Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: ABCFLAGS.TIL Subject: International Alphabet and Numeral Flags Created By: Bill Ingram I only recently learned that there are flags used mostly in nautical situations which depict the alphabet and all numerals. They make a nice set of tiles and who knows, maybe someone who needs to know this kind of information might find this a helpful way to learn the "flags." By using the "wild card" slots for numeral 9 and 0 the set works exactly right for the ABC's and Numerals...which probably means 25 people have already created a set of tiles just like this one... Oh well, it was fun, a little educational and prehaps someone else will enjoy them too. Thanks to Nels Anderson for including the tilemaker in this great game. I have the 4.0 version and it is great...Well worth the registration fee! I also purchased two additional tile disks and have learned a lot about making tiles from studying the work of others. These tiles are available to anyone who cares to use them I release them to the Public domain and hope that someone else will be able to enjoy them. This is set #6...making tiles is at least as much fun as playing the game. Bill Ingram 505 Rollingbrook Baytown, TX 77521 June, 1993