TIMESET 7.21 June 13, 1992 TimeSet 7.21 is a maintenance version correcting a flaw in Version 7.20 that prevented it from detecting nonstandard serial port configurations such as an unusual port address or IRQ number. This made it impossible for anyone not using a standard address or IRQ to detect connection with one of the atomic time sources. The flaw caused no problem for users whose computers have standard serial port configurations. There is good reason, however, for all users of version 7.20 to replace it with 7.21, namely that the precision and accuracy of time readings and settings have once again been improved significantly. With Tom Becker's RighTime 2.54 installed, trained for optimal clock drift correction and providing .01-sec resolution to the DOS clock, line delay calls made in quick succession to time services providing line delay measurement -- the NIST (Boulder), USNO (Washington), Tom's TimeGen service (Dallas), and two European services (Sweden and Austria) -- consistently agree within .01 second and very often agree exactly. Pete Petrakis