LE CLUB LINGERIE INSTALL NOTES. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS A VERY SIMPLE PROGRAM TO INSTALL You should have gotten two files in a ZIPPED FORMAT. GIRLS01A.ZIP & GIRLS01B.ZIP Place this program on a diskette and log to that drive. TYPE 'INSTALL'. OR COPY TO A SUBDIRECTORY ON THE HARD DRIVE EXAMPLE: ('MD\GIRLS' > 'CD\GIRLS' THEN 'COPY A:*.*' FINAL STEP: 'PKUNZIP *.ZIP' REQUIRES PKUNZIP.EXE AFTER THE FILES HAVE UNCOMPRESSED. >>>>>>>>>>> THEN TYPE -- 'Begin'. The menu will run. THEN >>> TYPE 'Begin'. The program will come up with a menu. Just follow the menu to go to any chapter. FOR EVEN MORE VIEWING PLEASURE = BECOME A REGISTERED USER AND WE SEND YOU DOZENS MORE PRETTY PICTURES. WE HAD TO KEEP THIS SMALL FOR DISTRIBUTION OVER THE BBS'ES. OR YOU CAN ORDER THE WINDOWS VERSION, EVEN MORE FUN! These items make GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS ... They also make great BIRTHDAY GIFTS ... Have real fireworks on 4th OF JULY ... Make for an unforgettable VALENTINE'S DAY... What more patriotic way to Celebrate FlAG DAY ... Reward your woman for all her good work on LABOR DAY ... You won't have a more memorable MEMORIAL DAY ... You won't find an Earthier way to Celebrate EARTH DAY ... And oh, the best way to give thanks on THANKSGIVING DAY ... WARNING: We don't advise giving these to your secretary on SECRETARY'S DAY ... (Unless you weren't gonna get any work done anyway.) It's one way to make Dad feel really good about MOTHER'S DAY ... Or Mom to feel really good about FATHER'S DAY ... Or how about really celebrating GUY FAWLKES DAY for a change ... Then there's always CINQO DE MAYO ... And there's no better way to feel Presidential on PRESIDENT'S DAY ... And what better way to play TRICK OR TREAT ON HALLOWEEN ...