than one node no longer exists. Instead, I implemented "door names" which allow me to keep door usage information. See MUTANT.TXT and MULTNODE.TXT for further information. I added two new menu commands (see MUTANT.TXT): 500 - Display Door Usage Graph 502 - Delete Door Usage Information I added two new prompts, "door graph header" and "door graph footer". Execute MTNTS.EXE into a temporary directory and look at the sample PROMPTS.TXT for the new prompts. 05/14/93 -------- In your message base directory, you need to do the following: 1. Rename MSGDTA.x to x.DTA 2. Rename MSGIDX.x to x.IDX 3. Rename BASES.IDX to INDEX.MSG In your file transfer directory, you need to do the following: 1. Rename FILELIST.x to x.LST 2. Rename FNFOELST.x to x.INF 3. Rename BASES.IDX to INDEX.MSG The above changes are designed so that I may expand the maximum number of bases allowed. The changes involved in step 3 of each part allow you to make your file transfer and message directory the same directory. I'd advise you to make them different since Mutant will run faster. You will need all new executables in order to run Mutant. 05/12/93 -------- There were problems with the previous pre-release sample files of Mutant. Namely the inability to download the "temp archive" and a few others. These have been fixed for distribution purposes. If you notice problems in your versions, consult the documentation for accuracy of your menu commands.