THE CD LIBRARY V1.10 Written by Ben Van Hool Copyright (C) 1993 Belgium ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ INTRODUCTION ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ HOW THE CD LIBRARY WAS BORN Since my CD collection is becoming pretty big, it's easy to have a list around, with all the CD's I possess. But what I hate is that you lend some of your favourite CD's to a friend, and never get them back. Often I forgot whom I gave them to, and after a while I even forgot that I ever bought that CD ! To solve all these problems, I decided to write myself a program good enough to keep track of these things. It took me a while to do all the writing, but I think the result is quite good. Even more, I think it's worth the money I spend already on lost CD's. I tried to incorporate other people's needs, so the program can be used by anyone who wants to. I hope I succeeded ... WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH IT Each CD Library file (.CDL) can keep up to 500 records (Do you have that many CD's ?). The records can be sorted, printed out, edited later, etc. just like a real database. But what's more important (that was at least my need) is the 'borrower' field and the in/out status. Each record (CD) has an in/out field which can be turned on or off. The status 'in' means that the CD is available, while 'out' means that ... yes, that's right. When a CD is out, you can fill out the 'borrower' field, so you know exactly which CD has been borrowed by whom. When the CD comes back in, you simply turn the in/out field off and the borrower field is cleared automatically. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ SHAREWARE CONCEPT ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ IMPORTANT This product is released as shareware, which means that it is not in the public domain, nor is it free. All rights are reserved and stay with the author. you are granted a 30-day trial period. If, after that period, you decide to keep using the product, you should register it. DISCLAIMER The author can not be held responsible for any damage or loss of data caused to you, your soft- or hardware by the use of this product. Nor is he bound to keep writing future versions of the CD Library. REGISTRATION The shareware version is a fully working version (I say fully !). Every function should work normally (except for all the bugs that are still in it ...). The only limitation I put in it, is that only the first 25 records of a file can be accessed. It simply means that you can not create CD libraries with more than 25 records in it. Consider it as a kind of insurance, to ensure myself a descent living. To register your copy of the CD Library, you should read the REGISTER.FRM file. After paying your registration fee, you will receive a code, which you can use to generate a key. This key will clear the first screen, saying you are not registered, put your name in the 'registered to' box and ... allow you to create libraries of up to 500 records. Just remember that a lot of time and work has been put in the making of this program. I know very well that it's not the 'Best Shareware Program ever', but the registration fee is reasonable. It's up to you to decide whether you register or not, and that you keep the shareware concept working... Unregistered users, just do me one favour : even when you think this product is useless, pass it to friends and place it on your favourite BBS'es. Other people may benefit from the use of this product. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ USAGE ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ I will not explain you in depth every detail or function that is in the program, since it is very easy to use, even if you do not know anything about computers. Although, some important remarks ... 1. The following files need to be in the SAME directory, and are all nessecary to make the program working : CDLIB.EXE Main executable. CDLIB.MNU File which contains all the menus. CDLIB.PHD File needed to print to file or printer. CDLIB.UNR A key for Unregistered users. [ not needed any longer after registration ] CDLIB.KEY Your registration key. [ only needed after registration ] 2. It's best to run the program from a hard drive. It will work very slow from floppy, since not all the menus stay in memory all the time, so a lot of swapping has to be done. While running from a hard drive, you will not notice any of this. 3. For everything you do, every item you choose from the menu, an expenation is given in the bottem of the screen. Each item is explained as good as possible. THE MENUS Main menu ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Load ³ Save ³ New ³ Add ³ View ³ Edit ³ Sort ³ Print ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ Search ³ About ³ Exit ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Load : Load a .CDL file into memory. All files created with the CD Library have the extension .CDL When entering a file name in the program you should not ad this extension or try to add another one. Save : Write a .CDL file to disk. Same remark as above : do not enter an extension. New : Create a new .CDL file. Unregistered users will be able to create libraries up to 25 items. Once you register, you can expand these libraries (by just adding new items) up to 500 records. Add : Add new records to a library. To stop adding records, just press escape. The record you are currently in will then be lost, so make sure you are standing on a blank record. View : Simply scroll through the records by using the page up and page dosn key. Escape quits viewing. Edit : This mode allows you to edit earlier inputted records. Backspace : Toggles the borrower field on or off. When you turn the field on, a blank line will pop up, asking you to enter the name of the borrower. Entering a blank line here, will not turn on the 'in/out' mode. When the in/out mode is on (this is when a CD has been borrowed by someone), and you turn it off by pressing the backspace key, then the borrower field will be cleared and the status will be turned off. Tab : Start editing the fields. You can run through the fields by pressing tab a few times. When the in/out status is on, you will be able to edit the 'borrower' field too. Making this field blank, turns off the in/out status. While editing a field, you can press escape to clear the line at once. Pressing escape again, before you typed anything else, pops up the line again. Sort : Allows you to sort your records. It's up to you whether you want to sort them on the 'Band', 'Title', 'Style' or 'Year field. Choosing the 'Sort order' option in the menu, allows you to choose between ascending (up) or descending (down) order. The defauls set in the program are : 'Title' & 'Ascending'. If you want to use these defaults just choose 'Go' to start sorting, otherwise set your defaults before choosing 'Go'. Print : Unregistered users will only be able to print to the printer. Registered users can print to a .TXT file, and edit this file with their default editor. This file can then be used in other applications. !! Make sure the printer has been turned on before you start printing to it, or the program will halt with an error. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this problem has not yet been solved. Search : When you enter a search string, the program will search all record & fields for match. The program will stop after each matching item. You can then choose to continue searching, or to quit. About : Display the about screen. When you plan to register, check this screen to see, if the address and account number are the same as mentionned in the REGISTER.FRM Exit : Leave the program.