---------- USERID.TXT ---------- This is a short file used to show the use of USERID.BIN, written by XXXXXXXX. This quick little routine is designed to check on your LAN for the userid of the current user. This can then allow you to use the information for a variety of purposes, by placing the returned value into a memory variable that you can work with in your programs. The easiest use of it, is with the function by Angus Scott-Fleming, in the file MISC.PRG in LIBXX.ZIP. This function (USERID()) will do the work for you. The basics are: LOAD USERID.BIN cTEMP = space(48) CALL USERID WITH cTEMP RELEASE MODULE cTEMP Also note, if you are using version 1.5 of dBASE IV, this routine is completely unnecessary, as you can use the function ID(), instead.